They found the creature clinging to the sides of the castle walls last night. When they approached, the men fell screaming as if their very thoughts were being plucked from their heads. The beasts body grew and twisted, growing great webbed wings from the vegetation around it. The beating of the wings rustled up dust and clouded our vision. When the dust settled, the soldiers were dead, their eyes and tongues missing, their limbs twisted in awful positions. My own daughter, Anjelica, was missing.
Most of us left that very night, traveled as quickly as our feet could carry us, to the fortified town of Dunwich, but it mattered not. Last night I caught a glimpse of the vines near the guard towers that surround the gates. Something was looking back out at me. Anjelica, but not the girl I’d lost, but a demon of the night reborn. She was grinning. As I fell to my knees in horror, she faded, and the vines shook with the force of a great wind, yet the air was still. I fear for our lives, as well as the soul of my sweet little girl.
Note found near the corpse of a mutilated man.
I’ve been working on building a fun casual deck based around
Vulturous Zombie for some time now. It has undergone several builds from the ground up, and while fun, has been efficient. So here is a new build, started from the ground up, combining a few fun combos with
Vulturous Zombie and mill. I’m shooting for a very budget build, preferably under $50 – although I’d entertain a bit more if I can get some dual lands for a value. Aspects I’d like to include – zombies, mill, BUG, combos, hexproof. I’d also like the final deck to be Modern.
Axebane Guardian with
Freed from the Real for an infinite mana combo (requires 2 defenders). This is the heart of the deck – as well as the best way to fix our mana.
Consuming Aberration is our other large creature – that also works well with our
Vulturous Zombie
Drift of Phantasms a defender to fuel
Axebane Guardian as well as can transmute to fetch our
Axebane GuardianFreed from the Real combo pieces.
Gatecreeper Vine cheap defender with mana fetch
Fog Bank cheap defender
Ludevic's Test Subject
cheap defender w/ optional win condition
Death's Presence if they kill my
Vulturous Zombie he can move the counters to another creature.
Infinite Reflection all those defenders can suddenly become copies of
Vulturous Zombie or
Consuming Aberration or
Ludevic's Abomination
I’d like to incorporate
Phenax, God of Deception in as well.
Casual Deck – Sideboard unnecessary.
I build every deck under a $100 budget, to be affordable for most casual players. While this removes many of the higher priced and sought after cards from my potential pool, it also forces me to be creative and look into a wider scope of cards. Occasionally I have a deck that exceeds this amount, either due to price inflation over time, or getting a few lucky pulls in packs that I opted to keep, and in those rare cases, I will attempt to annotate replacement options that would bring the deck back in line with this budget.
NEEDED – Like I said, this deck has been efficient. Heck, the reason I named it 28 Turns Later (other than the zombie movie reference) was cause it felt like it took 28 turns to actually do anything.
View my other decks here: Deck Archive.
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