I'm Gonna Wreck It

Commander / EDH hyperlocke

SCORE: 157 | 75 COMMENTS | 23396 VIEWS | IN 51 FOLDERS

Just two suggestions for this:

1) Replace "Sphere of the Suns" with "Obelisk of Jund" because you don't have any way to replace the charge counters and the obelisk doesn't enter tapped

2) Add in "Blood Artist" to turn all your sacrifices and their's into pain for them and life gain for you.

December 12, 2014 9:25 a.m.

hyperlocke says... #2

@GloriousGiraffe: I'm testing Sphere of the Suns right now. The charge counters aren't a big problem. If there are no more, it is simple sac fodder, sometimes I even had to sac it while it still had counters. The reason I play this and not more 3-CMC-rocks is tempo. With Sphere of the Suns, I can cast Shattergang Brothers on turn 3, with Obelisk of Jund I can't.

Yeah, I'm becoming more and more convinced Blood Artist belongs in here. I didn't include him because I didn't think that much creatures would die. I'm still hesitant to put him in, but I will keep him in mind while testing.

Thanks for your suggestions!

PS: If you use [ [card:card name] ] (without space between the brackets), you can format cards with a hover image.

December 12, 2014 6:38 p.m.

Just when I looked at it I thought it had a lot of creature sac that Blood Artist could capitalize on.

I missed that Sphere of the Suns was a two-drop sorry, I can see how that would be a benefit but I think that Obelisk of Jund is more versatile as it can last into the late game if you don't need to sac it and you still have the option of sacrificing it to Shattergang Brothers whenever you need.

I forgot to say the first time but I really like the deck btw.

December 12, 2014 7:16 p.m.

hyperlocke says... #4

I was pretty diappointed in Attrition. I never realized how many black creatures were in my meta... Blood Artist comes in.

@GloriousGiraffe: If I would replace Sphere of the Suns, it would be with Star Compass, Coldsteel Heart or Fellwar Stone. Those don't necessarily produce the mana I need, though, so Sphere of the Suns it is for now. I'm quite happy with it until now. Thanks for the +1!

December 13, 2014 10:50 a.m.

pskinn01 says... #8

Here are some suggestions:
Illusionist's Bracers - double the sacking effect of the brothers, or double any other activated ability of a creature you control
Smokestack - with any token deck, this can be very powerful, you sac a token or two a turn, they end up sacking other permanents eventually
Maelstrom Pulse - one of the best removal spell in this color combo
Goblin Welder - combos well with wurmcoil, and can bring back Sphere of the Suns or manipulate which artifacts your opponents have in play.
Krenko, Mob Boss - good token producer, that if left unanswered, can get out of control quickly
Purphoros, God of the Forge - make tokens, damage opponents....fun
Thopter Assembly - good token producer, which can help with blocking flying.

these are some of the more budget friendly suggestions. You can look at my deck Sac That **** to see if there are anything else you like such as Doubling Season

December 13, 2014 5:15 p.m.

hyperlocke says... #9

@pskinn01: Thanks for your suggestions!

Illusionist's Bracers: I have Rings of Brighthearth in my maybe board. I don't know which one would work better in this deck, but until now, I didn't really need a copy effect.

Smokestack: I don't produce tokens that consistently. More often than not, I would end up sac'ing my permanents.

Maelstrom Pulse: I went with Putrefy for budget reasons, but after playing against 2 token decks with no chance at all to beat them, it really should come in.

Goblin Welder: Had him in in an earlier version. I know he's great in a more artifact-based strategy, but here he was very underwhelming.

Krenko, Mob Boss: Hmm, didn't think of him at all. Will keep him in mind.

Purphoros, God of the Forge: Dismissed him when I realized that I don't produce that much tokens. But I've had games where I cycled Bloodghast and Nether Traitor over and over. Maybe he is worth a try...

Thopter Assembly: I never played with it, but it seems kinda bad to me. and I can't even attack with it until I cast it again? Five tokens are nice, but I would rather have less right away for this CMC. Yes, it can block fliers, but so can Bloodline Keeper  Flip, Fallen Angel, Overseer of the Damned and Skirsdag High Priest.

December 14, 2014 8:28 a.m.

It That Betrays might be interesting in here. Anytime an opponent sacs a permanent it becomes yours. Not sure what I would suggest taking out if you did think of this, but taking those permanents gives you more permanents to sac, it's theirs you will be then sacrificing, not yours. ;)

December 18, 2014 2:13 p.m.

hyperlocke says... #11

@amazingronaldo: Thanks for the suggestion and the +1! Yeah, I thought about including It That Betrays but the turned me off. Maybe it would be a good finisher. By the time I can cast it (turn 10-14-ish), I should have taken care of all annoying permanents and be beating face with tokens. Adding It That Betrays into this mix should make my opponent scoop much faster (most of my wins are my opponent scooping. I guess sitting around with no non-land permanents and taking 5 damage each turn is not really enjoyable...). I'll test it.

December 18, 2014 7:17 p.m.

Cybersix says... #12

Thoughts on Cauldron Dance and Victimize?

