maniacalspy says... #3
Nevermind about the pariah, I hadn't noticed it in the sideboard the first time I looked
May 27, 2015 10:37 p.m.
To everyone who is saying Pariah would be a good fit, it would except that it's not legal in Modern. Also, maybe a bit more artifact hate in the sideboard, and some Ghost Quarters to deal with Celestial Colonnade or Tron. On the whole, though, good solidly built deck, and I've been working on a version myself.
May 29, 2015 10:16 p.m.
@riomhaire thanks for the advise! however, i do think pariah is modern legal.
The sideboard is what has been troubling me the most, however in my meta there isnt too much affinity.
May 30, 2015 1:38 a.m.
rshizzle You're right. Pariah is modern legal. As for a sideboard, I've found Spellskite to be helpful in dealing with a lot of spot removal (or Splinter Twin), Sunforger to search up my Paths or Bolts, and Ghost Quarter to deal with pesky Colonnades and Tron lands. Also, I find Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Elspeth, Knight-Errant to be good additions as they can produce tokens and give you good emblems. My current list (which is still under modification) is Blasphemy!.
May 30, 2015 8:20 p.m.
@MLS4thewin that is a really interesting card... i will have to try these out. While 3 mana may be hard to reach when im also playing Act, this is a sure kill and worth trying out... thanks!!
@riomhaire thanks for the suggestions. i will put in spellskite for sure. Im not convinced with the elspeths yet, but will need to test them out
May 31, 2015 4:12 p.m. Edited.
@Xenkay Shivan Meteor was one of the original cards, however it is a bit slow and often too late. It usually was a win more card, and i wouldnt want to see one in my hand.Flame Slash is a potential side board card, i do like that, thanks!
June 23, 2015 12:40 p.m.
anonymousperson184 says... #11
I don't know if you've seen these cards, but they seem to combo pretty well with Stuffy Doll:
Shivan Meteor and Into the Maw of Hell
Anyway, sick deck! Modern needs more unique decks.
June 30, 2015 5:57 p.m.
thanks anonymousperson184, but those cards are too slow for the format. I would love to be able to include them, however they are not consistent enough and usually not wanted in hand
July 1, 2015 10:56 p.m.
anonymousperson184 says... #13
Fair enough. Maybe you could include Furnace of Rath as a one-of, just because it has late-game potential. Anyway, good luck building!
July 2, 2015 11:15 a.m.
What no Guilty Conscience it is the bomb with Stuffy Doll
July 2, 2015 7:40 p.m.
lordmalphas says... #16
Kindle the Carnage would possibly work depending on how many cards are usually in your hand around when you cast stuffy doll
July 7, 2015 2:05 p.m.
shaistyone says... #17
I love it. Before it left standard, I was planning on making a ramp deck with Stuffy + Progenitor Mimic but never got around to it.
As for this, how about Lightmine Field? It can stop attacks and help you get damage through.
July 8, 2015 3:50 p.m.
@lordmalphas thats a really interesting suggestion, however by the time i would need it usually there are few cards in my hand and wouldnt be able to get a lot of value out of it
@shaistyone haha that sounds awesome, now that you say that, i might take into consideration Phyrexian Metamorph. I think Lightmine Field could be a thought for SB, lately ive been playing a lot of non-aggro decks so as of right now it may not be up to par
July 10, 2015 10:27 a.m.
I made a similar deck about blasting your own creatures to give you an advantage, and Living Inferno has been amazing. You can use it to fight Stuffy Doll and get an easy 8 damage. Its a bit expensive, but its a great late game card, and can even be a cool win-con
I would love it if you could take a look at my modern deck, Battle Scars
July 10, 2015 10:26 p.m.
Instead of Ghost Quarter a deck that is mostly could use Fulminator Mage. Yeah it's a lot slower but at least it can beat face and still threatens any man-land.
July 18, 2015 3:21 p.m.
July 18, 2015 3:25 p.m.
XTechNinjaX says... #22
Hey rshizzle - I have been following this deck quite a bit because I love the idea of it. I like your dip into black for Kolaghan's Command and 2 side board components but I feel like once you cut Bitterblossom this deck is geared more towards splashing blue than black. In blue you could exploit your running 21 instants/sorceries by either running something like Epic Experiment or Think Twice/Anticipate as card advantage. It is just a thought but you could even throw in Snapcaster Mage in blue. I am a black player by trade so recommending that you steer away from my beloved black doesn't come easily but I feel like splashing blue offers you much more in this build than black.
