Mightywiggy says... #6
+1 like your version allot, it's an inspiration for me. Thanks for you'r comments and +1 on mine.
July 20, 2015 3:36 p.m.
@Timaar and @Mightywiggy Thanks so much! I really like what each of you have done with this concept as well. I'm looking forward to seeing how both of your decks evolve going forward after playtesting.
I'm pulling a lot of ideas from you both!
July 20, 2015 5:23 p.m.
trixster87 says... #9
@ Freeble I was browsing other decks trying to get a way to handle agro and your suggestion is awesome for me thanks!!!
July 21, 2015 6:45 p.m.
@Freeble I'm not really sure what that gets us that Crux of Fate and/or Languish doesn't cover. I've already got 4 kill-based sweepers in here, I'm not seeing the benefit of a bounce-based one.
If I'm missing something obvious, please let me know.
July 22, 2015 11:35 a.m.
MexicanPenguin says... #11
I have a deck like it, its Hey, Your Deck Disappeared!
July 22, 2015 4:10 p.m.
smoggybuffalo says... #12
I would rather replace digs for treasure cruise because dig doesn't trigger the mill
July 23, 2015 3:44 p.m.
WoollyMammoth says... #13
Is this deck not screaming for Dark Deal? Not only does it mill your opponents hand, but it works just like a Cruise. After even a single tutelage it could be huge. If you cast it after Archive, you get a ton of cards.
July 24, 2015 1:43 a.m.
WoollyMammoth says... #14
I tried this out and, above all else its very fun. Its similar to the UB control I've been playing, but with more of an edge.
Tasigur and Silumgar seem like fun but they arent really building on the theme. There's a ton of mill in here, I dont see how you could get completely around it. If you want a great win con, how about Liliana Vess? Turning an entire deck against itself seems fun. She also has a built in Dark Petition. Chasm Skulker is leaning more toward the fun and less competitive. Infinite Obliteration is probably great in this deck to remove the biggest threat that could threaten your control.
The deck is a little hung up on the drawing extra cards part, since Archive only activates on special card drawing abilities. Jace, Dig, Monestary, Cruise. Not a whole lot to rely on after dropping 5 mana for Archive. Monastery is even a little annoying and falls down low in priority while you're struggling to make everything work. Dark Deal is not as potent as I'd hoped. Damnable Pact however, could be really great here, or simply using Fascination. If you just dont have the delve, treasure cruise will screw you over. Artificer's Epiphany is more reliable here, especially since you want to do it after archive, but also because you dont care so much about the discard anyway. Dakra Mystic is an interesting 1 drop with great synergy here (and this deck badly needs 1 drops). Drawing 1 card for 1 mana is a massive thing here. Making Day's Undoing work would be interesting. Using Ashiok's ult > days undoing would be pretty epic. Sign in Blood is the most mana efficient of all the draw cards in standard, and may be just what we need.
The reason Archive is 5 is because of gaining life. We can use this to buy the time we need to mill, but Dismal Backwater and radiant fountain is not going to do it. Profane Memento is the best card to consider here. Obviously were sending a lot of creature cards to the graveyard. Another needed 1 drop, and it will likely come out before Archive and draw heat from spells that can destroy artifacts.
Not sure how it all fits together, but I think there is a way to make this competitive. Maybe simply leaving out Archive and instead relying on stacking tutelage and dropping cards like Dark Deal and Fascination.
July 24, 2015 4:16 a.m.
@WoollyMammoth Tons of great feedback, thanks!!
I totally agree that Silmgar and Tasigur don't really follow the theme of the deck, it just feels like there should be a win-con other than mill. I think that Liliana Vess may indeed fill that role in a much more cohesive way. I am partial to Silumgar, but not so much to Tasigur, so the dragon may stick around, but I'm not sure.
Infinite Obliteration is one that I missed when I was initially putting this together, and one that I think I definitely need to make room for. It' just too strong against too many things that can run away with a game.
I also have been thinking strongly about getting rid of the Alhammarret's Archives. The few times I've gotten them out, they've had a good impact. But when I draw one, I would almost always rather have something else.
