Semi-Budget U/W Control

Modern recell08


Dorotheus says... #1

Keep in the Spreading Seas plan, they are super good right now in the mainboard. Thing in the Ice  Flip is one of the best budget friendly cards in a control deck right now, and translates to non-budget decks too, works with yourOjutai's Command also. Opt and Serum Visions are also great budget cards that help smooth your curve and give you answers, you could probably get rid of Nyx-Fleece Ram and Timely Reinforcements to move them at least sideboard, and get 4 Things and 2 more Wall of Omens.

I've been working on a control deck also Belafonte, Life Aquatic (Mono Blue Teachings), but I still don't have most of it. But in tests Field of Ruin has been better than Ghost Quarter.

April 26, 2018 9:42 a.m.

recell08 says... #2

Hey,thanks for your suggestions! I like Field of Ruin but I will stay with Ghost Quarter for only one reason: I already own 8 copies of it. But I have this card already in my mind and I'll keep it there.I thought about Thing in the Ice  Flip sind my mono-blue-build and you're right. I'll do that change and will remove both Nyx-Fleece Ram, all 3 copies of Timely Reinforcements and will add 2 more Wall of Omens and 3 copies of Thing in the Ice  Flip.I will test Opt and Anticipate for my draws.

April 26, 2018 9:57 a.m.

Atrabilogie says... #3

7 lands that ETB tapped seems way too much, that's a third of your mana you can't tap when they ETB.

May 2, 2018 8:36 a.m.

Spell Pierce seems to maybe have a place in this deck. I agree that 7 etb lands are too many, I would cut the conclaves. Serum Visions is a wonderful card. Maybe go up to 2 Ojutai's Command?

May 2, 2018 9:05 a.m.

recell08 says... #5

Which cards could I add for some of the ETB-lands? Never forget that this is a budget-build and a mana-base can be really, really expensive...

May 2, 2018 10:26 a.m.

Haha that is very true, lands are pretty expensive.. After cutting conclaves I would add Prairie Stream, condsider cutting a temple to add another Island. Maybe one day in the future you could save up for Flooded Strand

May 2, 2018 1:10 p.m.

recell08 says... #7

What do you guys think about Nimbus Maze?

May 3, 2018 3:42 a.m.

Dorotheus says... #8

you need a very specific manabase for Nimbus Maze, and at that point you're looking at, at least Flooded Strand and Hallowed Fountains minimum to make sure you can have Maze active, but it leaves yourself open to it being "shut off" also. It's pretty good for Eldrazi decks with UW however.

May 3, 2018 11:20 a.m.

Kjartan says... #9

Nimbus Maze is not as good as Glacial Fortress.

May 22, 2018 12:22 p.m.

Onyx77 says... #10

You need Secure the Wastes in this deck.

August 19, 2018 8:33 a.m.

Proteus Staff maybe?

October 6, 2018 8:27 p.m.

recell08 says... #12

I'm not sure about this card. It can only be played as a sorcery and the new creature on the battlefield is a downside aswell.

October 7, 2018 10:09 a.m.

ninja988 says... #13

don't use Secure the Wastes. Its only really useful if you have enough +X/+X, otherwise it seems like sort of a "waste" of mana, no offense.

October 8, 2018 2:46 a.m.

Onyx77 says... #14

I’ve won a ton of games with Secure the Wastes bc it’s a got ya card and a win condition

October 8, 2018 6:45 a.m.

Demarge says... #15

(hiding old comments is a great feature to keep your deck's comment section providing relevant information for your current iteration of the deck, also tappedout isn't equipped to really handle too many comments it becomes tedious to scroll up and down several times)

of the mountain of w/u control lists I looked through while building my U/W control (what I got edition) I don't believe I ever saw the mana base go lower than 25 lands. Tron becomes much easier with a playset of Field of Ruin and sometimes a Ghost Quarter as a 5th copy, it also allows you a better stance vs non budget w/u control and humans can be easier to handle if you hit their caverns enough times. Many popular decks in the format the 2nd field is a Strip Mine that replaces itself on your side for 2 mana because they run so few basics.

