Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting

Commander / EDH apt142

SCORE: 10 | 20 COMMENTS | 1605 VIEWS

GhostChieftain says... #1

Serene Master would be pretty flavorful

December 3, 2014 9:18 a.m.

apt142 says... #2

I've been debating that guy. Totally on flavor and he's a bit of a rattlesnake.

I just don't know how effective he is. I guess I'll try him out and see what happens.

Thanks for the suggestion!

December 3, 2014 9:59 a.m.

GhostChieftain says... #3

He is really annoying to play against if you can't easily burn it. Especially once you consider that a whole lot of creatures will die against their own power. As soon as I saw the akido tag I had to look up what that means in mtg, and I think I just fell in love. I will likely be back after more looking into it. +1 bro

December 3, 2014 10:35 a.m.

Foxtober says... #4

I like the idea of this deck a lot! I'm curious about your choice of Fell the Mighty, though, since your creatures seem pretty beefy. I thought this wrath would shine best in a weenie deck. Perhaps End Hostilities would be an on-flavor replacement? You only have 3 equipments so it shouldn't hurt you too much.

December 3, 2014 10:59 a.m.

GhostChieftain says... #5

Illusionist's Gambit to push their swing onto another opponent. Domineering Will to steal their creatures to make them kill their own things. Rebound, Shunt, Swerve, Fork, Reiterate, Dualcaster Mage, Reverberate, Split Decision, Twincast, and Wild Ricochet to make full use of your opponent's spells. Masako the Humorless for surprise blockers. Restoration Angel for reusing etb and surprise blockers. Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir, Leyline of Anticipation and Vedalken Orrery so you never have to play on your own turn. Snapcaster Mage because snapcaster mage. Alpha Brawl to use someones big creature to kill their whole board. Incite Rebellion to punish them for their insolent creatures. Stormbreath Dragon to punish them for having a hand. Hopefully some of these can be some help

December 3, 2014 11:17 a.m.

apt142 says... #6

Spitfirefox: Most of my creatures come in at the 3-5 power mark. I see a lot of 6+ monstrosities in my playgroup. So, it kind of made sense at the time. However... I think you have a very good point here. It's sub optimal. I either need to just Wrath of God or End Hostilities here or go with something instant speed like Fated Retribution. Wrath may be the better choice given it's casting cost.

luther: On my first couple of play tests, one of the things I've noticed this deck struggles with is having the right response to the right threat at the right time. I can manage that somewhat with cards like Impulse, Brainstorm and tutors. The other way I manage that is to have cards that are as versatile as possible. Spell copiers are great, but they are situational so, I'm hesitant to include more than one of them. The same is true with spell redirects.

I find I'll get more mileage out of a rattlesnake effect like Goblin Flectomancer! Instead of having a gotcha moment, the whole board will start to target things that I approve of instead of risking losing a spell.

Dualcaster Mage is probably the best suggestion here for this deck. Even if I don't have any solid spells to duplicate, I still get a 2/2 out of it.

Snapcaster Mage is also a solid suggestion. Now, just to get my hands on one of him....

Domineering Will is an idea, but I'd like more versatility. Word of Seizing has been something I've been debating. I can go on the offense with that one.

December 3, 2014 12:42 p.m.

Drevin says... #7

For finding the right answer at the right time you need to look no further than Sunforger It's a bit of a mana and card slot investment but you will almost always have the ace in the hole. It works very much like a rattlesnake effect but with any number of possible outcomes. You'd have to rework some of the effects you have in the deck to get ones that are on color for the forger but having the ability to cast your Boros Charm, Chaos Warp, a Counterflux or a Steam Augury all from out of the deck is crazy utility.

December 4, 2014 3:03 p.m.

Drevin says... #8

Oh and the added effect of giving everyone a 2 turn clock instead of a 3 turn clock is just gravy. Nothing says ouch like an 11/7 commander coming your way.

