@ezio27 Thanks a ton! I thought about running the turbo fog build too, especially after Ali Aintrazi posted his own brew of it on TCGPlayer (here), but I decided to stay dedicated to the mill and control.
Great idea to splash for those two. I wasn't originally running Dark Deal (no idea why), but now that I am, the few games I've been able to test it in, it's been absolutely great!
You should post your deck up here and get some community feedback! It's been absolutely amazing for me with this deck!
July 29, 2015 4:52 p.m. Edited.
WoollyMammoth says... #3
I took out the mill because I thought it was too slow, then I realized that in certain matchups, its the best way to win. I was testing versus the Goblin Piledriver burn deck and I started losing every game until I put Sphinx's Tutelage back. I can win If I control as best I can until I can drop Orbs of Warding. If you have Ashiok and 1 tutelage out by turn 5, thats a maximum 10 turns at the most until their deck is completely milled.
One thing I really want to do is Ugin, the Spirit Dragon ult while Alhammarret's Archive is down (draw 14) then Dark Deal (discard, draw 13x2 = 26) for a total of 40 draws .. and thats game. Even if you use Ugin to drop Archive thats still going to be 7 + 12 for 19 which is a minimum of 38 cards milled which at that point is likely game.
I'd love to make this work competitively but this deck is just helping rally and rally is getting huge right now. If we get Infinite Obliteration off to cripple the main part of the plan, and use Tormod's Crypt as protection it might be possible to compete with rally.
the only problem I see with this deck is that its extremely slow and its hard to get 2-3 matches in time.
July 30, 2015 3:53 a.m.
The main thing that I'm struggling with is making this deck faster. I've given serous thought to dropping the black to only a splash for Languish, Silumgar, and the Charm, and going more of a turbo-fog approach. Either that or balancing out the green and black more evenly and just having a bit of both. Although I think it would make the mana even more difficult.
Another thing is that I think the mana is too slow as well. I'm considering adding in some pain lands. Right now, if I want to have proper colors, I'm essentially playing a turn behind curve. Granted I'm scrying almost every turn for the first 3 or 4, but it puts the deck behind more than the scry helps.
I've got a bit more considering to do, but changes will probably be coming in the next few days. AT least minor mana balancing if nothing else.
July 31, 2015 9:52 p.m.
TheFoilAjani says... #5
Haha! I'm the 100th up vote! Congrats from the Fate Unraveler!
July 31, 2015 10:14 p.m.
JANKYARD_DOG says... #6
Regarding your land issues if you don't want to do different types of pain lands could just toss in a set of Mana Confluence's then when urborg comes out its a swamp with no pain attached. Or maybe Fetches are the way to go to feed the delve. Speaking of Delve, would Dig Through Time not serve you better? Unless budget reasons of course...Ninja'd on the 100th upvote >.< but +1 regardless.
July 31, 2015 10:24 p.m.
WoollyMammoth says... #7
Sultai Control is running 3 Jace, and a lot of Satyr Wayfinder since he is amazing: hes a draw for card advantage, he makes sure you dont have mana issues, he puts 3 cards in the graveyard for delve and hes a chump blocker or even an attacker (since we often have the board cleared). Also, sultai control is running Den Protector since you can use her to pull cards out of your graveyard, as well as being a tough to block 3/2 attacker.
I run 4 opulent palace and Polluted Delta. I bought the deltas because I want to be committed to control. I dont have any mana issues. For other lands its hard to choose between the pain scry and health lands. The scry are the most popular though the pain lands have been more common now but I find them a bit too painful.
I notice a lot of people trying to make use of tutelage at the tournament last weekend. I'm going to try out a draw heavy tutelage sultai control tomorrow and see how it goes.
August 3, 2015 3:24 a.m.
@TheFoilAjani: Woo! Thanks for the support!! Very much appreciated :)
@Mj3913: With the latest update, and rebalancing of the mana base, I'm not having any issues out of it anymore. I did strongly consider Mana Confluence, but ended up just going with a few pain lands, and it's working out just fine. As far as Dig Through Time, I went with Treasure Cruise simply because it feeds the mill through Sphinx's Tutelage and Dig doesn't. I basically wanted to go draw-heavy control, that was low enough to the ground to stay alive while drawing enough to mill them out.
