What do you think of Nimble Mongoose in Jund? The question is always "What do you cut?" but you would know more about that than I.
June 5, 2019 3:05 p.m.
Chasmolinker says... #3
DarkStarStorm I really like Nimble Mongoose I just don't know if it's cut out for Modern right now. There really isn't anything to cut for it. Maybe a Scavenging Ooze , but the ability to exile an imposing Arclight Phoenix is a high priority in the current meta. If the deck takes a more aggressive approach than Mongoose would be a lot better. It might just be too slow in a deck that isn't built around filling the yard.
June 5, 2019 3:11 p.m.
Maybe it would be good if Traverse Shadow ever gets traction again. And who knows, Nimble Mongoose might be the traction that Traverse Shadow needed.
June 5, 2019 7:49 p.m.
Chasmolinker says... #5
Gurmag Angler doesn’t play nice with Threshold. But maybe the deck doesn’t run Angler in the new list.
June 5, 2019 7:59 p.m.
Gurmag also doesn't work that well with Delirium, though it's slightly better than Threshold in that regard. Either way Mongoose is a nice card to have in Modern.
June 5, 2019 8:06 p.m.
Fallentesla says... #7
Couple cards from Horizons that I was possibly thinking of for the sideboard as one of's are Force of Vigor and Collector Ouphe . Thoughts?
June 5, 2019 10:49 p.m.
Chasmolinker says... #8
Fallentesla If this Karn deck makes a lasting impression on the format.
Force of Vigor
will be crucial to stopping that deck. Aside from that it might be good against affinity. I’m not gonna dump
Ancient Grudge
just yet though as the 4 cmc hurts on Bob triggers.
Collector Ouphe
is Jund’s
Stony Silence
. It dies to
Galvanic Blast
though so I think I’d rather have Ancient Grudge. Unless
Karn, the Great Creator
becomes a deck.
June 6, 2019 7:28 a.m.
Force of Vigor does not stop Mycosynth Lattice . It makes all of the cards in your hand colorless, meaning you are unable to pitch a green card to Force of Vigor 's alternative cost.
June 6, 2019 1:21 p.m.
I did too, initially. Jund's best bet in that matchup is leaving up Assassin's Trophy mana and floating it in response to Mycosynth Lattice .
June 6, 2019 3:01 p.m.
@Chasmolinker did you do your own CSS? It's gorgeous!
Also really feeling the deck man... I do think you should be playing the new Ouphe in your sideboard though, I'd cut that 4th Force of Despair for it personally. I also love that Cindervines tech against Storm and the like!
June 11, 2019 10:17 a.m.
Chasmolinker says... #13
DrkNinja Yes and No. The color scheme and background is my CSS thanks to some careful studying of FancyTuesday's tutorials and additional browsing the World Wide Web. The incredible card name format is from Wihito. There's links to both in the deck description as well as a copy of my semi-annotated stylesheet.
I do like
Collector Ouphe
. It's a lock for Rock SB's everywhere it's legal. Thanks for the input
June 11, 2019 12:34 p.m.
pokejerk20 says... #14
Hexdrinker looks really good in Jund and Rock at the moment. I'd consider putting it in, it's not quite as good as Goyf but it lets you have an uninteractive threat.
June 11, 2019 10:22 p.m.
Heretic_Dragoon says... #15
Have you considered running one or 2 copies of Unearth? Or is it too cute in the long run?
June 23, 2019 12:55 a.m.
Chasmolinker says... #16
Heretic_Dragoon. I don’t think Unearth has a place in the deck. Cutting interaction for it doesn’t seem good
June 23, 2019 9:35 a.m.
Chasmolinker says... #17
Heretic_Dragoon I'm gonna try Unearth as a sideboard option for more grindy match-ups in place of Maelstrom Pulse .
June 27, 2019 1:59 p.m.
Is something wrong with TappedOut? The special formatting that this deck tech had isn't present.
June 27, 2019 9:51 p.m.
Chasmolinker says... #20
DarkStarStorm I've seen some oddities with the formatting over the life of this deck. I haven't noticed much as of late though. Save some card images from the Sideboard section spilling out of the accordion. But that seemed to be more on my end.
Everything seems good now. May have been a temporary update with the card format CSS as it is not all my own.
June 28, 2019 7:47 a.m.
EpicFreddi says... #21
Darn, I must've clicked on the wrong deck. I was not looking to play Jund in Modern. Anyway, have a good day Sir/Madam.
June 28, 2019 9:46 a.m.
Chasmolinker says... #22
Hahahaha EpicFreddi! Thanks for the love. Reminds me of the very first comment on this deck from leomlg9000
June 28, 2019 12:08 p.m.
Chasmolinker Whatever you did worked, since it is fixed now.
June 28, 2019 4:34 p.m.
MagicalLyricalNanoha says... #24
I feel like with Wrenn and Six you are doing yourself a disservice to not be running Raven's crime. Problem is I have no idea what you would possibly remove to make room for it.
June 28, 2019 11:36 p.m.
Chasmolinker says... #25
MagicalLyricalNanoha It might be OK in place of a Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek . I’d have to test that and see how it performs. Perfect information is tough to beat
Chasmolinker says... #1
Burn is pretty rough. Arclight and Dredge are reliant on scooze Game 1 and GY hate sb. Could probably go up to 4 scooze. Tron is pretty even. Death’s Shadow is about 60/40. Discard is still good combined with exile effects.
March 10, 2019 3:59 p.m.