
Enchantment (1)

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An ode to Cloudchaser Kestral - the real commander of this deck

Vorthos lore: Eight-and-a-half-tails' tale

Everything in the deck is built around the theme of protection from white. Earnest Fellowship is at the heart of the deck. Eight-and-a-Half-Tails is here to make things white, but if everything already has protection from white it makes his job easier.

Once you get set up you should be very difficult to kill. Seht's Tiger has a fair bit of bounce to keep coming down as a repeatable defense. Palisade Giant plus protection makes you fairly invulnerable to damage. Just a circle of protection can shut decks down from hurting you.

The next step is removal. Pentarch Paladin , Glare of Heresy The deck also has a minor theme of hosing graveyards. Samurai of the Pale Curtain and Stonecloaker Once something leaves it should be gone forever.

Lastly we have a few token engines to dump excess mana at the end of turns. Mobilization and Sacred Mesa

Between wind and cloud, the deck will last. In peace we prosper.

Cloudchaser Kestral

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