I think I would err toward Fascination rather than Damnable Pact just because of the loss of life. Although I'm still on the fence about running either. I am however leaning somewhat strongly toward Artificer's Epiphany rather than Treasure Cruise for exactly the reason you mentioned.
I'm not sure I entirely agree with this deck badly needing 1-drops, though. Except perhaps Thoughtseize. I do like the Mystic, I'm just not sure if it is enough to push something else out. I'm definitely going to keep it in mind though. Its versatility as both a draw engine as well as a chump blocker in a pinch could be helpful.
Sign in Blood is another great card that i just totally forgot about when making this. It actually may push out either Cruise or Epiphany as the primary mid-turn draw. Especially if I add in Profane Memento, which is something that I think would be terribly helpful against aggro decks. It would help make up the life lost to early aggression, by doing what the deck does best anyhow: mill. I'm still not sure if I will want to keep in the Archive or not. Definitely not as a 2-of as it is now, but having 1 might be a good thing.
There are definitely lots of considerations, and I'm playing with different ideas every day. I really appreciate all the input and suggestions!
July 24, 2015 9:16 a.m.
drparker37 says... #16
I'm partial to mill decks and I've been trying to brew one for standard. This is full of great ideas.
July 24, 2015 11:30 a.m.
WoollyMammoth says... #17
Some more notes:Dig Through Time is not a draw. Its amazing but it has no synergy here and there will be plenty of draw anyway. Divination is much better than Artificer's Epiphany, especially if you want to drop archive, and then probably Profane Memento goes as well. Dragonlord's Prerogative is exactly the same as paying 4X on Fascination/Damnable Pact, but your Silumgar can make it a guaranteed cast in a tight spot. Fascination is considerably better than Damnable Pact since making your opponent draw too is removing more cards from their library, but Damnable Pact/Sign in Blood have a double use of finishing off your opponent after Silumgar/Ashiok steals a nasty creature. Speaking of dragons, Necromaster is pricy and slow milling, but Mindscour Dragon is obviously a mill dragon. Unfortunately, all of these, as well as Dakra Mystic and Faerie Miscreant highly conflict with this decks main plan .. which is to survive to turn 4 and Languish, then Languish again a few turns later, and hopefully use Jace to Languish from our graveyard. Silumgar, the Drifting Death is a good option and also helps clear the board of tokens. Torrent Elemental has some synergy here. Disciple of the Ring is a very potent control card that might survive a languish. Phenax, God of Deception is worth mentioning. Tasigur is just a power card so it doesn't hurt to have him in here.
Grindclock is not a bad early drop for this deck either.
July 24, 2015 2:07 p.m.
WoollyMammoth says... #18
I added some more comments but you applied most of the changes. Looks very cool. My only thought is that grindclock is like a Mind Sculpt that can build up for a bigger payoff, might be something to consider. There's a lot of ways to go here this deck is very cool. It has a solid foundation as a UB Control Ashiok deck anyway so it looks competitive.
July 24, 2015 2:52 p.m.
@WoollyMammoth I saw your other comments, and like you said, took in a lot of them. I had the deck open in another tab and you posted it while I was in the middle of the update, so it got pulled into that :\
I REALLY appreciate all the suggestions and comments you've made. You have absolutely helped me make this thing better! I think it is very close to being competitive.
I'm wanting to try out the Mindscour Dragons and see how they play. If they look solid, I'm also going to look at Silumgar's Scorn and Dragonlord's Prerogative since that will give me a total of 3 dragons.
I'm also really wanting to find a way to squeeze in Grindclock. If it comes out on-curve, then by the time I'm getting around to using it, it's another 3 or 4 mill per turn, easy. I'm going to play it for a few days the way it is though, to see where I can slot it in, and perhaps pull something else that's not working as well (i.e. the Dragons if they fail to deliver)
July 24, 2015 3:20 p.m.
TheFoilAjani says... #20
This list makes me happy, but I must put in a word for Dark Deal. I run it in my deck I thought you wanted to draw cards? (Off to Gp Sd), and it works super well with Alhammarret's Archive.
July 24, 2015 3:36 p.m.
