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Maralen of the Mornsong EDH

Commander / EDH



Sacrifice Reassembling Skeleton to Ashnod's Altar and filter the 1 into B with Bog Initiate. Repeat infinite times, and play Bitter Ordeal removing all cards in each opponent's library.

With 6 Swamps in play and Magus of the Coffers equipped with Sword of the Paruns, you can gain infinite B mana. Tap 2 and tap the Magus of the Coffers and generate 6 B mana, using 3 of it, use the equipped Sword of the Paruns to untap the Magus of the Coffers and you can repeat the combo every time netting you B per use.

Pay 2 and sacrifice the Wurmcoil Engine to Ashnod's Altar generating you 4 mana and two Wurmcoil Engine tokens. Activate Nim Deathmantle to recur the Wurmcoil Engine. Now sacrifice the Wurmcoil Engine and a Wurmcoil Engine Token and repeat this infinite times. You can create infinite colorless mana and infinite Wurmcoil Engine Tokens.-> Add Bitter Ordeal to the combo to exile all cards in each players library.

Pay 2 and sacrifice the Massacre Wurm to Ashnod's Altar generating you 4 mana and each opponent's creatures get -2/-2. This combo can take out indestructible creatures as well as making each opponent lose 2 life per creature destroyed. With loads of mana you can destroy any creature that comes into play.

With one of the two creatures in play and the other in hand, equip Deathrender to the one in play. Sacrifice the creature to Altar of Dementia milling an opponent 2 or 3 respectively and equip the Deathrender to the one in your hand. With the new one coming into play, return the other to your hand and repeat.-> For infinite mana instead replace Altar of Dementia with Ashnod's Altar

Sacrifice Puppeteer Clique to Ashnod's Altar to generate 2 mana. It will persist and upon return you can steal a creature, sacrifice it again to have a total of 4 mana and activate Nim Deathmantle equipping to it. It will return and you can steal another creature. For infinite mana, sacrifice the stolen creature to the Ashnod's Altar and make 2 mana per use.


With Bloodchief at full counters you can play Ill-Gotten Gains to make each player discard their hand, with each card discarded you gain 2 life and each opponent losses 2 life.

With Necropotence in play I skip my draw phase, which is when Maralen of the Mornsong activates. With that I can't tutor but I don't lose life as well. If I pay 3 life at End of Turn, I can lose the same amount I would from Maralen of the Mornsong, but net 3 cards instead of 1. This would put me in a possition of card advantage over my opponents, who are still losing the 3 life.

By properly stacking the triggers, you can make it so you ship your hand with the puzzle box first and then tutor with Maralen. On your opponents you can stack the triggers so they tutor and then ship their hand, making it so they cannot actually tutor for what they want.

Everytime your opponents tutor on their draw step they lose a total of 13 life and sac a creature, it's a cute synergy.


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