December 4, 2014 3:06 p.m.

apt142 says... #9

Ooh. Yes, let me find a slot for that.

December 4, 2014 8:23 p.m.

apt142 says... #10

Swapping Clone for Sakashima's Student because ninjutsu and "Surprise! Face Kick!"

December 10, 2014 7:08 p.m.

Drevin says... #11

I see you've opted to add the Sunforger to your list and I hope you won't be disappointed. Having included that there are a few other options that you could make use of that become a little better that some of the cards you've included without making this such a SF focused list.

Impulse vs. Steam Augury Any given Sunday Impulse is usually the better play as it leaves more mana up for you to do something with the card that you find. In a list that includes a Sunforger as your value engine the Augury should probably get the nod. Steam Augury has several things going for it here as it can find you more than one card, can dig deeper and can be found by the SF. What it has going against it is that your opponent gets to see the cards and makes the choice.

Stroke of Genius vs Invoke the Firemind/Braingeyser Stroke costs the same amount of mana as Invoke but has an easier time being cast. Braingeyser cost less mana but is double blue. In all cases you aren't likely to cast any of these until X is at least 4. With Stroke that means having 7 mana and your are likely to have a red source by that point so you might as well have the flexibility of Invoke. If you are just looking for straight draw power the Geyser is better as it will always net you an extra card.

Peer Through Depths vs Steelshaper's Gift This is a stylistic choice as Peer will find you an answer near the top if it's there while Gift will find you an equipment, one of which will find you answers. You currently only have 4 targets for gift so you don't exactly have a glut there but there are definitely powerful plays off of gift. Gift would also lean towards SF and it's package a bit more which you might not want to do.

Seraph Sanctuary vs. any Omni-and You have 9 angels to take advantage of with the Sanctuary but far more multi colored spells. How many games of EDH come down to 9 points of non-commander damage? You will almost certainly get more mileage out of an Omni-land like City of Brass or Grand Coliseum. If you play standard a bit you likely have a Mana Confluence or two floating around. If the damage of of these lands isn't appealing, you could opt for Forbidden Orchard, Rupture Spire, Transguild Promenade, Exotic Orchard, Mirrodin's Core or Gemstone Mine. Each has a different draw to them and I'm sure you will find one that you like.

Lastly...Rapid Hybridization vs Counterflux/Path to Exile Counterflux is a bit of a different choice here because sometimes there are just spells that you need to deal with that aren't permanents. A hard no to something is sometimes your only possible answer and Counterflux opens that possibility up for you. It is also findable by SF giving you a bit of extra synergy. Path vs Rapid is a bit closer as Path gives them something infinitely better than a 3/3, a land, but it also exiles and can be found by SF. The power level on the Path is higher so I'd err towards that.

December 11, 2014 9:47 a.m.

apt142 says... #12

First off, let me say thanks for your well reasoned analysis there Drevin! I'm sure that took some time out of your day and I appreciate that fact.

I think your argument for Steam Augury is spot on. It does dig deeper and it will net me more cards. The big benefit of Impulse over Steam Augury is that with Impulse, I get exactly what I want. Which is incredibly valuable if I'm in a tight spot and I'm reaching for an answer. If I'm in a dominate board state, I don't want to have to ask my opponents for permission to find answers. In a tight jam, impulse will be more likely to deliver. In a not so tight spot, Augury is the better card. The trade off is something to ponder. I think play testing will probably deliver me the answer there. Let me try both out.

The big benefit with Stroke of Genius is that it is instant speed. I can leave mana open to respond with other spells until the turn comes around and just let the card draw rip. The deck feels so far... like it wants to have mana open to be more responsive than aggressive. If Invoke the Firemind was instant speed, I'd swap in a heartbeat. The flexibility of the card is fantastic! I'm looking to get a Sphinx's Revelation for the deck to replace Zenith.

