As for Wild Slash, I never really worry about activating the Ferocious ability. Its here as a Shock right now. Although I am not sure if it is staying in the build at the moment.
January 26, 2015 9:06 a.m.
rochdalekilla9 says... #3
How often were you at 6 or more land? I only ask this because a great finisher could be a 1 of Mob Rule. I know it's above your curve but when a game is stalling out or you need just that one big push, that could get you there. May not be the best but could be worth a try.
January 26, 2015 9:15 a.m.
SiegeRhiNOOO says... #4
It says on the ferocious of Wild Slash that "damage can't be prevented this turn", so it must mean that not only combat damage won't be prevented, but as well as any other form of damage. Which means if I'm not mistaken, Deflecting Palm and other spells that prevent damage (such as Winds of Qal Sisma) won't work when you trigger the ferocious ability.
About that Butcher thing, now I get your point. Thanks for pointing that out.
January 26, 2015 9:34 a.m.
SiegeRhiNOOO You are correct, Deflecting Palm will not do anything if Wild Slash Ferocious has been triggered.
rochdalekilla9 Not sure if that will work here that well. Thanks for the input though!
January 26, 2015 9:51 a.m.
Opting to use Perilous Vault Mainboard as a 2of over End Hostilities for choice boardwipe.
I like that the Vault is not color sensitive, and can be popped at instant speed if needed.
January 26, 2015 10:46 a.m.
Deck started as W/B Splash R for Burn. W/B = Orzhov.
It has clearly evolved since then :)
January 26, 2015 10:55 a.m.
Tarzanovic says... #9
good to see the decks working out for you. I was a little scepttical about Humble Defector as a draw engin, bit it clearly works :)
I wana see gow it continues to evolve,but have no mart suggestions to add for now. maybe Magma Spray instead of Wild Slash so you dont give delve decs their fodder
January 26, 2015 12:34 p.m.
AlaskanKomodo says... #10
I'd hate to be the guy who plays against this deck!
January 26, 2015 3:40 p.m.
Tarzanovic Yeah Spray would be fine, I am still not sure if a 1drop burn spell stays in or not. I have dropped Slash for the moment while testing other things like Perilous Vault, which BTW I am liking more and more in the build.
AlaskanKomodo Thanks! It is a very fun deck to play.
January 26, 2015 5:08 p.m.
Tarzanovic says... #12
Like I said (or at least tried too... small keys on the phone :) ), no smart things to add.
It looks pretty good as it is now, I gotta say that, and I look forward to see what else yo do with it :)
January 26, 2015 5:56 p.m.
i would honestly add in 4 nomad outposts and 1 less of each scry land, then use three urborg instead of just 1 and two swamps. I feel that will help to better the chances of you having the same amount of land with a wider variety of mana to tap for. They scrys come in tapped, yeah you get to scry, but with the outposts you get the addition of a swamp if needed. The magma jets really give the scry you need in my opinion.
January 26, 2015 6:40 p.m.
Hey faolmor92 The deck does not need much Black to function, 3 Urborg's would be wayyyyy to much.
As for the Outposts, if a land is coming into play tapped, I might as well be Scry'ing from it lol.
Seriously though, I have spent alot of time working the mana base in this build to be as efficient as possible, its pretty close. Thanks for the suggestions!
January 26, 2015 7:10 p.m.
awesome deck +1 i always thought Deflecting Palm was a great card and was confused why no one was playing it. only 1 question, whay are you playing Humble Defector to me it dosn't seam worth it because it only puts you up 1 card.
January 26, 2015 8 p.m.
why the perilous vault, instead of just running two anger of the gods?
January 26, 2015 8:05 p.m.
Humble Defector is actually a great card draw engine in this deck! As I am sure you can see the deck curves out very quickly, meaning that the deck can empty its hand within the first few turns, with no cards in hand a Burn/Control shell is essentially a sitting duck. Humble Defector gives me the functional card draw I need. Essentially, on my turn, activate Humble Defector, draw 2 cards, then I have a few options on what to do.
- Searing Blood is amazing here, after using Defector and drawing 2, he then goes to my opponent, Searing Blood then kills Defector and deals 3 damage to my opponent as well. This then triggers either Soulfire Grand Master which results in lifegain as well, or Satyr Firedancer which results in more creature burn, or best case both!
- In response to activating Humble Defector to draw 2, I can feed him to Butcher of the Horde to give butcher Flying, Lifelink or Vigilance.