@WoollyMammoth: As always, thanks for the input! I ultimately decided to go with fewer creatures, rather than with more, and it seems to be working fairly well. The addition of the other 2 Opulent Palace and a few pain lands is running strong too. How did your brew end up doing? DO you have the decklist posted up?
August 12, 2015 11:26 p.m.
Cool deck, I was wondering, have you successfully used Orbs of Warding on a mono red aggro deck? I was wondering how well it worked considering it costs a lot but has some really cool affects.
August 13, 2015 12:51 a.m.
@Dryshadow I haven't been able to test it against mono-red aggro yet, it's just not that popular in our local meta, and I've not played against it. I have used it against U/R Thopters, and that was amazingly successful. I've also played it against mono-red burn, and it was very good in that matchup as well. Although I was at 6 life by the time I got it out, I took no more damage the rest of the game and was able to mill them out for the win.
August 13, 2015 12:43 p.m.
I might be wrong, but I don't think Divination is good for this deck. Turn three your opponents have a few creatures out and you could be doing much better things with your mana. I suggest to instead play Sultai Charm because it has an ability almost as good as Divination at instant speed, plus there are two different destroy options. Alternatively, it's always fun to have more Monastery Siege especially when you have Learn from the Past.
Hopefully this is useful to you
August 13, 2015 10:28 p.m.
Thanks, it is absolutely useful!
I tend to agree with what you're saying about Divination, it's only in there temporarily until I figure out something better to slot in. I've been considering Reclaim instead. When I first decided to add green to this list, I initially went with Sultai Charm, but it never performed as well as I'd hoped. I think that may be due to the mana issues I was having before this latest update though, so I may give it a second look.
I just really like the idea of Reclaim with all the draw in the deck, because in many cases you would get it back to your hand immediately (i.e. play a draw spell or tap Jace, then play Reclaim with it on the stack, pop your card back on top, then proceed to draw it.
August 14, 2015 12:13 a.m.
dough54321 says... #13
Here's a question - more of a gameplay one. I like your deck a lot. I've liked Sphinx's Tutelage since I came across it in prerelease and am DETERMINED to live by it as long as I'm able.
If you're playing against someone who plays Dragonlord Dromoka, where you can't play cards during their turn, you're pretty much screwed and can't use your Disdainful Stroke or Languish against them. What I've seen when playtesting with my son is that he'll use Den Protector before his turn begins to get all his Deathmist Raptor's back on the field and then play Dragonlord Dromoka. Like you, I also play with Winds of Qal Sisma. Can I play that AS Dragonlord Dromoka comes into play to prevent all battle damage for the rest of the turn, since he's not really "on the battlefield", yet?
August 25, 2015 9:42 a.m.
Yes- you can play the Winds (or any instant\ card with flash) in Response to the Dragonlord entering the battlefield. It will only work for that turn, but you'll prevent any damage that turn.
August 25, 2015 9:51 a.m. Edited.
@dough54321: Yep, bellz76 said it perfectly :) Also, thanks for the compliment!
August 25, 2015 9:55 a.m.
TheProNoob says... #16
Looks like a really solid deck! I can see this doing very well! Have you thought of maybe Reliquary Tower? Seems like it might be usefull to keep whatever cards you over draw?
August 25, 2015 11:25 p.m.
@TheProNoob If it gets reprinted, that would be fantastic, but by that time a lot of key cards from this will rotate out anyhow, so the whole deck will need to be reworked.
August 25, 2015 11:45 p.m.
I run a very similar deck but it seems like your deck is a bit slow and clunky. I think the 3rd orbs make the deck too slow. In addition,I feel like you need another playset of fogs, maybe defend the hearth or something like that. If you want you can look at my list for ideas. But I love the idea of the Sultai Fog. http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/sultai-pronounced-salty-fog/
August 26, 2015 11:33 a.m.
I really like this deck and I might change my one based around it.
August 31, 2015 6:31 a.m.
danieln311 says... #20
What would you think about putting a bit more counter spells in? Purely for dealing with people who happen to be running Orbs of Warding so your tutelages are rendered useless or spells that destroy your enchanentments, like Dromokas Command. Just some thoughts
ezio27 says... #1
Really like this deck here, it is much similar to mine, i run the turbo fog one but i splashed black for Dark Deal and Sultai Charm.
+1 from me great idea
July 29, 2015 3:44 p.m.