Elf tribal with Origins spoilers.
I think most of the deck speaks for itself: Lots of low-cost elves with synergy. We win with large numbers and small power-ups.
-Only 3 Elvish Mystic because we run 3 different 1-drops / with no tapped lands, the ramp isn't too necessary.
-Nissa, Vastwood Seer
is the most over-priced Civic Wayfinder ever... however, I love having her every time I draw her. Nissa, Sage Animist
doesn't see much play, but she comes up every once and a while. I don't want more that 1 a game, and she isn't 100% necessary, so I only use 2 copies.
-Nissa's Pilgrimage is pretty awesome. It's no Cultivate, but it's the best ramp in standard. Spell mastery is easy to activate and makes the card bonkers, but it isn't necessary. 1 is perfect for me.
-Only two Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen's because they're legendary (AKA r&d hates us...). Having a backup is nice, but you never want more that one in your field of vision. I make up for that with the Obelisk of Urd. I like one, but mix it up if you want.
-Collected Company and Sylvan Messenger serve basically the same role: refilling the board or hand. However, a lot of the time you just wan't an actual card. CoCoing two Shaman of the Pack can be insane, but drawing a shaman or removal spell is just better sometimes. I find these cards prime targets to be boarded out.
-gnarlroot tracker is a fantastic card. It's good at literally any point in the game. But because black is our weakest color, we only run 3 so that we don't have too many uncastable cards in the early game.
-Shaman of the Pack,,, We would run 20 if we could.
-Through fetches and chump-blocking, it's never hard to cast a Murderous Cut. I find this to be the best mono-black removal spell for this deck. Because we're always jamming everything onto the battlefield, that 1-mana removal really makes a difference.
Why am I running a third color when there are no white elves? Honestly, it started as just a little test for a few cards, but the deck feels 100% more consistent now. Surprisingly enough, the white splash makes every single individual card so much more powerful.
-Surprise! Sunblade Elf is back and better than ever! you'll have a Plains often enough to really get aggressive with him, and his pump is fantastic. Turning a few 1/1's into 2/2's can change the direction of the game.
-Abzan Charm is so versatile that it needs to be here. It can be extra removal or it can turn a 1/1 into a 3/3. Both modes are fantastic, as always.
-Ajani Steadfast really puts in work in this deck. Your goal is to amass a giant army of smallish creatures, and Ajani pumps every single one at once. However, if you only have one little elf, it can still be a threat.
-Sorin, Solemn Visitor's pump is amazing, and he can get you a flying creature if you absolutely need one. (Someone please make a Vampire Elf token!!!)
-For my last 1-of I was looking for a massive combat trick to close the game. Trumpet Blast would be great, but it's in the wrong color. I considered Joraga Invocation but it was just too slow. Then I discovered Rush of Battle. +2/+1 for 4 seems pretty good. Too bad these are elves and not warriors... Oh wait... Dwynen, Elite, the Elite's token, sunblade... nevermind.
At this time only half of origins has been spoiled, so hopefully I'll get some super sweet new tech to throw in here later. If you've got any suggestions, I'd love to hear them! Thanks!