wow gee thanks Jwol2! I appreciate your feedback
be sure to share with all of your friends
April 30, 2015 9:46 a.m.
NeverGoingBlack says... #3
I saw and brewed a deck similar to this a few months agoHere's my deck
I highly recommend Generator Servant and Forbidden Orchard. Generator Servant is a 2 drop that makes it much easier to cast both stuffy and blasphemous act on the same turn. You also get haste so stuffy can tap for extra damage. Generator is also a 2/1. Big enough to chip away at your opponent but small enough to seem unworthy of removal.
Orchard is awesome for this kind of deck. It helps your fixing a lot and brings down the cost of blasphemous act exponentially faster. Because you know their tokens are going to die soon anyway they're a non-threat.
May 1, 2015 1:15 a.m.
@NeverGoingBack: thanks for the suggestions!
I will add in the Forbidden Orchard for sure, I am thinking about the Generator Servant. I think its really great but I don't know what to take out for it
May 1, 2015 2:09 p.m.
Saljen Im still not completely convinced with Generator Servant... am i missing anything?
I really dont think the haste enabling does all that much, as i wont be swinging with all too much, and requires an initial investment. with simian I can get ahead of the mana curve and drop things turn 1-2 with reasonable ease, and the red instead of colorless is good
May 2, 2015 12:15 p.m.
NeverGoingBlack says... #7
Reasons I choose Servant over SSG.
1) He's a permanent. You can swing or block with him if need be.
2) He's can sac himself, this means he's likely to not be targeted by removal because you can activate his ability and then use it.
3) The one I think is most important. He lets you put down Stuffy Doll a turn earlier. Unless you have 2SSG in your hand you are playing stuffy doll turn 4 at the earliest. If you play Servant turn 2 and drop a land turn 3 you're playing stuffy doll. If you've been using forbidden orchard your opponent has likely 3/4 permenants(2 spirits, 1-2 of their own creatures) out which means Blasphemous act will cost 4(9-opponents 4 creatures, your stuffy) so you can play it turn 4, kill their board and have them take 13 to the face. You're playing a turn 4 format. If you can cause them to almost reset their board state before they can kill you on a crucial turn that's a HUGE edge
May 2, 2015 1:34 p.m.
with that i would have to agree. But I think i will keep the SSG in and remove the raise the alarms for the servant.
May 2, 2015 2:14 p.m.
XTechNinjaX says... #9
This isn't really my play style so I don't have any mechanical suggestions but you need a new wrath. Even if just for sideboard. I know from the decks I play that I would love to play against you to see your face when I cast my Phyrexian Obliterator. Especially with Gods so heavy in the meta right now and indestructible shenanigans I would probably put in 2x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and swap to Killing Wave or at least have it in my sideboard for those matchups. Blood Artist may or may not be nice just to force damage. All in all I like this deck but I see that being one exploitable weak point. +1 from me!
May 9, 2015 11:51 a.m.
XTechNinjaX says... #10
I fail sometimes! I think blasphemous act is awesome in this deck...I forot that Boros Reckoner redirects damage too...I would still side Killing Wave in case and still recommend Blood Artist but I see where you are going now with the massive damage redirects!
May 9, 2015 11:59 a.m.
I will look into testing with blood artist, that may get the final points of life through. However I really want to keep the black mana to a limit, to consistency. I dont really see the point in running Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. In my meta i dont see a lot of indestructibles and Phyrexian Obliterator so im not too worried about these rare instances
May 11, 2015 12:54 a.m.
I'd swap Stuffy Doll for Spitemare. I have a very similar deck called Blasphemous Forbidden Orchard that you should check out.
May 20, 2015 1:12 a.m.
I have thought about that for a long time matbyrne, but I think that the indestructible is very relevant in modern. I may end up splitting 2-1 or 1-2 eventually, thanks for the suggestion!
