Commander / EDH teodorofelipe

SCORE: 157 | 57 COMMENTS | 21342 VIEWS | IN 42 FOLDERS

CaptSillva says... #1

I think you could better than Tarox Bladewing as your commander. If you wish to stick with mono red you could go with Zirilan of the Claw. Though if you don't mind splashing a color you get some great options like Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury, Dragonlord Kolaghan, and Bladewing the Risen with black. And with green you get Atarka, World Render and Dragonlord Atarka along with greens ramp options. If you splash both you can use Darigaaz, the Igniter, Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund, and Prossh, Skyraider of Kher. Also being able to play Hellkite Overlord is nice.

May 17, 2016 9:37 a.m.

teodorofelipe says... #2

CaptSillva the idea is too be a mono red commander in aggro style, i thought about Zirilan of the Claw as my commander, but to use him better i would have to change dragons in the deck for more costful ones and with it would loose the aggro idea, thanks for the tips ;D

May 17, 2016 11:46 a.m.

MsSysbit says... #3

If you're going to use fake cards then make a better fake card or better yet don't use fake cards! Swift Warkite clearly had its art lifted to make whatever you claim your commander is.

May 22, 2016 12:37 a.m.

CaptSillva says... #4

MsSysbit Tarox Bladewing is a very real card that exits. The version he has shown it clearly a fake/alter but I don't see how that matters.

May 22, 2016 1 a.m.

teodorofelipe says... #5

MsSysbitJust trading the art for better looks ... i intend to give them all a better look lol come see the arts again soon :D

May 22, 2016 1:05 a.m.

CaptSillva says... #6

I was just thinking and wouldn't your commanders older brother Rorix Bladewing be a better fit. I would say 1 mana is worth the extra 2 power and toughness and grandeur may as well be flavor text in commander.

May 26, 2016 1:51 a.m.

teodorofelipe says... #7

CaptSillva i see you enjoyed the deck, and it makes me proud, as i said in the description, Rorix Bladewing was my first choice, but sometimes, 6 mana can be difficult to achieve, and this one mana can make the difference, so i decided to put it that way, and when i begun testing the deck, i was thinking in trading mana doublers for mana rocks just to assegure the ramp to around 5 and get the avarage mana cost lower, you should try this deck out in Untap, i pretty sure you'd like the results with both commanders.

May 26, 2016 10:20 a.m.

CaptSillva says... #8

After playing a little bit I think I see a few things that could be tweaked. For starters Magus of the Wheel, Purphoros, God of the Forge, and Ogre Battledriver are all very good cards but I don't feel like they are a good fit for this strategy. These are more well suited for goblin and super tempo strategies. And even if we agree that this is an aggro deck its still dragons and that means that the curve is way higher than most red decks. Which means this is really mid range.

A few card you could consider are Hunted Dragon, Hellkite Tyrant, Imperial Hellkite, Kilnmouth Dragon, Tyrant's Familiar, and Utvara Hellkite. Hunted Dragon is so aggressive that the 2/2 tokens don't mean anything and commander is chaos so you can just give them to a player that isn't a threat at the moment. Hellkite Tyrant's win the game effect may as well be flavor text but again it is a very aggressive card that shuts down artifact strategies completely. Imperial Hellkite isn't the most cost effective but it will give you a solid 3 drop that is better later. The last three are just power house finishers that will get you there in the end game.

You could also try Braid of Fire for fire breathing payments and Urza's Incubator to drop your dragons costs a bit more. And you should really try out cards like Earthquake. You need some way to come back in the game and since most of your creatures are flyers this is a good options for board clears.

May 26, 2016 12:04 p.m.

teodorofelipe says... #9


Thank you again for the suggestions, if you try them and have good results, please tell me again, that are my experiences with them:

Magus of the Wheel:i do like the effect, but i could cut it, probably for the Hunted Dragon.

Purphoros, God of the Forge: is a new addition that i even hadn't the possibility to find out if it is good enough, but the idea as to use his breath ability, just like he was a enchantment, i gotta try more, he is pretty good with 3+ dragons.

Ogre Battledriver: he is just another In the Web of War, and i see myself taking it out and in many times, actually, the enchantment is out in the actual version.

Hunted Dragon: i don't like the way it goes in duels, of course you have a point about the group reality, i think i will test it more.

Hellkite Tyrant, Imperial Hellkite, Kilnmouth Dragon and Utvara Hellkite: obviously power houses, but like another excellent red dragons with 6+ cost, i don't like the idea of having them in hand and don't having the mana to cast them.

Tyrant's Familiar: one less mana and i wouldn't think twice.

Braid of Fire: probably you have seen it in my maybeboard sometimes, it was in the initial idea of kill breathing since i could active the ability in the upkeep and attack latter, then i counted 2 instants,2 enchantments, 2 artifacts and 9 creatures that could use it... i felt it was feel, many times i had it in game and didn't used...