MexicanPenguin says... #21
I also run it in my own deck Hey, Your Deck Disappeared! and it works wonders. I also would love some feedback from you guys!
July 24, 2015 3:38 p.m.
WoollyMammoth says... #22
Maybe its crazy but I'm thinking of how Herald of the Pantheon would incredibly speed this deck up. Green also has a lot of that Lifegain I was talking about. Feed the Clan for 20 lifegain (with archive)... Fruit of the First Tree on Silumgar, DD (decreased cost with Herald).
I think this deck is most competitive when played as close to the UB Control archetype as possible. Even UB dragons with Foul-Tongue Invocation and Silumgar's Scorn is not that great here, because they are not optimal if you do not have dragons in your hand, and I think we are sacrificing dragons for mill here. Scorn is particularity troubling when you dont have the dragons, but Dissolve is great with its free scry. Clash of Wills is great as a mana efficient early counter and variable late game. I don't see Dissipate as being huge here since we are exiling cards anyway. Disdainful Stroke is nearly useless against half the meta. Instead, 3 Ashiok balances out the control. 4 Languish is mandatory, one crux is a safe bet, and id maybe even go 3 downfall 2 ult price, the instants are very important to stop dash, and to wait and see what your opponent does. The creatures I would all keep above 5 to be working "above languish". Tasigur, both Silumgars and Pearl Lake Ancient are great in the mirror match. Priest of the Blood Rite is another interesting choice. As for the mill, the X draw cards are not efficient, Sign in Blood is worth 4 mana for Damnable Pact and Fascination. I still think we should keep one Archive in here, just in case and one Cruise since we have very little delve left and control is usually great for delve. Monastery Siege I'm highly debating .. the continual draw is not super needed, and the extra (2) is nice, but Orbs of Warding is going to be a great sideboard card to shut down the kind of decks you want that for, personally I think its going to be a huge card for control.
If we get 2 Tutelage out, along with Ashiok, that should be enough to mill them without any other special cards that dilute the control.
July 24, 2015 8:45 p.m.
DragonzBane says... #23
I really like this deck! It seems fun. What about an Anticipate or 2?
July 25, 2015 7:23 p.m.
WoollyMammoth says... #24
In terms of competitive play, control decks are a bit of a pain right now with lighting fast goblin decks (Goblin Piledriver) and massively growing Devotion to GR (winning last major tournament) as well as the ever popular Abzan (winning the tournament before that) among the most favorite decks. Abzan is a bit of a toss up, with popular Rhino and Tasigur getting around Languish. Thoughtseize can be a pain. Bit I think this Ashiok heavy deck plus the new jace and Languish starts to give us a bit of an edge.
The sidebar is going to be very tight. Against Abzan, we are going to want Crux/Thoughtseize, 4 hero's downfall. Against monored and simiar aggro, our only chance is a perfect timed boardwipe, so I'd say at least 3 Drown in Sorrow is mandatory (its going to be the only thing that can save us if goblins set up perfectly). The Impact Tremors deck is especially troubling. I'm thinking at least 3 Orbs of Warding to counter this, also all the weenie decks, thopters, etc.
Green-Red Devotion is tough and might be the biggest threat until BFZ. Virulent Plague is massive (also against any manifest deck, like den protector). Virulent Plague is probably the best card versus Devotion to GR, as it stops Hornet Queen Rattleclaw Mystic Xenagos, the Reveler and, most importantly Whisperwood Elemental. Drown is another big card to have in this match up. Also in the sidebar will come out Gaea's Revenge .. our only hope is going to be Silumgar, tDD to block. Using jace to cast two boardwipes would be the other. The best bet would maybe be to spash green for Sultai Charm which goes a long way to keep control competitive.
The appeal of this deck compared to other control is that were likely to mill some of these away.
July 25, 2015 8:06 p.m.
WoollyMammoth says... #25
Anticipate is another great card for control but unfortunately would not trigger Sphinx's Tutelage and therefore better replaced by many of the other draw cards mentioned here.
Timaar says... #5
Nice deck!
July 20, 2015 2:48 p.m.