This build of Jund tends to get a lot of lands in play, especially with Wrenn and Six. Banefire is a late-game mana sink when you just need to get the last few points of damage through. It is great against grindy control match-ups since it can't be countered at X=5+. It can kill bigger threats than lightning bolt in a pinch. And on top of all of that, it's only 1 damage when Bob
flips it.
Huntmaster of the Fells
On the same line of thought as Kalitas here. Huntmaster is great in a heavy burn meta and the additional body is a good way to stabilize. By making use of Raging Ravine to avoid casting spells, you can control exactly when it transforms back and forth.
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
Similar to Scooze, Kalitas offers main-deckable gy hate. The lifelink is no joke on this one and building an army of zombies in the process is all upside. A burn heavy meta could make this a worthwhile tech piece in the 75. Downside is it doesn't come in on BBE's cascade and can be too little too late when something more immediate is needed.
Klothys, God of Destiny
If the time is there, Klothys can be a reliable source of life gain that is difficult for many decks to remove since it's usually not a creature in a GBx build. Being Legendary and on the slower side, one copy is best if any. The 3 mana slot can be cluttered with LotV, K-Command, Spyro, Pulse, and Klothys. Finding the right mix is crucial. 6-7 slots at 3 cmc is ideal.
Dauthi Voidwalker
Great against big mana decks while doubling as maindeckable hate for graveyard/recursion decks. A liability against aggro as not being able to block is to detrimental. Better in the SB to tame graveyard decks.
Maindeckable Graveyard and Mill hate on a body with flash and flexibility. Although this could be MB, most likely this is a SB card.
Nurturing Peatland
A painland that can be sac'd for card draw. Peatland also provides a mini-engine with Wrenn and Six to turn late game duds into a second chance.
Urza's Saga
A toolbox card to fetch SB hate. Doesn;t produce colored mana so it would have to go in for a utility land like Ravine or Peatland. If you run Ghost Quarter, I wouldn't run Saga as well. One or the other as the manabase is already pretty strained in most builds.
Grist, the Hunger Tide
Can produce a blocker or destroy a problem creature or planeswalker. Cut 1 or 2 LotV to make room for Grist. The ultimate is pretty solid as well to finish off the last handful of lifepoints.
A purely win more card. An opening hand nut draw is possible here, but at 4 MV it competes with BBE and only gets worse as the game goes on. Having menace can be relevant. This card really shines in an heavy discard shell like 8-Rack.
Tourach, Dread Cantor
Hymn to tourach with a 4/3 body for 1BBB. Other than that, I'd rather have Confidant in play T2. Also, cascading into Tourach shuts off the kicker. The +1/+1 trigger is solid if you can stick Tourach early and curve into LotV.
Ignoble Hierarch
It can help beat other Goyfs and help cast the top end spells like BBE and escaping Kroxa. Just not a necessary card in Midrange as the T1 discard is more vital.
Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer
An aggressive card that needs a clear board to swing into. Exiling a card and getting Treasure is a strong effect, but the gameplay required to do, strips Jund of it's hand disruption to make room for the 2/1. In an aggressive Zoo strategy this would be better positioned.
Riveteers Charm
A flexible card with every mode being relevant in Modern. Exiling 3 cards on your opponents turn is great card advantage and normally how this card is best utilized.