Rather than the traditional Jund, I'm considering experimenting with pure Golgari. The differences are fairly minor, but I feel like they're worth discussing. The biggest loss from Jund to Golgari is Lightning Bolt, a versatile card that is rarely terrible to see in game 1--decent removal or a game finisher against almost any deck besides Tron or Lantern Control. Bloodbraid Elf and K-Command are a one-two punch that is also lost, but the loss is mitigated by their higher casting cost.
So, what do we get in their place? The biggest draw to this deck, in my opinion, is the Tireless Tracker package. Tracker is already a great card, but as a two-color deck, 4 Field of Ruin is now viable. That's straight GAS. If Trophy could hit your own cards, Tracker would be absolutely bonkers (but I think Wizards knew Trophying your own things would be too good). I've also included a one-of Vraska, Golgari Queen in the deck as something to test out. It turns late game lands into new cards and can even sac Tracker's Clues for free to cash them in for cards. If Vraska proves underwhelming, there is plenty of flex room to use instead: a fourth Inquisition, a third Thoughtseize, a fourth Liliana of the Veil, etc.
I saw other lists playing with 2 Collective Brutality in the main and decided to give that a try as well. Like Bolt, there are fewer match-ups where it's bad than where it has some use. On top of that, it can feed Scavenging Ooze and Tarmogoyf or turn lands into pseudo-spells.
The sideboard is pretty generic: the third Collective Brutality versus Burn, smaller creature decks, control, etc.; Damnation also for creature decks; Flaying Tendrils for smaller aggro decks and against Dredge, though missing Prized Amalgam is a little bit sad; Fulminator Mage against control and Tron; Grafdigger's Cage, Nihil Spellbomb, and Surgical Extraction against Storm and graveyard decks; and the second Liliana, the Last Hope against control decks and as "secret" tech against Tron, looping Fulminator Mages.