Varina, Lich Queen

Commander / EDH* tralmix


The_Wadinator says... #1

This deck has 15 lands?! Wh-what!? With no Basics?! I understand that its in development, but you've got to get on that fast. Also (and maybe this is my bias towards The Scarab God as the zombie tribal commander.), all those zombies that recur other zombies are kind of out of place, as Varina's ability wants to fill the graveyard , and it becomes a wait of either " do I want to just exile this now, or wait for something to dig it up...". Also, for The Scarab God deck and Varina (and maybe just zombie tribal decks in general), Zombie Apocalypse and other cards that get zombies from the graveyard/ exiled to make other zombies aren't usually good either, they might be board wipe insurance, but a lot of your zombie's are tokens anyway, so it really only costs you a turn to get a few tapped zombies back or use an ability that your commander already has. Also MANA ROCKS, just in general, mana rocks, so use mana rocks. In a deck with a commander that has an activated ability that costs mana, and little in terms of ramp in those colors, mana rocks are INCREDIBLY important.

August 4, 2018 11:39 p.m.

tralmix says... #2

More lands are needed? OMG! Thanks. Not sure I would have figured that one out.

Mana rocks...maybe I should add some. Maybe I just enjoy bad decks.

How about instead of pointing out everything you see wrong with the deck, you provide useful recommendations. Such as swap card A for card B for this reason.

Don't like recursive theme with graveyard eaters? Maybe I want two different approaches in the same deck. Maybe I get bored with decks that only do one thing.

If you are going to hate and not be constructive, at least wait for the full deck description to better understand the reasons for the choices I made.

August 5, 2018 10:42 a.m.

The_Wadinator says... #3

Well, I apologize for coming off as hateful, I was really only trying to point out what went wrong with my own deck (which only uses two of Varina's colors, as well.) in hopes of it helping the construction of yours. This really is YOUR deck, so I really don't know what you might want to swap in to make it your own. However, with that said, I can probably name a few cards that really helped with my deck for you to possibly consider for yours.

Stronghold Assassin - A utility zombie that, at worst, is a slow murder, and at best a repeatable removal. Swaping with Deathmark Prelate?

Forgotten Creation - Another utility zombie that can give you a free optional windfall each upkeep.

Call to The Kindred - Digs for zombies each upkeep that can give you a reliable engine looking for free bombs or utility zombies.

Phyrexian Crusader - It can be a reliable blocker, attacker, and can survive board wipes, it can also help with Varina's attack trigger.

Lich Lord of Unx - A really good, diverse zombie. It can come down early and make zombies, or come down late, and turn your tapped zombies, or held back blockers, into a ticking time bomb.

Vindictive Lich & Raving Dead - Spicy Jank that can force your opponents into awkward positions, and spice up the game in general.

Vengeful Pharaoh - A deathtouch threat on the battlefield, a black propaganda effect in the graveyard.

Custodi Lich - Draws a card, makes an opponent sacrifice, a relevant body, all for the low cost of 5 mana.

Noosegraf mob - It gets REAL out of hand with Zombie lords, and can provide many blockers over time, and a big beef pile of protection after it comes down.

Necromancer's stockpile - It can filter for the first few turns, while also giving you early blockers to ward off attacks, while also giving fodder to Varina, so she can start churning out zombies the turn ( or after) she comes down.

Levitation - A janky way to win the game out of nowhere.

Propoganda - A solid detterent, made even better when you have a commander that wants to attack.

Rebuild - Good for wiping away a solid mass of artifacts, while also serving double duty with cycling, and the ability to turn it into a zombie.

Ancient Excavation - A super synergistic card with Varina, you can selectively discard what you don't want, draw what you do, turn the rest into zombies. Or use it to cycle for a land, while also having it contribute to making a zombie.

Coat of Arms - A devastating win condition that at least makes an opponent forced to destroy it (especially if another opponent is running a tribal strategy.), and at best wins you the game.

I hope this helps, but again, this is YOUR deck, you can choose to add some of these cards or not. I'm really eager to see the strategy of Varina decks in general, as some of these cards could perform wildly different with Varina at the helm. As a devotee of The Scarab God, but moreso Zombie decks in general, I'm especially intrigued to see what will come out of this strange new Zombie color identity... Again, I apologize for coming off as hateful, as that was truthfully not my intent.

August 7, 2018 9:24 p.m.

tralmix says... #4

Thank you for this. It is exactly the type of help I was hoping for. Sorry for the snappy response. Sometimes I enjoy sarcasm a bit too much.

August 8, 2018 3:58 p.m.

GBCShun says... #5

question for ya so lets say you cant get the combo off whats the back up plan just swarm zombies

August 27, 2018 5:29 p.m.

tralmix says... #6

Yeah, basically just try to grind out with recursive zombies. Not trying to be super competitive. Just want to have fun. If I get to combo, great, if not, oh well. As long as I have fun.

September 1, 2018 10:50 a.m.

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