
Sultai Control build meant to utilize Torrential Gearhulk and play out of the graveyard. Strategy is typical control - draw out the game, stabilize, then either go in for the win with the Gearhulks or Hissing Quagmires. Debating if I need an extra win-con in the mix - Ulamog?

So far, I have tested again R/B aggro and G/B Delirium. Similar to any control deck, I need to play well and maximize each turn by playing smartly. Both decks (G/B + R/B) can be beat with the adjustments made to the decklist. I think that I am well positioned with answers to Aetherworks Marvel. I honestly have no idea what to expect from the UW Flash matchup and I am unsure if I have answers (advise would be more than welcome).

General note - the single copy of Imprisoned in the Moon is to address Westvale strategies and resolved Ulamogs.

My goal is to take this to a Grand Prix event in March (if viable when the metagame changes) - I've revised several times so far and have a lot more work to do. Originally, the deck was centered around keeping the board clear and then going in for the win with Sylvan Advocates and Nissa, Vital Force. (Primarily using the Advocate's anthem effect to power Nissa's land creatures.) I also tried multiple Dynavolt Tower shells - mono blue, and B/U variants as well. Both of these strategies felt very inconsistent and I have no interest in Metallurgic Summonings.

I'm not sure how the mana may look at first glance but this has gone through many revisions as well. I'm confident that this is where the deck wants to be but I would appreciate if anyone called out any unnoticed holes. I want to hit turns 1-3 untapped - I then have some wiggle room in turns 4-5 in case any lands needs to come in tapped (obviously, I would prefer the fourth land to come in untapped for Glimmer). Turn 6 should be ready to play Gearhulk. Again, not a lot of room for error in the order of played lands - playing lands out of order can mess up the entire game for me.

Any suggestions or callouts are welcome and strongly encouraged.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 1 Mythic Rares

17 - 1 Rares

13 - 8 Uncommons

19 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.00
Tokens Emblem Jace, Unraveler of Secrets, Energy Reserve
Folders Standard Ideas
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