The combo itself was something that was thought about immediately as the cards were spoiled, and I in no way came up with it on my own:
Devoted Druid +
Vizier of Remedies to make an infinite amount of green mana. To go from there, I want a way to sink my mana into something, and granted that was infinite GREEN mana, I wanted the sink to be green.
Enter Rhonas the Indomitable. This new guy allows you to not only spend your infinite green mana to infinitely pump the power of an attacker, but also give it trample at the same time. Not only that, but it isn't also a one shot deal, you can do it again and again should the opponent have random fog effects. Another neat thing was the fact that he could also just be a 5/5 deathtouching beater, should the combo not be pulled off.
Now that I had the core combo, I needed a shell around it. For that two cards immediately came to mind as easy slot ins: Chord of Calling and Collected Company. Chord could find you any piece you needed, obviously at instant speed, and CoCo could allow you to get two pieces at instant speed, meaning you might very well be able to CoCo at end of turn, untap and play the last piece for the W
With Chord and CoCo already in the deck, moving into a creature strategy was a given, and to that end I ended up with THE stable of any chord deck:
Wall of Roots
, being able to ramp and power up your Chords faster, as well as bringing up more ways to turn 3 a CoCo. Another easy slot in was Kitchen Finks, which even mini-combos with Vizier itself for infinite persisting whenever it dies, as just a generally good beater as well as small amount of life gains, as well as Eternal Witness to bring back either Chord or CoCo.
A good old favourite of mine in any sort of creature CoCo-Chord deck is
Noble Hierarch
, allowing you to push out 3 drops on turn 2, and making turn 3 CoCos more consistent, as well as assisting in powering up your creatures to swing through, so at least for me, it was an easy slot in.
Initially I had other ideas for how to fill out the rest of the slots for the deck, and ran other creatures, but eventually I ended up on 3 Renegade Rallier and 3 Elvish Visionary. Visionary as just yet another 2 drop, as well as cycling if it was one of the creatures you got from CoCo. Initially this was a Wall of Omens, but I found the white mana to be a liability at times, as well as the inability to attack when push came to shove. As for Rallier, it started to dawn on me more and more just how good it could be in this shell the more I playtested it. Often if I played a turn 2 druid, they would obviously kill it. Rallier, at that point, was easy to slot in as a 3 drop: crack a fetch, play rallier, bring back druid. If they don't kill druid, they risk losing if they let me untap, and if they do kill druid, I got to keep my 3/2 around and make them waste yet ANOTHER piece of removal Not only that, the same play patterns could happen off of and EoT Chord, or random CoCos where suddenly Rallier acted as additinal copies of either druid or vizier.
For now the card I am the most on the fence about is my inclusion of a 2-of Evolutionary Leap. It has certainly pulled its weight at times, allowing you yet another avenue to help find your combo if you already have infinite mana set up, allowing you to get as many creatures as you have green mana if you have Vizier + Finks in play, or just being a good card against removal heavy decks, but if I were to cut something, it would probably end up being this card.
Now, for the manabase I kept in mind that I wanted to be able to trigger revolt as often as I could, so I started off with a solid 8 fetches. In this case Windswept Heath for its on-colorness and then
Misty Rainforest
as just yet another green fetch, although in reality any other green fetch will work exactly the same. To add onto this, and to help power up Rallier a little bit more even, I also added in 2 Horizon Canopy, a stable of course in a lot of G/W decks inherently due to its ability to help you out if you are flooding. And just to help a little bit more, again with revolt in mind as well, Ghost Quarter, as a way to help against Death's shadow decks, as well as tron and eldrazi decks (Keep in mind that most Death's Shadow deck usually only run 1 basic at most, and in super rare cases they run 2). To finish it all up, and to help in having a plan B (for Beatdown) I decided on 2 Gavony Township. As with any G/W strategy involving mana dorks, this can help your turn all your "useless" or outsized creatures into potent threats all on its own, for the low, low cost of having a land in your deck that doesn't produce colored mana. A worthwhile sacrifice to make it less all in combo.
As for the Sideboard, I would implore you to experiment as you want to, as I have a very poor grasp of proper sideboard building in general My choices right now are primarily with some amount of Death's Shadow and hate cards in mind, with Manglehorn serving as a way to help against affinity, as well as blow up hate cards like Pithing Needle,
Grafdigger's Cage
, Phyrexian Revoker and the like, but I consider everything in the sideboard to be up for debate, perhaps with the sole exception being the 3 Path to Exile.