May 20, 2015 1:26 a.m.
rocklobster says... #14
Great redirect deck. What are your thoughts on Dictate of the Twin Gods or other damage multipliers? It doubles all damage dealt to redirectors and again doubled on the way out. Raises the stakes but always fun.
May 26, 2015 2:35 a.m.
@ rocklobster wow i didnt think about that
the problem is that most of them will top off my curve, and i usually wont want in an opening hand. I might consider Fire Servant because he is on a body, but we will see
May 26, 2015 9:06 a.m.
misterbiscuitbarrel says... #16
You know, with all the life Soulfire Grand Master is giving you, it's a shamecough Serra Avatar you don't cough Sanguine Bond cough have anything Ajani, Caller of the Pride cough with lifegain synergy.
May 26, 2015 9:25 a.m.
While i would love to go that route misterbiscuitbarrel, i dont rely on Soulfire too much, and I only have 2 in the deck. Since it is really my only lifegain, i dont think it would be worth running those cards as they would be dead cards in hand
May 26, 2015 11:33 a.m.
Volcano Hellion Volcano Hellion Volcano Hellion. i have a similar deck, as soon as i make a Profile for it HERE i'll link it. have to Love Blasphemous act + Boros Reckoner, Stuffy Doll or Spitemare. I also like Pariah and some Valor Made Real just a few copies on the sideboard if your opponent is playing zoo or junk. this deck is REALLY promising and i'm looking forward to testing it in modern tours
May 27, 2015 12:01 p.m.
Earthquake could serve a purpose here as well, though it doesn't play well with Blasphemous Act. Board wipe plus double damage to your opponent (1 hit from Earthquake, 2nd hit from Stuffy Doll).
The CMC is probably too high, but Hostility would be a blast to pull off with Earthquake.
May 27, 2015 12:02 p.m.
@DHWorlds will have to test out the hellions. Its a shame it doesn't work with the Soulfire master, but it is a powerful card itself. I do think this can be a competitive deck, let me know when you have posted yours and if you test it!!
@yad another good card for me to test, thanks! I may end up taking it out for the Chain Reaction, but we will see how much I can usually cast it for. thanks!
May 27, 2015 1:38 p.m.
@firemanefruitcake he would be a perfect fit for the deck, unfortunately, he isnt modern legal :(
May 27, 2015 4:33 p.m.
May i spend some words about your deck my friend!! I really think we are all on something here.this deck doesn't lack consistency or firepower, it can easily stabilize with its defensive AND agressive capacities. i just can't seem to understant why Faithless Looting and Humble Defector are in this build, i guess a more CONTROL type of deck, removing creatures while gaining life is much more reliable and straight forward... going -1 with looting is just for graveyard based decks. this deck is a stall and combo deck with bits and pieces of aggro and midrange. it has it's consistent removal, lifegain and accecible combo pieces to OTK your opponent or finish him of. the versatility, survivability and consistency of this deck agains MANY of the meta decks like Abzan Junk, Splinter Twin, Affinity is just ABSURD... i could really keep talking forever about how much potential this has...
May 27, 2015 8:32 p.m.
@DHWorlds many thanks for your kind words! I do think this deck has a lot of potential, and it has been a blast playing around with it so far. I am still in the process of hunting down all the cards irl, im pretty much missing just the manabase at this point. In using the playtester i found that I could use a lot more draw to get answers, so thats why i threw in the faithless and humble defector. I am a huge fan of defector because not only is it body on board, but i will likely blow it up when i activate it anyway.
May 27, 2015 9:15 p.m.
@rshizzle i see, i just don't like the -1 on the Looting. bt i can see defector being quite the addition, pyroclasm seems to synergize very well with him. in my build i really added a few more copies of Soulfire Grand Master, Spitemare and Lightning Helix just for the lifegain and overall consistency, but your build seems about as good as mine... actually i can see it being a lot better. Congrats for the unique brew, LETS BREAK THE META DUDE!
Jwol2 says... #1
10/10 brilliant
April 30, 2015 9:44 a.m.