W/u control is quite heavily reliant on snapcaster's and while you may have no sideboard posted (which is quite important for modern) I could almost suggest you try using Rest in Peace mainboard, many matchups in the format rip completely shuts down their strategy and since you lack the budget for snapcasters the mainboard rip strat could be viable for you, atm all it does weaken your single copies of knot, search, and budget command (which for all 3 it doesn't actually fully shut them down, just some of their utility) and the benefit of having rip game 1 when the decks that get the most hurt by it don't have access to their anti rip cards you could easily have game 1's shorter than it took to shuffle and pick starting hands.

You could also go with a more midrange version of the deck with Restoration Angel and Kitchen Finks .

January 17, 2019 3:38 a.m.

Feltrix says... #16

I would add a few more counters, particularly hard counters. You also probably only need 4 filtering cantrips, so I would drop either the 2x Opt or two of the Serum Visions .

March 23, 2019 1:10 p.m.

ThatOneMfer says... #17

Usually $500+ isn't budget....given it is cheaper than the staple Azorius Control. But IMO there isn't a budget version of this archetype. Either you have the cards or you don't.... A lot of people have tried to do a "budget" version of U/W control. But none of the "budget" versions can hold a light to the staple version. This is, as mentioned, one of them decks/archetypes that unless you can make it card for card to a tee, you should probably not attempt making this and play something else. At least, until you can trade, buy, etc. at least 80%+ of the staple version. You can get away without certain things, and use budget replacements when your at 80% of the staple maindeck cards. But until then its not going to be teir 1, and it's not going to be winning anything bigger than a modern FNM with a handful of players. I tell you this stuff not being an a**hole or a prick, but as someone who plays U/W control pretty frequently in modern. (Its one of my favorite decks to play.) But I tell you this stuff as someone trying to help, and keep a fellow MTG player from wasting time and money.

July 10, 2019 4:11 p.m.

Jackfrost23 says... #18

I have a few budget control decks I would love your feedback on. *{[Budget Gifts Control]}* and WhAT, BUdGET ConTROL? (Esper Control Ft. Snow)

October 11, 2020 1:01 p.m.

Grubbernaut says... #19

One easy and functional change I'd suggest is Oust or something similar over Path. BTL might be coming up, but at least per mtggoldfish, Blitz is still the most-played deck. Giving them lands just hurts so, so much.

The difference in price might also let you afford some other sweepers, which would be nice in a list like this.

I also REALLY like Behold the Multiverse in UWx.


May 15, 2021 3:54 p.m.

kellpiece says... #20

looks like a v solid deck. I'd definitely consider adding the Geist of Saint Traft also definitely the Vendilion Clique you might be able to ditch all 4 of your creatures for 2x of those, and then replace the card draw with Frantic Inventory or Serum Visions something. but everytime I've played against the giest it's been a real strong time-buyer for my opponent. Also the clique is super clutch for getting to run some hand snipes in a U/W control setting, without having to splash black.

Also as far as buying time goes, doesn't get much better than some of the gideon planeswalkers. Gideon, Ally of Zendikar is insane, and of the trials is pretty good early pressure as well. I've played with Jace, Architect of Thought before and that card is straight trash let me tell ya

the Mission Briefing IMO fits better in a deck that runs some form of discard, I like splashing these in my B/U control along with Torrential Gearhulk for some graveyard play. You could maybe run Thought Scour and 1-2 Search for Azcanta  Flip to get some graveyard pumping going.

I'm also personally pretty partial to cards like Spreading Seas and Vapor Snag or similar cards, pretty cheap and effective.

Lastly, Elspeth, Sun's Champion is a pretty nice win condition but you could also go for some of those big 10 drop blue creatures (kind of like Thing in the Ice  Flip you have sideboarded) or something like Shark Typhoon

oh also Day of Judgment pretty solid in white control decks.

May 18, 2021 2:43 p.m.

recell08 says... #21

Thanks for all your suggestions and your work! I own some copies of Vapor Snag , Serum Visions , Spreading Seas , Serum Visions and Thought Scour and will try them.

I think you're right about Jace, Architect of Thought and I will test some other stuff in this place.

Search for Azcanta  Flip is great and I want to try this card for a long time, maybe the time has come now.

I love Thing in the Ice  Flip, but I already play it in my Izzet Control-list and because of this, I want to try Elspeth here.

May 18, 2021 3:37 p.m.

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