Concept is the same as before, low cost creatures to agro early, burn spells to clear opponent board or for burn to trigger prowess on Monastery Mentor and his tokens. Goblin Rabblemaster because he is awesome and has great synergy with Hordeling Outburst, which also mates well with the convoke of Stoke the Flames.
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mogee says... #1
Updated for Fate. This is my Boros deck. I have always loved playing white, and the speed and burn of red is just fun. This combines decent removal withReplaced Seeker of the Way with Soulfire Grand Master.
Removed Brimaz, King of Oreskos.
Removed 2x Stormbreath Dragon to make room for Monastery Mentor
Concept is the same as before, low cost creatures to agro early, burn spells to clear opponent board or for burn to trigger prowess on Monastery Mentor and his tokens. Goblin Rabblemaster because he is awesome and has great synergy with Hordeling Outburst, which also mates well with the convoke of Stoke the Flames.
January 7, 2015 8:19 p.m.