Goldengloves says... #2
i love it! this isn't one of your cookie cutter decks that so many are running! i don't have anything i could suggest for this deck. looks good the way it is. i just noticed that you might have a hard time against the jesaki ascendancy deck that's being run right now. just food for thought
+1 from me for the balls to put this together.
take a look at my deck that im running in the PTQ this weekend and give me any feed back you might have thanks!
October 13, 2014 9:48 a.m.
Interesting take... I too have found great success with a similar deck Hydra Superfriends - although it's creature rather than control/direct damage - it works really well - the multi-purpose and straight danger of the planeswalkers creates a lot of opportunities.
These are definitely thinking-man's decks - You need to be aware of all the options each card offers, and play differently depending on the type of deck you face... I've done a few playtests with this, and so-far, the mana hasn't been a significant issue - but I can see some fast beat-down decks being a problem.
October 15, 2014 6:33 p.m.
Signal Pest says... #4
This deck doesn't really shine until after the side board, where it has many options for almost any type of deck. Going against aggro? Put in more anger of the gods and end hostilities. Going against control? Laugh, they won't be able to counter everything and only 1 walker needs to stick (also, pearl lake ancient), going against mid range? Anger of the gods and Ashiok are your friends.
October 15, 2014 10:02 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #5
I think Sylvan Caryatid will work better than Rattleclaw Mystic , but that's just me. It covers all mana colors as opposed to just three, and it's hard to remove, unlike the mystic. That's so minor, but this deck looks like a helluva time. Keeping you interested as well, because you may not know what's coming next. I do think that Liliana Vess has a place in the mainboard, though, because she'll help you get what you need at any given moment. Hope this helps!
October 15, 2014 11:49 p.m.
I agree with both points in regards to Sylvan Caryatid and Liliana Vess .
Also, lol @ all the walkers!
October 17, 2014 2:02 p.m.
turnyouover says... #7
I don't think anyone would have the money to spend $700 on a deck that still doesn't have much synergy, with each card being at least $10 each, what's the point? Some of the planeswalkers really suck too, and I don't like focusing on pain lands when they cost so much. Jace, the Living Guildpact has almost no card advantage and is hard to cast when 2 blue mana is required.
October 17, 2014 2:11 p.m.
Signal Pest says... #8
In playing, he has been the easiest of the walkers to cast with the most use for me
October 17, 2014 7:44 p.m.
Signal Pest says... #9
Preliminary testing with sylvan caryatid was dissapointing, I couldn't actually get green mana early enough to cast the creature. However, rattleclaw let me morph him for whatever colors was available, so I settled on the creature I could always cast as compared the one I could case only part of the time.
October 18, 2014 12:17 a.m.
Signal Pest says... #10
Also, in regards to the Pain lands comment, there are 5 pain lands in the deck, and 2 mana confluences. The really aren't an integral part of the deck, they just provide mana fixing for early game. Late game Urborg turns off mana confluence, so I don't have to worry about the damage it would be doing to me. The price of the deck is also negligible to me, seeing as I had 90% of the cards before I decided to make it.
October 18, 2014 12:34 p.m.
Tingettley says... #12
Hey Signal, I think its time to reset your comments :P Also let us know how this next FNM goes! I FINALLY have a friday off so I am going to play my White Altar Mill deck :D Its gonna be fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun! :P
October 19, 2014 1:31 a.m.
Signal Pest says... #13
Went to a local FNM, Results as follows:Game 1 versus a hyper aggro heroic deck 2-1: Lost the first match quite early, the only walker I got on board was Ashiok and he blew past it taking me out in the first 10 minutes of the game. I sided in the 2 angers, the 3 crackling doom's, and the end hostilities (removing Ashiok, Courser of Kruphix, and Narset) and won the next two games without him ever being able to establish a board state due to well timed wraths.
Game 2 vs a Giant Green Creatures Deck 2-1: The matches went almost exactly like first game, I lost heavily the first match and sided in wraths. Seeing a pattern here, Might move more wraths to the main board.