Urza's Incubator: used it, but replaced for Sol Ring, better effect and i only 17 dragons and commander out off 100 cards...

May 26, 2016 12:44 p.m.

I found a few things you could add to this to make it really fun.

Adding an Utvara Hellkite would be fair in this deck. Having it along with Dragon Tempest would cause great damage, for it's ability to summon permanent 6/6 Dragon tokens. Adding a Balefire Dragon with Dragon Mantle would get rid of the opponent's creatures pretty fast.

You could also fare well with Bladewing the Risen as a commander. Dragon Broodmother is fun if you have a ton of tokens, you can get some pretty obnoxious dragons. also, a Hellkite Tyrant, your abundance of artifacts holds a case that makes it seem fair to add this.

May 26, 2016 2:52 p.m.

teodorofelipe says... #11


As said in presentation, the idea is too stick to mono-red dragons tribal aggro, this way, n intenrion in changing too reanimator style of Bladewing the Risen or no way to put a Dragon Broodmother.

Utvara Hellkite, Hellkite Tyrant and Balefire Dragon are excellent choices, but i try to get the mana curve pretty low to keep the aggro idea, they would be good in a Zirilan of the Claw deck. thanks for the suggestions friend, right now i was playing and i'm thinking of getting the big artifacts out for rocks, since the deck goes well without them. i'm still trying CaptSillva changes i will be changing the deck soon.

May 26, 2016 3:17 p.m.

brother1 says... #12

As far as refilling your hand goes, Knollspine Dragon is probably worth a look. It's definitely at the top of your curve, but that's when you'll want to refill your hand anyway. I like the aggro vibe versus the typical cheat dragons into play strategy.

May 27, 2016 11:10 p.m.

teodorofelipe says... #13


i will be trying it out, even with Avaricious Dragon and Grafted Skullcap effect, Knollspine Dragon could be a good late game presence. When i play the deck with a group of players, it get's too much attention and hate since it is faster then combo and ramp decks and in late game i do see that some big treats could be present... The aggro strategy really shine in duels. Thanks for the suggestion and for the upvote.

May 28, 2016 7:31 a.m.

freakingShane says... #14

How did you upload the alter arts? Is it something simple that I just missed? I've never seen anyone have alter arts that come up displayed! It's sweet!

June 3, 2016 3:32 p.m.

teodorofelipe says... #15

freakingShane in the top bar, there is a "folder" icon that is the inventory, click it, then click "alters", then "add alters", it is pretty simple

June 3, 2016 7:50 p.m.

freakingShane says... #16

That's really cool. I actually really like seeing alter cards. Your Blood Moon is the coolest!

June 3, 2016 10:35 p.m.

teodorofelipe says... #17

freakingShane if you liked it, you should register in pinterest and look for magic cards there, they got some amazing arts. How to get my name colored?

June 4, 2016 5:25 a.m.

teodorofelipe says... #18

freakingShane if you liked it, you should register in pinterest and look for magic cards there, they got some amazing arts. How to get my name colored?

June 4, 2016 5:26 a.m.

freakingShane says... #19

teodorofelipe, to get your name colored and to change the font you'll need to upgrade your account. When you do that you will be able to change font, color, and add shadows or shapes to it!

June 4, 2016 11:27 a.m.

Awesome altered cards. Love the Anger.

September 16, 2016 10:34 p.m.

Maybe an Utvara Hellkite?

September 16, 2016 10:35 p.m.

teodorofelipe says... #22


Some of the alters i made changing arts from a card to another, and some i found in the internet lol, and about Utvara Hellkite, he is pretty good, but i try to stay with the little dragons for speed, and since you use that name, i think you should look this: Your Soul is mine: A Withengar Unbound deck. thanks for the tips.

September 16, 2016 10:52 p.m.

freakingShane says... #23

(link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://dl.dropbox.com/s/fqxpobte7n2g7wh/TappedOutProfileCustom.css?dl=0" /)

(img src="https://images2.alphacoders.com/121/121150.jpg"style="position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:-1;"/)

Okay, so this is your picture. Again, change the ( and ) to < and >, then put it in your deck description. I put mine at the very bottom of my descriptions, but it should not matter.

Also, you may want to delete the paragraph space in between the two lines of code. This can help with the code working better. Sometimes though, the wallpaper does not display correctly, but it does work and it will fix itself. It depends on if you are looking from a phone or computer, then depends on the type of computer or phone.

Anyway, I hope it works out for you! (Remember to change to < and >, and also get rid of the paragraph space in between!)

September 21, 2016 10:13 p.m.

teodorofelipe says... #24


look, happened again, it just put the picture in the place i put the code in the deck description :/

September 22, 2016 6:21 p.m.

freakingShane says... #25

It will work then. That's the exact code for it, but it probably just isn't displaying correctly on your device right now.

My Purphoros deck is currently doing that too, but it fixes itself eventually. Most people should be seeing it correctly.

September 22, 2016 11:09 p.m.

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