[Primer] - Jund Midrange

Modern Chasmolinker

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Chasmolinker says... #1

Any Sideboarding suggestions from anyone??
I'm expecting to see the following decks: Grixis Shadow, Merfolk, Esper Mill, UR Storm, Affinity, BW Tokens, Abzan Company, and Burn. Maybe a Rakdos Hollow One if the guy shows up.

Not sure if Eldrazi Tron will make an appearance.

December 22, 2017 11:41 a.m. Edited.

Chasmolinker says... #2

I think I may put a Grafdigger's Cage main board.

December 22, 2017 11:41 a.m.

Chasmolinker says... #3

Any thoughts on Hellrider over Olivia Voldaren in the side board?

December 22, 2017 7:34 p.m.

Hunson_Abadeer says... #4

I like Olivia,

Hell rider seems cool what matchups would you use him in?

December 22, 2017 8:06 p.m.

Tethys says... #5

If you are actually going to mainboard graveyard hate for the tournament, I would strongly suggest using something you can cantrip; in this case Nihil Spellbomb. Otherwise, the loss of card advantage in matchups in which Grafdigger's Cage is not relevant will hurt you more then help I would think.

December 22, 2017 9 p.m.

D_boss says... #6

Replace dark confident with sylvan library because then you can get the cards you want and do not have to take damage to get extra cards but you have the option to

December 22, 2017 9:59 p.m.

Chasmolinker says... #7

D_boss thanks for the suggestion but I always flip lands with Bob. Besides, it doesnt look like library is modern legal.

December 23, 2017 12:07 a.m.

shinobigarth says... #8

Hellrider is for topping off a token deck, what would be do in here?

December 23, 2017 3:25 a.m.

Chasmolinker says... #9

I was thinking of boarding in Hellrider against grindy match-ups like abzan company. Or getting the last points of damage in against deaths shadow

December 23, 2017 9:20 a.m.

Bovine073 says... #10

Kozilek's Return puts in good work against Affinity, Tokens, and Vizier combo.

December 23, 2017 3:26 p.m.

Twanicus says... #11

I feel like Thrun, the Last Troll would be a better card for that slot. Grindy games, if by grindy you mean trading resources and playing the topdeck game, tend to be won with resilient, hard to interact with cards, of which Thrun is king. Olivia amd Kalitas both out value him, but are susceptible to removal. In the case of company decks, thats more of a cluttered board state stall. While hellrider CAN win through that with a developed board on our side, im not sure thats the game you want to play against them. Better to let them over commit, play just enough spot removal to fake not having damnation, then sweep the field. Any game where a hellrider would have won me the game, id rather have had an anger of the gods a turn before. That's just me though, have you had a chance to test him?

December 23, 2017 3:37 p.m.

shinobigarth says... #12

I would also play Thrun over Hellrider in here.

December 23, 2017 9:27 p.m.

jk77 says... #13

the rabble master doesn't seem very good without more goblins. why do you use it instead of Captain Lannery Storm or Sin Prodder just for example?

December 26, 2017 10:35 a.m.

Twanicus says... #14

Don't underestimate the master of rabbles. On an empty board, he swings in for 1/6/8 damage over 3 turns, leaving value behind if he gets dead. Hes there for pressure, and hes pretty good at it. In matches he gets stone walled, side him out.

December 26, 2017 5 p.m.

jk77 says... #15

have you ever played a game of magic in which your opponents don't have a single creature or literally any removal spell? he is a great target for a Lightning Bolt, Terminate, Fatal Push, Abrupt Decay, Mana Leak. i'm just saying that is a very unlikely situation that I have almost never experienced in my 10 years of magic. how has he been working out for you?

December 26, 2017 6:06 p.m.

JKRice says... #16

you should mix in one or two [tarfire]s with those bolts to add to goyf's power

December 26, 2017 8:35 p.m.

JKRice says... #17

i meant Tarfire

December 26, 2017 8:36 p.m.

Chasmolinker says... #18

So far Goblin Rabblemaster is a house. The last match I played him in, my opponent was playing Abzan Company and didnt seem bothered by him at first. But after 3 turns they said, Man that Rabblemaster is more annoying than I thought. It is constant pressure and if they choose not to block the tokens that turns into 1-3 damage per turn just with the tokens. He is really just in there to make the deck more aggressive. Captain Lannery Storm doesnt do as much because I generally dont need excess mana. The goblins that Rabblemaster leaves behind have more value than the treasure tokens.

December 27, 2017 12:39 a.m.

Chasmolinker says... #19

Tarfire doesnt do much outside of pump Tarmogoyf +1/+1. bolt removes most small threats like Delver of Secrets  Flip or enablers like Birds of Paradise. Tarfire is more for decks concerned with hitting delirium.

December 27, 2017 12:42 a.m.

Twanicus says... #20

jk77 in attrition matches, sure he dies a lot. But he also eats a path that isnt there for your goyf or bob. Or your bob got bolted and Lily got countered, now that his hand is empty you drop a rabby and apply pressure. Hes even better in "disruption and a clock" matches like storm, ad nauseum, and in some ways burn. Sure he has cards and decks that play well against him (Jeskai, in particular) but I definately think he earns his slots in a goodstuff attrition deck.

December 27, 2017 12:53 a.m.

jk77 says... #21

but so does any other 3 mana creature.

December 27, 2017 10:22 a.m.

Chasmolinker says... #22

Rabblemaster normally has a faster clock than goyf if left unanswered.

December 27, 2017 10:27 a.m.

Skillville says... #23

The tapped out comp% means nothing lmao. All my home brews are 91-100% on first draft lulz.

January 13, 2018 4:18 a.m.

Chasmolinker says... #24

Lol. Yeah but this deck packs a punch

January 13, 2018 7:10 p.m.

People are getting too distracted by you pointing out the competitive meter

January 13, 2018 7:59 p.m.

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