Totally agree on the Seraph Sanctuary. I'll see if I can find a Command Tower it's the best restriction free omni-land for the format and I don't yet have it in the list.

Counterflux and Path to Exile are definitely more synergetic than Rapid Hybridization. I'm going to say that I have enough targeted removal spells here and maybe look more towards Counterflux. Sometimes a hard no is the best defense. Synergy with SF is also a very nice to have here.

Lastly Peer Through Depths vs Steelshaper's Gift. Valid thoughts all around. Peer is pretty much impulse #2. It's cheap to cast and can potentially fetch a card to save my butt. It's not the most thought out card in the deck. Steelshaper would be a great replacement OR this could be the swap out for Steam Augury. I think I'll start with an augury swap because I have that card on hand and will then play test to see how much I'm missing my equipment.

December 11, 2014 12:07 p.m.

apt142 says... #13

Got a chance to play test it pretty thoroughly last night.

Lackluster cards:

Akroma, Angel of Fury
Twilight Shepherd
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind


Sword of Vengeance
Thassa, God of the Sea

This deck likes to keep a simple presence on the board and back that presence up with all manner of instant speed shenanigans. The key to keeping a handful of responses is to draw or dig for those responses. Impulse was fantastic at this. Brainstorm helped a lot too. Fact or Fiction and Steam Augury were left undrawn all matches so I'm not sure how well they actually work out, but they should be pretty spot on giving the circumstances I was working under.

The commander isn't particularly useful for this deck. I found myself getting him out early to get my opponents to drop a bit of life early game. After he died for the first time, I'd usually hold him in reserve until my opponent count has dropped a little bit and I can be more consistent. If I'm down to a one and one he really shines as a finisher.

Given the light looking board presence, the deck was underestimated heavily. The politics of the game tended to favor trouncing the guy with the nastiest board presence. One angel here or there and a piece of equipment didn't really bring much pressure down on me.

Areas of improvement:
I found myself looking for some small card draw to dig for answers or more card draw. I may need more cantrips, small draw effects, looting and/or scry effects.

Thassa, God of the Sea pulled some major work for me in getting land draws out of my way late game and encouraging them early game. Repulse would be a strong addition since I was looking to save or recast my own creatures. Scry lands would also make a great addition. I may also want to move the land count down one or two. Mulldrifter might find a good home here as well.

Tweaks to be coming soon.

December 14, 2014 2:35 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #14

Spellskite amazingly better than Goblin Flectomancer. On second thought, run them both.

December 16, 2014 9:03 a.m.

Wtih the name of your deck, I woulda expected Flying Crane Technique

December 16, 2014 9:07 a.m.

BlackyMTG says... #16

That makes since, I actually like that idea.

December 16, 2014 9:08 a.m.

Also, you should work in some miracle cost cards if you want to run Mystical Tutor. Because Aurelia, the Warleader with Entreat the Angels is amazing.

December 16, 2014 9:17 a.m.

apt142 says... #18

I had Flying Crane Technique in at one point. It was lackluster. I rarely have more than 2 creatures on the board and almost all of them fly anyways. So, I'm paying 6 mana for double strike and an untap. Jeskai Ascendancy does the job for me and gives me some filtering ability.

Entreat the Angels is also a no-go. The deck survives well in multiplayer by playing a bit under the radar. Adding in a big splashy spell that swings the board state and moves at sorcery speed is definitely not where I want to be with this deck. Though, Terminus might be a very good miracle option! I don't often care about my commander getting killed, tucked, etc. And if it is in my deck, I can always draw and sift for it.

Spellskite is definitely intriguing. Spellkite does not give me the flexibility to send the spell elsewhere, but it is way cheaper to drop. I'll think on that one.

December 16, 2014 1:47 p.m.

plebeian says... #19

11/10 for flavor; snap upvote

June 4, 2017 10:50 p.m.

apt142 says... #20

Thank you. I need to update the deck list.

June 7, 2017 3:26 p.m.

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