Game 3 vs Mardu Rabble 2-1: I won the first match due to having banishing lights in hand whenever rabblemaster hit field, so I chose not to sideboard for game two as the deck worked well for the first game. The second game saw me over run with tiny creatures, and not a single walker managed to stay for more than a round (Both Sarkhans got eaten by Crackling Doom's when I attempted to swing), so I sided in anger of the gods, siding out Jace and Ajani Steadfast. Anger cleared their field anytime they attempted to establish a board presence, Sarkhan+Ajani, Mentor of Heroes for the kill. I allowed my opponent to report the game as a victory for him as a few of my friends wanted to hang out, so this is where I dropped.
October 19, 2014 1:37 p.m.
Tingettley says... #14
Thats awesome bro. Had that happen at a pre-release. The opponent swung in, got me down to the last 5 hp I had, and revealed arrow storm, we shook hands and he said, "I concede, I am tired, and would like to go to bed", he works 3rd shift so its understandable.
But I love how the deck is working out great for ya! Not sure how well Brimaz is working for you, but if I were to swap anything for more wraths, it may be 1 copy of him and an Ashiok. That may give you all the wraths you need main board.
October 19, 2014 2:18 p.m.
Signal Pest says... #15
I usually don't even consider swapping out Brimaz, I forget he is in the deck most of the time. When I do draw him, he changes the game by himself, otherwise he's just a nice bonus to have there. I'll test it out this week swapping out those two and I'll let you know how it goes.
October 19, 2014 3:26 p.m.
i feel like you can cut all creatures besides courser and rattleclaw and consider adding Sylvan Caryatid and if you feel like it maybe generator servent and if youre worried about being killed to quickly then add some sideboard fog affects such as Defend the Hearth
October 19, 2014 5:44 p.m.
Tingettley says... #18
@cjk191997- The reason he does not run the Caryatid was mentioned in previous comments, that have been cleared. He does not run them because the Rattleclaw can be cast no matter the mana, as the Morph is 3 colorless and the Flip Face Up is 2 colorless. As for fog effects, I don't see the point of them in this deck. This is not turbo fog, its real control. Like this is what Walker Control should look like.
October 20, 2014 1:30 a.m.
Signal Pest says... #20
Chromanticore is almost absolutely useless to the deck, I don't need a beater in 90% of situations. The creatures I run need to synergize with the planeswalkers.
October 22, 2014 10:41 p.m.
Chargingbadgerrrrrrrr says... #21
remove all creatures but narset, and put in 7 more removal spells and Dig Through Time
October 22, 2014 10:47 p.m.
Signal Pest says... #22
I do like the Dig Through Time idea, I'll try to find some place to fit it into the deck, I'm not sure how I feel about losing out of the creatures I do have though. Rattleclaw Mystic Can't be removed simply because I do need the mana fixing, I'll consider removing Prognostic Sphinx or Courser of Kruphix when I get more removal however.
October 22, 2014 10:50 p.m.
Chargingbadgerrrrrrrr says... #23
maybe mainboard the all anger of the gods, end hostilities, utter end, and hero's downfall and put the coursers and sphinx side board
October 22, 2014 10:54 p.m.
Signal Pest says... #24
I have tried that, I found it to be ineffective because I had no presence to put in front of aggro decks before they got rolling. If I ever get a full playset of anger of the gods, I may move all 4 of them to the mainboard. I may be able to remove the sphinx however
October 22, 2014 11:34 p.m.
Tingettley says... #25
I would honestly just run either 2 Dig Through Time or max of 3 Treasure Cruise . As for what to swap, if you do the DTT, I would remove 1 Proggy and 1 Sarkhan. If you go for the TC, add in 1 Courser to that list. It still gives you versatility to do what you need to, as well as having Draw for normally 1 U mana, or Dig ability at instant speed.
But that's just my opinion
GrandMasterPenta says... #1
This is weird as fuck.. I like it! +1.
October 7, 2014 11:12 p.m.