@danthek84 I think your missing the point. The amount of symbols isn't the biggest issue this deck will be facing to be competitive, although it definitely is an alarming issue. While I do see Wall of Frost being valid here, we're aiming to be as aggressive as the old Blue Devotion decks. However, I will keep in mind when I come up with a well structured sideboard to add Wall for the more aggressive decks like rabble red and such.
August 26, 2014 10:28 a.m.
Complexbullet says... #4
+1, I've never played blue but id like to give it a go and this looks like a good place to start. A few good creatures/combo's I've come across are: Quickling play it on your opponents end step return Master of Waves to your hand then cast it again for a load more tokens, and a 2/2 flying for 2mana is not bad at all. Could even pull back your Hypnotic Siren late game to play for its bestow. Chasm Skulker is a must I think for blue decks even without card gain spells its still going to pump each turn and pop out a bunch of 1/1 squid tokens when destroyed which with your Hall of Triumph and Paragon of Gathering Mists is no joke for your opponent. Other than that the only other aggro creatures I can think of are Crystalline Nautilus 4/4 for 3mana but risky to play due to being sacrificed if targeted by a spell, or the better Illusory Angel 4/4 flying for 3mana but you have to cast a spell to play it. A potential good 1 drop creature maybe Vortex Elemental . It will be targeted by master and use your other buffs to improve it, but its best feature is 1mana return vortex and blocked creature to there libraries and shuffle. Your opponent will stall till they can remove it or until you tap out. Hope that helps.
August 28, 2014 6:14 p.m.
@Complexbullet, I appreciate the feedback. It's nice to know someone might actually run this list as his first blue deck. I like many of the suggested cards. Vortex Elemental might not see the Mainboard! but will definitely fit in the side against the more aggressive decks. For now, I want to keep an aggression going and vortex doesn't swing in the early game.
Quickling is interesting because as you mentioned it does have flash. I might play around with it and see how it works out.
Crystalline Nautilus is not a horrible idea, but even if control will or won't be a thing does not change the fact it can easily be removed simply by targeting it with a card ability.
Illusory Angel might see some action, but it simply needs to many conditions to be any good, like a one drop in addition to itself on turn four. Granted that these conditions aren't hard to meet, I'll play around with it.
Lastly, Chasm Skulker , just like everyone else, i too think it does seem like a must run card if we're playing blue. I can see it becoming quite a threat if it starts obtaining counters and swinging big, especially with Thassa, God of the Sea unblockable ability or paragon's ability to give flying. At the same time, in certain match ups, it isn't hard to counter at all, simply by just chump blocking it, or exiling it altogether. Again, I'll play around with it and see if it's worth running. A special mention is that it does counter the board wipes, so I'll wait and see what decks are running amuck that include board sweepers.
Note that I haven't actually built the deck, but am planning to after my blue deck goes out. All the cards listed are subject to change in either the quantity or the card altogether. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll keep them in mind as I continue to tinker around with blue.
August 28, 2014 6:42 p.m.
Complexbullet says... #6
Cool cool, I've put together my own version if you'd like to check it out Mono blue elemental aggro (post rotation) I'd suggest swapping mindreaver for Battlefield Thaumaturge and get in Hour of Need in there, makes your creatures/tokens into 4/4 flyers which you can buff with an obelisk, hall and/or paragon.
August 28, 2014 6:56 p.m.
- Clever Impersonator
but why just only 1 Thassa copy ?
September 8, 2014 3:53 a.m.
4 Copy of Hall of Triumph are to much in my opinion cut 2 and add more copys of thassa .
But anyway nice that you try to keep Blue Devotion Alive for that +1 ;)
September 8, 2014 3:56 a.m.
My suggestions are :
- 2 MindReaver ( 2 Dev. sure but without are Herotrigger he makes not enough )
- 2 Hall of Triumph ( its great in a MonoDeck but 2 are enough)
+3 Thassa (she is to good)+1 Bident Thassa ( with all the Evasion you have, it give you are great card advantage +2 stable Dev.)
September 8, 2014 4:12 a.m.
Thank you for the feedback Hatchman. It's appreciated
In the making of the original lost, I ran 4 Thassa; however, after play testing over and over, I found Thassa to be dead weight with all those creatures that got her active. This also makes Deicide a less favorable card to board in specifically for Thassa, that is to say they hate Thassa with a passion even if they don't see it.
I'm sticking with 3-4 Hall of triumph simply because it's more useful to have a on turn 3 than an inactive god. while both do have the "legendary" status, hall is just more synergetic than Thassa since most of my creatures are pretty evasive one way or the other.
I have seen Clever Impersonator and I'm intrigued. I'm thinking of placing him in the sideboard simply because he's great at mirroring threats I cannot answer and for cloying master and such, but I don't want this deck to be to combo dependent. The more board conditions I require to pull awesome plays increases inconsistency.
Still, I'll reconsider and playtest more thassas, and tinker with the main board to see if I can make her more effective. Again, your suggestions are I highly appreciated :)
September 8, 2014 4:23 a.m.
Oh forgive me for my horrendous statements, it's really early in the morning here, and I'm lacking of sleep. Bear with me :P
I like the idea of main boarding more Mindreaver , which then gives me a reason to run 4 Thassa, but as you said, it itself almost doesn't cut it despite the double U symbols. What do u think about main boarding multiple copies of triton tactics and other cards that can trigger heroic and such?
September 8, 2014 4:28 a.m.
Undead_Assassin says... #12
Consider Quickling instead of Vaporkin , You can return Hypnotic Siren to your hand to situationally use it's bestow ability from your hand. Also when you have Hall of Triumph or Paragon of Gathering Mists out, you can return Master of Waves to your hand, keep your elementals in play.. then play him again to re-trigger his ability. Also works with Frost Lynx . Plus 1'd and foldered. Will check back, I like this. I'm so sick of Ensoul Artifact shenanigans with mono blue.
September 15, 2014 11:52 p.m.
@Undead_Assassin Thanks! reconsidering Quickling and will be testing it out in replacement of Vaporkin . What do you think about Peel from Reality for the same effect, but more disruption based?
September 16, 2014 10:02 p.m.
Undead_Assassin says... #14
I think that it could serve the same purpose as Quickling , but you get an extra benefit with effecting your opponent too. I might consider Peel from Reality over Voyage's End in that case. I just think the synergy with Quickling here as a creature is too good to pass up.
I saw a deck earlier today. It's called "Taming the Ocean [Post Rotation]". Check it out in my "Standard" Folder. It kind of has a similar idea, might be worth looking at.
danthek84 says... #1
August 26, 2014 8:02 a.m.