Early Creatures: 4x Ornithopter, 4x Memnite, 4x Signal Pest, 4x Vault Skirge, 4x Frogmite
Further Mana Source: 4x Springleaf Drum
Draw Mechanic: 4x Thoughtcast
Utility Spells: 4x Galvanic Blast, 4x Ensoul Artifact
Finisher: 4x Cranial Plating, 4x Master of Etherium

Ornithopter and Memnite are the 0 Mana Cost Creatures of the Deck. You obviously want to spam them as much as possible.
Vault Skirge is simply a quality creature. Even though you have to pay two life to cast him, due to the lack of black mana, the life total evens out on turn 2 because of the lifelink.
Signal Pests Battlecry is extremely powerful considering the amount of low mana cost creatures in the deck. If you fail to draw big spells like Cranial Plating or Master of Etherium, Signal Pest is there to save the day.
One of the two spells with affinity we run in this deck is Frogmite. Not the best if you have a playset of him in your opening hand, but otherwise a solid 2/2 for 0 mana.
The biggest creature in the Deck is Master of Etherium. He is basically a Cranial Plating of himself, who also powers up the rest of your creatures.

A Playset of Darksteel Citadel is very important in this Deck. It counts as an artifact and therefor makes Master of Etherium bigger and Cranial Plating stronger. It can also turn into a 5/5 with indestructible using Ensoul Artifact.
Academy Ruins is not too useful, but can sometimes make life easier. For example when somebody keeps removing an important spell like Cranial Plating, you can put it on top of your library as often as you want.
Springleaf Drum is not even a land, but that is the reason why it's one of the best lands in this deck. It does not count as a land drop and therefor allows enormous plays on turn 1.
Utility Cards:

In a deck with a very low average of converted mana cost, your hand is going to empty very fast. In order to keep spamming those creatures, one has to have draw spells in the deck. The obvious choice is Thoughtcast, as it can be cast for only one blue mana most of the time.
Galvanic Blast is also a great addition to this deck, as it not only removes unwanted creatures, but is also capable of finishing your opponent. Most of the time Metalcraft is going to be active, but if not it is still a valuable card.
Another big threat is Ensoul Artifact. It has a lot of targets in the deck, that make it extremely powerful. Targetting Vault Skirge on turn 2 means a 5/5 Flyer with lifelink and haste. But it doesn't stop there, if needed you can even target your Darksteel Citadel for a 5/5 indestructible or make one of your Springleaf Drums a lethal threat.

Most of the time Cranial Plating is going to end the game. Even though we won't really be able to use its attach ability, due to the lack of black mana. An equipment that gives one of our creatures about +7 Power is often enough. In Addition, it's an equipment, which means, that in order to get rid of it, killing the creature it is attached to doesn't stop us at all. Instead you can just equip it onto another creature next turn and keep the pressure up, until your opponent runs out of answers.
An alternative, but less favorable Win-Condition is Master of Etherium. Because he has no evasion whatsoever and will most likely be jump-blocked when he attacks, he acts more as a big blocker that helps the rest of our creatures in battle. But occasionally, when the board is clean, he is able to connect for a lot of damage.
1 Dismember when playing against Abzan Decks. (Rhino hate)
3 Whipflare when playing against Aggro Decks.
3 Wear / Tear when playing against Blood Moon Decks, enchantment-heavy Decks, or another Affinity.
4 Welding Jar and 3 Negate when playing against Control Decks.
1 Tormod's Crypt when playing against any graveyard strategies.