Suggestions for sideboard replacement would be -1 Yixlid Jailer/+1 Grafdigger's Cage but then again you could probably still justify both black side cards with Forbidden Orchard.
Just some thoughts I hope they helped and if I could +1 again I would. Let me know what you think!
July 18, 2015 5:43 p.m.
wow thanks for the awesome feed back XTechNinjaX!!
Ive been sitting on what you said all day.. thats a really interesting proposition. as much as i like the black in this, and how much i dont want to change it to blue, i do feel as though that could be the way to go. Even adding in the snapcasters might throw back in the Cavern of Souls, as then two major creatures would classify as wizards.
I think ill just make a separate list for the blue for now and see how that goes. ill have to do a lot more research for that :P
I was just trying out the Yixlid Jailer over the cage solely cuz the jailer is on a body to help the Acts, but in the end the cage will probably run better. And I've been thinking that Ill run Relic of Progenitus in that spot, as there are a lot of Tasigur, the Golden Fangs in my meta
July 19, 2015 12:39 a.m. Edited.
XTechNinjaX says... #24
Glad I could be of help. I still feel bad looking at this deck because my modern deck runs 4x Phyrexian Obliterator and just hard counters you at every turn.
Relic of Progenitus is a great replacement especially for Tasigur, the Golden Fang. I just don't like Yixlid Jailer because it dies to literally everything you are built around. I would also steer clear of Grafdigger's Cage if you go blue for Snapcaster Mage so Relic of Progenitus is awesome!
One thing I did notice about Cavern of Souls in conjunction with Snapcaster Mage is if you don't hit your Boros Reckoner you can just name humans and still cast your Snapcaster Mage and Soulfire Grand Master. I have also been thinking about how to make this better with blue and I feel like you could cut Faithless Looting for Remand. If I were you I would try to run 3x Remand actually because you mentioned sometimes you have issues racing people and such so stalling me a turn and delaying the Geth's Verdict on your Stuffy Doll for 1 turn could give you the time you need to hit a Boros Reckoner and then Blasphemous Act plus it's still drawing you through your deck. If you feel like you still need the draw 2 I would use Think Twice instead because it is just pure card advantage and goes 1 for 2 where Faithless Looting goes 3 for 2 and you don't get anything out of putting stuff in your graveyard.
I know there isn't a ton of room but in the Jeksai list the changes I would make would be as follows:
-2 Kolaghan's Command (obviously)
-1 Lightning Helix (snapcaster will give you recurrence)
-1 Pyroclasm (snapcaster will give you recurrence)
-1 Spitemare (more expensive and less awesome version of Boros Reckoner)
+3 Remand/Think Twice(the more I debate the more I like Remand)
Then your Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth for Cavern of Souls and the other 4 black sources for blue accordingly. Keep in mind you will have 7 blue symbols to your current 2 black so maybe find a way to slip in a basic island(still usefull for Soulfire Grand Master and Swans of Bryn Argoll but that way you don't get stonewalled by Blood Moon boards.
You also mentioned needing more bodies which Snapcaster Mage gives you. These changes put you up 3 more creatures than you currently have so that is also a plus.
I know you are fairly attached to your Ajani Vengeant but blue also opens you up to new walkers such as Tamiyo, the Moon Sage and Narset Transcendent but the one worth really looking at is Ral Zarek. Dude is a total boss and does everything Ajani does but rather than the stun effect or gaining 3 life he gives you the option to untap Stuffy Doll or a land if you need to and although Ajani's ult is devastating 2 or 3 extra turns is an immediate game ender. That and Ral Zarek enters with 1 more loyalty so he is a bit more resilient and can use his -2 twice in a row without needing to +1.
Like I said I've been thinking about this for a long time ever since I first saw your deck. American Blasphemy is looking more and more like a thing.
Let me know what you think and if you make a second list be sure to link it to me so I can have a look see!
July 20, 2015 4:28 p.m. Edited.
Ral Zarek is pretty godly for me in EDH to and the reason why is the same as the reasons here. He allows you to have one color where you have spells as low as CMC 2 with either , or . Because you can + and untap your lands. I agree with XTechNinjaX completely that Ral Zarrek is better, even though I love Ajani's ultimate.
maniacalspy says... #1
I feel like pariah would work well for this deck considering it's a white three drop and you can either drop it on an opponent's creature to avoid some damage and stall for a stuffy doll or, if you've already got the stuffy doll, you just simply enchant it and then you don't need to worry about damage anymore, since it'll all reflect back to your opponent
May 27, 2015 10:21 p.m.