

This is my first attempt at creating a true combo deck. Suspend has always been an ability that’s interested me and I’ve always wanted to build around it, but I was never sure how I wanted to go around doing it. Then I noticed that I seem to have an affinity for creating creature cheat decks and I figured I could take that idea but try something a little different this time. This is what I came up with, a spell cheat deck with an infinite spell casting combo that can chain directly into Aetherflux Reservoir for infinite damage!

This combo has a lot of specific pieces required in order to pull it off and at first glance can seem rather convoluted and hard to achieve, but it's actually quite simple and easy to pull off once you understand how it works.

First, play Jhoira of the Ghitu, then use her ability to suspend Omniscience. Once the last time counter is removed and Omniscience is cast for free, you can then cast anything from your hand for free. Next, cast Enter the Infinite to draw your entire deck and then start casting spells for free from your hand. Use a Mastermind's Acquisition to grab Aetherflux Reservoir from your sideboard and cast it. Then use another Mastermind's Acquisition to grab a copy of Clear the Mind from the sideboard (you'll need two copies of Clear the Mind in order to keep looping your graveyard back into your library since the action of shuffling your graveyard into your library happens before Clear the Mind gets put into the graveyard from the stack. Once you shuffle and redraw your deck again, you’ll have to use another Mastermind's Acquisition to grab the other copy from the sideboard to keep looping your deck infinitely) and cast it to shuffle your graveyard back into your library. Make sure to save at least one tutor spell in order to retrieve Enter the Infinite back from your library in order to start the cycle all over again. Once you've sufficiently cast enough spells to build up enough life from Aetherflux Reservoir, you’ll be able to completely annihilate every opponent, no matter how much life they have.

Outside of the main combo pieces, the rest of the deck is either just interaction to keep yourself alive long enough to pull off the combo, card draw to help with consistency in finding combo pieces, or are ways to remove time counters in order to quicken a suspended card's resolution.

  • Rift Bolt: Basically just a worse Lightning Bolt that has the keyword Suspend on it, but because this is a Suspend deck, Rift Bolt is more on theme so I like it better. It's also a wincon in and of itself, so you don't really need Aetherflux Reservoir to deal infinite damage, but Reservoir is just flashier and more fun.
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  • Consuming Tide: A fairly decent but more importantly low cost way to remove the majority of your opponent's board to make sure their permanents can't interfere with your game plan. It also double as a good way to stave off faster and more aggressive decks in order to bide yourself a little more time to find your combo. Having Omniscience in play when you cast Tide completely nullifies the downside to yourself, but even if you don't have Omniscience, most of your own permanents are cheap and can be quickly replayed, or will be in suspension when you cast Tide, so having to return your own permanents back to your hand isn't that big of a set back.
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  • Aeon Chronicler: When Suspended for 2 mana using Jhoira's ability, it becomes an uninteractable way to draw at least an extra four cards, more if you use Jhoira's Timebug or Timecrafting to put more time counters on it. It can also be a much quicker wincon than Aetherflux Reservoir if paired with the second mode of Fury Charm after you've drawn your entire deck with Enter the Infinite.
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  • Jhoira's Timebug and Rift Elemental: Cheap and reusable ways to help remove time counters from your suspended permanents so you don't have to wait the full four turns every time you want to cheat something out with Jhoira.
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  • Fury Charm and Timecrafting: Non-permanent spells that accomplish basically the same thing as Timebug and Rift, but at a better rate. Fury Charm also comes with two other modes that aren't as relevant as the time counter manipulation ability, but still gives you some much appreciated versatility that the deck would otherwise lack.
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  • Test of Talents: A way to protect your spells and permanents from counter magic or removal while ensuring that there won't be anymore where that came from.

Since Mastermind's Acquisition grants access to the sideboard while in game, I figured using the sideboard to stash an extra set of both main combo pieces would be a good precaution to take in case you ever come across an exile heavy deck that can permanently remove your combo pieces before you get a chance to use them. Another two slots are for the two copies of Clear the Mind for the infinite loop. The other eleven sideboard cards are for any other niche situation you might find yourself in that the mainboard isn't prepared to handle.

  • Enter the Infinite and Omniscience: As stated above, an extra set of both of the main combo pieces for added redundancy.
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  • Aetherflux Reservoir: The main combo payoff for casting infinite spells. Technically it’s not actually needed to win since you could probably just win through combat damage by infinitely pumping up a creature with Fury Charm and swinging for lethal, but Aetherflux definitely nets style points for ending the game in fashion.
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  • Angel's Grace: Meant to stop an opponent's combo dead in their tracks, giving you at least one more turn to complete your own combo. As a side note, the mainboard has two copies of Mirrodin's Core to allow you to cast Angel's Grace and Shalai, Voice of Plenty in case you don't have Omniscience out yet.
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  • Ashiok's Erasure: If an opponent has an uncounterable spell that Test of Talents can't take care of, Erasure can act as a good substitute, albeit at a steeper cost.
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  • Bolt Bend: A sneaky little uno reverse card that allows you to redirect a single targeting spell or ability that would otherwise rain on your parade. Meant more for lands with abilities that can't be taken care of by Consuming Tide or River's Rebuke.
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  • Clear the Mind: Both copies are needed in order to infinitely loop your graveyard back into your library if you want to achieve the infinite spell casting loop. As necessary to the infinite combo as they are, the infinite combo may not always be needed to win so instead of wasting mainboard space, they’re here in the sideboard where they can be fetched with Mastermind's Acquisition.
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  • Detection Tower: Allows you to still target any opponent who has somehow given themselves hexproof in an attempt to negate the infinite damage aimed at their face.
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  • Feed the Swarm: Targeted enchantment/creature removal in case neither Consuming Tide nor River's Rebuke can do the trick of removing a specific enchantment or creature from the board.
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  • River's Rebuke: A one sided, full board wipe that can ensure your opponents have nothing on board that could interfere with your combo. Basically a better Consuming Tide that's meant more as a finisher rather than as a way to stall the game like what Tide does.
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  • Shalai, Voice of Plenty: Another good way to shut off your opponents spells that can target yourself or any of your creatures. It's also great at shutting down most forms of graveyard hate that may be directed towards you.
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  • Tormod's Crypt: In case your opponents dare play their own graveyard shenanigans against you; there can only be one!
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  • Unmoored Ego: There's two copies in the sideboard intended to replace a couple Test of Talents in the mainboard in the event that your opponent doesn't have any threatening instants or sorceries for Test to target.

If you have any suggestions or ideas on how to improve the deck, or if you just want to leave a comment, I'd love to hear what you have to say! Thanks in advance :D


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92% Casual


Revision 8 See all

(8 months ago)

+1 Aetherflux Reservoir side
-2 Clear the Mind main
-2 Grapeshot main
+1 Mastermind's Acquisition main
+2 Test of Talents main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #26 position overall 10 months ago
  • Achieved #16 position in Modern 10 months ago
  • Achieved #2 position in Modern Casual 10 months ago
  • Achieved #2 position in Modern Control 10 months ago
Date added 10 months
Last updated 7 months

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 3 Mythic Rares

18 - 7 Rares

11 - 2 Uncommons

16 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.09
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