Went to another Poro GP modern. Didn't do to well as had some really bad draws and had to mulligan often. This kinda shows the weakness of the deck: It loses steam really fast. This is the reason I plan to add black with Dark Confidants so I will get card advantage and also access to better removal.
Both games had to mulligan and got really slow start. If I had gotten even a normal start, I would have probably won both games. Attacking for +5 turns with 2 soul wardens is not fast enough, 0-2
Amulet Bloom
First game I couldn't do anything, he got the combo T3 so it ended in a flash. Second game I once again drew really badly. Couldn't find any of my sideboard cards. 0-2
Grixis Control
Both of the games were really close but in both games I kept a hand with 2 lands and stuck with them for +10 turns. 0-2
Abzan Midrange
The games went really badly but I was able to win both games with Genesis Chamber. 2-0
one of the matchups I did not want to play against. Fortunately, I got decent opening hands and so my clock was faster. On second game I was just a tad slower than he was so he won the game. On Third game, t2 spellskite sealed the deal.
U/W Splinter Twin
I got a good start on first game and couple of soul sisters so he was not able to pull off the combo. On second game I was able to resolve Spellskite so he was once again unable to pull off the combo. I didn't even know for sure it was twin deck so I only sided in 2x Auriok Champion and suppression field. Had I known, I would have sided the second spellskite and wear/tear. 2-0
So I ended up with score of 3-3. Atleast I was able to make a small recovery but still, I've started to doubt this deck a bit. I have to figure out what I need swap when I add black. The worst card in the deck was Ajani's Pridemate. Sure, it is great when you have soul sisters in the field but if you do not, it's just a 2/2. For example if you draw a hand consisting 1x Parish, 1x Pridemate, 1x Genesis Chamber, 1x Path to Exile 3x Land, would you keep it? Sure, if you draw Norin or Soul Warden T2 or T3, it would be great. But what if you don't? You are stuck with 1/1 and 2/2. With Dark Confidant, atleast the Parish will be 2/2 and you probably get more cards. So I might actually remove all copies of it or leave only 1-2. But we'll see