Sweeper: 1x Drown in Sorrow, 2x Supreme Verdict, 2x Black Sun's Zenith
Removal: 2x Disfigure, 1x Dismember, 1x Utter End, 1x Murderous Cut, 1x Far / Away, 1x Ultimate Price
Counter Spells: 3x
, 2x Dissolve, 2x Mana Leak
Draw Mechanic: 4x Think Twice, 2x Telling Time, 1x Jace, Memory Adept
Jump Blocks: 4x Lingering Souls
Finisher: 2x AEtherling, 1x Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni, 1x Jace, Memory Adept, 4x Lingering Souls
Early Game:

The majority of early threats can be answered with Disfigure. Drown in Sorrow is great against aggro decks, but can also clear the board against token decks in mid to late game. Mana Leak is our early counter spell, in late game it is most likely to be a dead card, but it can still take the opponent by surprise.
Also, keep playing Think Twice and Telling Time constantly throughout the game as a mana sink. It keeps your card advantage up and lets you drop a land each turn.
Mid Game:

Focus on keeping the board clean with Sweepers like Supreme Verdict and Black Sun's Zenith. Even Drown in Sorrow can occasionally wipe the board.
Besides Board wipes, the Deck offers some Removal like Murderous Cut, Dismember, Far / Away, Ultimate Price and Utter End. With Disfigure you can even finish off creatures that didnt die from a Black Sun's Zenith.
and Dissolve represent our mid to late game Counter Spells. Fun Fact: We can even play
early game with X=0 targeting one of your own spells to scry 2 for one blue mana.
In Mid Game, we also have the ability to play Lingering Souls to either pressure our opponent or jump block their creatures, although there should be none due to heavy board control.
Late Game:

Keep controlling your opponent with the above Mentioned Board Wipes. But at he same time, you have to start thinking about setting up your win conditions. The Preferred Win-Condition in the deck is AEtherling. He survives your own sweepers and the removal of your enemy. Due to him we have to keep blue mana open when we pass the turn. In addition we can even make him unblockable and pump him up if we need to.
Another Win Condition is Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni. He is a creat alternative to AEtherling, as you can regenerate him after your own sweepers. But due to his Ninjutsu ability, you can even play him on turn 5 during combat phase if you connect with a Spirit token. This allows you to not only do 4 extra damage, but also play one of their own creatures out of the graveyard, that you board wiped before.
Our Most late game Win-Condition is Jace, Memory Adept. He is able to mill out our opponent in about 4-5 turns. The great thing about him is, that you can also use him to draw cards, if you happen to miss a land drop.
White Sun's Zenith is another win condition, which lets us produce a lot of tokens. The great thing about this card is that we can play it at the end of our opponents turn, to use up our mana. Also, we don't have to mind "wasting" our win-condition when playing it for little mana, as it is shuffled into the library after it resolves.
1 extra Dismember when playing against Abzan Decks. (Rhino Hate)
1 extra Drown in Sorrow, when playing against Aggro Decks.
1 extra Drown in Sorrow, 2 Darkblast and 2 Zealous Persecution when playing against Token Decks or Affinity.
1 extra Utter End and 3 Negate when playing against Planeswalker-heavy Decks or Control Decks.
1 extra Utter End and 2 Mortify when playing against enchantment-heavy Decks like Jeskai Ascendency Decks.
3 Duress and 3 Negate when playing against Combo Decks.