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Athreos, God of Passage

Commander / EDH


When Athreos first got released, I saw literally a dozen-plus decks with just him and those Relentless Rats clerics. It was a tough deck to play against - it was effective - but it was also incredibly boring to see. I decided to try and build a "proper" Athreos deck. My first try was alright. Middling, really. I still felt that I wasn't using him to his full potential. After spending a lot of time on Gatherer, I finally came up with this list. This list is probably one of my most tuned decks, and it is deceivingly powerful. Because I rarely attack, and my opponents only lose life in small increments (and often as their own choice), it doesn't seem like I'm that big of a threat. It isn't until mid-game that you realize that somehow, you're down 15 life in one round, though you really can't say why. I've played a lot of games where I ended up having 65+ life, everyone else at the table was at less than 20, and I still wasn't seen as the perceived threat. This deck has answers to nearly every problem, tech up the wazoo, and the beautiful part of it is that no one piece, save for Athreos himself, is really a removal-magnet. This deck gets around the typical Orzhov-weakness of being mana-challenged by having very low casting costs. This deck also plays to my love of incremental advantage to a tee, and I love watching people agonize over their last 10 life, wondering if they should give me back my Grave Titan or not. What too-few realize is that the Titan is a decoy - they should instead be wasting their removal on the Blood Artists or Suture Priests nipping at their life totals. If it goes to my hand, I cast it. If it goes to my graveyard, I recur it quickly. Nothing stays dead for long. One game, I counted that I had Solemn Simulacrum enter the battlefield 9 times. GY hate that exiles is the only enemy this deck really has, though Torpor Orb can stall me for a bit. Fortunately, I have plenty of card draw to help me dig for answers. Try out the list, and you might become a fan of the God of Passage.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.28
Tokens Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Spirit 1/1 W
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