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I had the Atraxa precon, and I loved it, but it was time for a change...

I finally decided on superfriends. I had a bunch of planeswalkers sitting in binders not seeing play, so I grabbed what I had, threw them in with some value creatures, and sweepers. Now this is where we are. Deck has been super fun to play(pun intended).

Deck has been running better than any of the other iterations I've had previously. Still think some things can be tightened up, maybe some Walker swaps, but other than that this work in progress has been playing the way I want finally. I'm trying to avoid most tutors as to not piss off my playgroup (already on thin ice running land destruction).

Big Update #73: Swapped out a around 20 cards. Took out some under performing Walkers and spot removal for some artifact ramp, land destruction, and counter doubling. Also cleaned up the mana base a bit more to run more reliably.

Recent Add-Ins: Detection Tower Garruk Wildspeaker Jace, Architect of Thought Jace, Unraveler of Secrets Aminatou, the Fateshifter Oath of Jace

Let me know what you think of the updates if you've seen this build already, and if this is your first look definitely leave your feedback, and suggestions thanks!

Token Time:

I'm particular/slightly obsessed with tokens. So, these are the tokens I use in this deck....ya know, in case you were wondering

your text here....I didn't include all of the Planeswalker emblems(there are a lot.)

ps: Tokens are way out of date.

pps: S6E3 refers to the fact that it is my sixth iteration of Atraxa,and this is the 3rd update to that build.


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(5 years ago)