Schemes (41)

Ongoing Schemes (8)

Self or Others? (3)


Modified Rules for 4 player Commander pods

Some of these rules have been modified for balance with regards to Commander. The shift of how votes are counted prevents a team from having a vote deck out-vote an archenemy. Removal of commander damage is the only way to prevent alpha strike decks from one-shotting what is supposed to be a great nemesis.

  1. The game is a 1 v 3 asymetrical grudge match. Archenemy versus Team.
  2. The archenemy has 60 life, a scheme deck, and always goes first.
  3. The opposing team has 60 shared life points, each and all take their turn at the same time.
  4. You can't attack your teammates.
  5. You can't give your teammates mana to cast spells.
  6. Effects that read “each opponent” or “each player” still affect each team member separately.
  7. Players can block any creature(s) that are attacking them, their teammates, or Planeswalkers their team controls.
  8. Commander damage is nullified.


As the first main phase of the archenemy's turn begins, that player sets a scheme in motion by turning the top card of the scheme deck face up and placing it in the command zone. Most scheme cards have abilities that trigger, but some have an continuous or ongoing effect. An ongoing scheme remains face up until an effect causes it to be abandoned. Ongoing schemes aren't on the battlefield; they're not permanents, and they can't be destroyed. A few "hot seat" schemes let you put one of your opponents in a very awkward position by asking, "Self or others?"


  • 109.2. If a spell or ability uses a description of an object that includes a card type or subtype, but doesn’t include the word “card,” “spell,” “source,” or “scheme,” it means a permanent of that card type or subtype on the battlefield.
  • 109.2a If a spell or ability uses a description of an object that includes the word “card” and the name of a zone, it means a card matching that description in the stated zone.
  • 109.2b If a spell or ability uses a description of an object that includes the word “spell,” it means a spell matching that description on the stack.
  • 109.2c If a spell or ability uses a description of an object that includes the word “source,” it means a source matching that description—a source of an ability, of damage, or of mana—in any zone.
    See rules 113.7 and 609.7.
  • 109.2d If an ability of a scheme card includes the text “this scheme,” it means the scheme card in the command zone on which that ability is printed.


  • 314.1. Scheme is a card type seen only on nontraditional Magic cards. Only the Archenemy casual variant uses scheme cards. (See rule 904. ARCHENEMY.)
  • 314.2. Scheme cards remain in the command zone throughout the game, both while they’re part of a scheme deck and while they’re face up. They’re not permanents. They can’t be cast. If a scheme card would leave the command zone, it remains in the command zone.
  • 314.3. Scheme cards have no subtypes.
  • 314.4. A scheme card may have any number of static, triggered, and/or activated abilities. As long as a scheme card is face up in the command zone, its static abilities affect the game, its triggered abilities may trigger, and its activated abilities may be activated.
  • 314.5. The owner of a scheme card is the player who started the game with it in the command zone. The controller of a face-up scheme card is its owner.
  • 314.6. If a non-ongoing scheme card is face up in the command zone, and no triggered abilities of any scheme are on the stack or waiting to be put on the stack, that scheme card is turned face down and put on the bottom of its owner’s scheme deck the next time a player would receive priority. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)
  • 314.7. If an ability of a scheme card includes the text “this scheme,” it means the scheme card in the command zone that’s the source of that ability. This is an exception to rule 109.2.


  • 408.1. The command zone is a game area reserved for certain specialized objects that have an overarching effect on the game, yet are not permanents and cannot be destroyed.
  • 408.3. In the Planechase, Vanguard, Commander, Archenemy, and Conspiracy Draft casual variants, nontraditional Magic cards and/or specially designated cards start the game in the command zone. Each variant has its own rules regarding such cards. (See section 9 Casual Variants.)


  • 904.1. In the Archenemy variant, a team of players faces off against a single opponent strengthened with powerful scheme cards. The Archenemy variant uses all the normal rules for a Magic game, with the following additions.
  • 904.2. The default setup for an Archenemy game is the Team vs. Team multiplayer variant (see rule 808) involving exactly two teams. The attack multiple players option (see rule 802) and the shared team turns option (see rule 805) are used; no other multiplayer options are used.
  • 904.2a. One of the teams consists of exactly one player, who is designated the archenemy.
  • 904.2b. The other team consists of any number of players.
  • 904.3. In addition to the normal game materials, the archenemy needs a supplementary scheme deck of at least twenty scheme cards. A scheme deck may contain no more than two of any card with a particular English name. (See rule 314. SCHEMES.)
  • 904.4. All scheme cards remain in the command zone throughout the game, both while they’re part of a scheme deck and while they’re face up.
  • 904.5. The archenemy’s starting life total is 40. Each other player’s starting life total is 20.
  • 904.6. Rather than a randomly determined player, the archenemy takes the first turn of the game.
  • 904.7. The owner of a scheme card is the player who started the game with it in the command zone. The controller of a face-up scheme card is its owner.
  • 904.8. Any abilities of a face-up scheme card in the command zone function from that zone. The card’s static abilities affect the game, its triggered abilities may trigger, and its activated abilities may be activated.
  • 904.9. Immediately after the archenemy’s precombat main phase begins during each of their turns, that player moves the top card of their scheme deck off that scheme deck and turns it face up. This is called “setting that scheme in motion.” (See rule 701.25.) This turn-based action doesn’t use the stack. Abilities of that scheme card that trigger “When you set this scheme in motion” trigger.
  • 904.10. If a non-ongoing scheme card is face up in the command zone, and no triggered abilities of any scheme are on the stack or waiting to be put on the stack, that scheme card is turned face down and put on the bottom of its owner’s scheme deck the next time a player would receive priority. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704. STATE-BASED ACTIONS.)
  • 904.11. Once an ongoing scheme card is set in motion, it remains face up in the command zone until an ability causes it to be abandoned (see rule 701.26).


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94% Casual


Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 week

This deck is Archenemy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

51 - 0 Commons

Cards 52
Tokens Copy Clone, Dragon 5/5 R, Horror 3/3 B, Plant 0/1 G, Saproling 1/1 G, Zombie 2/2 B
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