December 23, 2014 12:04 a.m.

hyperlocke says... #13

@Cybersix: Thanks for these suggestions!

Victimize is a great card that would fit perfectly in this deck. Unfortunately, I don't really need more creature recursion. Eternal Witness, Hell's Caretaker and Phyrexian Reclamation do everything I need and are permanents I can sac in a pinch.

Cauldron Dance doesn't seem to fit here. Again, it's recursion I don't need, and I don't play enough huge creatures that would justify running this. My wins aren't huge swings but many small attacks (with the occasional Fallen Angel or Myr Battlesphere speeding up the process). Everything I could put into play with Cauldron Dance, I can cast comfortably.

@amazingronaldo: I tested It That Betrays. It seems like a great card in a dedicated ramp/Eldrazi deck, and I always wanted to use it, but in this deck it's just win-more. I don't need big finishers when I have and enough permanents to handle whatever my opponent tries to bring on the board. Sure, It That Betrays would give me some good stuff (mostly lands...), but at that point, I just don't need it anymore. Plus, there are always Bribery-like effects...

December 27, 2014 6:40 a.m.

Good to know! Thanks for updating us. :)

December 27, 2014 5:17 p.m.

chirz2792 says... #15

April 22, 2015 8:20 p.m.

hyperlocke says... #16


Archfiend of Depravity: Oh yeah, I wanted to test him, thanks for reminding me!

It That Betrays: No. As explained above, I tested it and in this deck it's just a win-more card.

Kresh the Bloodbraided: I disregarded him when originally constructing this deck, because he has no evasion at all and so could just be chump blocked. But with the deck in its current form, I often play against empty boards. I will test him.

Ashnod's Altar: It would be a sacrifice outlet for Grave Pact and its ilk, but very little more. With 16 spells to ramp or fix my mana I don't really need an additional .

Thanks for your suggestions!

April 23, 2015 5:27 a.m.

Decimate is solid in EDH. Possible substitute for Hull Breach?

May 27, 2015 9:19 p.m.

hyperlocke says... #18

@StealthyGunnar: Oh right, that card is awesome if you have the targets. I often cast Hull Breach with only one target, though, but maybe that's because it comes down turn 2 or 3. I'll test it.

Thanks for the suggestion!

May 28, 2015 6:55 a.m.

AxisBanana says... #19

June 13, 2015 12:28 a.m.

hyperlocke says... #20

@AxisBanana: I considered Kokusho, the Evening Star. I know he can be brutal in any reanimator strategy, but here, he would just be a beater with a relatively little upside when being sacrificed. The life loss for my opponents isn't very relevant, because when I control the board, one more turn doesn't matter; the life gain for me could be useful. What really turns me off is his high cost mana- and money-wise.

Ob Nixilis, Unshackled would be great, if I could force my opponents to search their libraries. As it is, he is a 4/4 Scavenger Drake for , which is bad. I don't really need creatures that get stronger when creatures die. I run Kresh the Bloodbraided, because he does it so well, but that's enough.

Thanks for your suggestions!

June 13, 2015 4:40 a.m.

Really like Vampire Hexmage. I use Hex Parasite. (The Parasite is easier to recurr.)

If you do consider a doubler go with Strionic Resonator it is effectively another Grave Pact ect.. You like me have a lot more "When", "Whenever", "At", and "If" abilities than activated abilities. Rings would be my second choice and the bracers third.

I really like and recommend Mimic Vat you can just abuse you own stuff after you kill it and/or others peoples good ETB stuff. as well as another sac fodder. With Parallel Lives you get 2 tokens...

+1 Take a look at my build and share your thoughts! Shatter the Board like a Ninja! - EDH Take care

June 27, 2015 8:21 p.m.

hyperlocke says... #22

@Ninja_Claw: Oh right, Hex Parasite is a thing! I'll probably take it in over Vampire Hexmage, so I can deal with multiple permanents.

You're probably right about Strionic Resonator, but in all my testing I never had the need for a doubler.

Yeah, Mimic Vat is a great card. I run it in my Omnath, Locus of Mana toolbox creature EDH and didn't want to run it in here for the sake of diversity, but thinking about it again, it's just too great to pass. I think the Wood Elves will have to go...

Thanks for the suggestions and the +1!

June 28, 2015 7:54 a.m.

Pal00ka says... #23

Really kool deck and as a greenhorn looking to start Commander, the in-depth description was superb. +1!

A thought I had: Scavenging Ooze stifles opponents' from their own recursion shenanigans, fits in your 2 CMC goal, and once plump from its fodder can swing on an empty field with impunity.

July 8, 2015 8:55 a.m.

hyperlocke says... #24

@Pal00ka: Scavenging Ooze, like Mimic Vat, is a card I run in my Omnath, Locus of Mana toolbox creature deck and didn't want to run in here for diversity's sake. But, again like Mimic Vat. it really should be in here. Thragtusk currently seems like the best option for cutting.

Thanks for your suggestion, compliment, and +1!

July 9, 2015 5:06 a.m.

ComradeJim270 says... #25

Oh man, a deck all about blowing stuff up? I'm sold on this...

July 19, 2015 10:36 p.m.

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