- Burn Humble Defector with any burn available after activating and sending to my opponent, again this works best with Soulfire Grand Master and/or Satyr Firedancer in play to get best results and most bang for the buck.
- Let my opponent use Humble Defector, this is a worst case scenario and 99% of the time would never be done.
So as you can see, Humble Defector is actually VERY synergistic with the deck and functions as a very viable card draw engine.
Perilous Vault hits EVERYTHING. Not just creatures. It hits planeswalkers, enchantments, artifacts anything that could give me trouble. And a board presence is not terribly important to me. I can rely on straight burn to win games if I have to. Anger of the Gods is great, and shines brightest against Token decks like Rabble Red builds, or Jeskai Tokens, but is lackluster against R/G Monsters, Abzan Midrange and some of the decks utilizing bigger creatures. Perilous Vault keeps these decks in checks just as well as the smaller ones. My other option was like End Hostilities or Elspeth, Sun's Champion. Elspeth is to heavy for what I am trying to do, and End again only hits creatures when I could be doing a full out boardwipe that would essentially put me at an advantage 99% of the time due to the Tempo Burn nature of the deck.
Hope that sheds some light on my choice there. Thanks!
January 26, 2015 8:50 p.m.
Really like the deck. Would consider to have A rabblemaster there to have A god 3 drop, as you dont have any 3 drop creatures. Buy otter that that, it looks very fun to play :-)
January 27, 2015 4:07 a.m.
Thanks DEKA The deck is really fun to play! Not so fun to play against lol.
As for Goblin Rabblemaster I thought about it, but really he would only be a 2/2 target at the end of the day, I dont think he is really going to bring anything more to the build that the deck cannot already do on its own. Thanks though!
January 27, 2015 8:05 a.m.
Tarzanovic says... #20
What about Whip of Erebos? It will give lifelink to all your creatures that lack it, removing the need to sac with Butcher of the Horde, gives synergy with Humble Defector letting you use him again for card draw, plus he exiles at the end of your turn so you dont even need to burn him away again to stop your opponent from using him (unless you want to ;) )
January 27, 2015 8:18 a.m.
Well an Empty board with A Rabblemaster has won me A lot of games. Also you would have an extra sac outlet for Butcher :-)
January 27, 2015 4:23 p.m.
Tarzanovic I tested with Whip back and forth in prior builds and at the end of the day, the deck just does not attack enough because it does not have to lol.
Seeker of the Way is my primary attacker and that is normally in the early turns while I am trying to run and burn as much as possible before they can establish a presence. After that he sits as a blocker while I switch to control play Same goes for Butcher of the Horde so whip would only really be beneficial if I hit it early like 4th turn, when most of the time I would rather be hitting burn off all the triggers then.
DEKA I hear you, and Goblin Rabblemaster is great i just dont feel he fits here.
January 27, 2015 10:49 p.m.
Tarzanovic says... #23
Yeah, I figured with the low creature count. But still, the ability to pull back those that die, even as blockers, is a good one ;)
Might not have a place anymore nor what to replace again. Just food for thought :)
Perilous Vault is a good addition, and a hard one to counter, since it tends to lock down the opponent from putting down more permanents until they draw a solution or you trigger it :) Good call on that!
January 28, 2015 2:22 a.m.
Got it, i Can understand why you dont Think he fits your deck :-) A card you should run, at least in the side board would be Valorous Stance. easy removal for Siege Rihno, and protekction for your creatures, i know crackling Doom can Help you as Well, but this only a White and one colorless. And you can protect your creatures with it. Plus with its low cost, soulfire can get it back to your hand :-)
January 28, 2015 4:26 a.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #25
Nice list. I personally would move the Grand Masters to the sideboard and run a full playset of Swiftspear in the main.
xGhostx says... #1
NabilboSwaggins You are correct, Humble Defector can be fed to Butcher of the Horde after activating him for the draw ability. So he does become useful in that scenario.
SiegeRhiNOOO Butcher of the Horde is in mainboard for Air Control and baddies. I need something that can stand and bang with a Siege Rhino if needed. He also can become a wincon if needed. So yeah essentially, there are 8 "edible" creatures. 4 Seeker of the Way and 4 Humble Defector as well if it was a life or death situation, the other 6 could also become his meal if it made sense.
Thanks for the +_1 and the comments!
January 26, 2015 9:04 a.m.