AwesomeName says... #2
Thanks, sensitivejester, I have been considering Mirror Mockery. It seems like a fun card. I will test it.
March 10, 2015 11:57 a.m.
Jasper-Sol says... #5
Thassa's Rebuff? It is a very powerful card with all your devotion. Also Reality Shift because removal is very important an the 2/2 they get doesn't stand a chance.
March 11, 2015 12:17 p.m.
AwesomeName says... #6
I have been considering both of those cards Jasper-Sol. I will test them as soon as I can.
March 11, 2015 3:37 p.m.
xTCBxNightmare says... #7
So three suggestions: Remove Aqueous Form, make room for Dig Through Time/Treasure Cruise, and throw 2 extra Digs into your sideboard along with Disdainful Stroke
Aqueous Form is a very nifty card, but it is kind of a dead card. The 3 things that it offers are:
1) An unblock-able creature
2) A Scry 1 Trigger
3) 1 pip of blue devotion
But all three of these things are provided by Thassa, God of the Sea in a much harder to remove form.Thassa gives you as well 1 pip of blue devotion, a scry 1 trigger on your upkeep before the draw (pretty much the best time to scry 1), an activated ability allowing for unblockability, as well as a 5/5 body creature (If your deck is working right) most of the time. Thassa addresses all things that aqueous form offers without the 2-for-1 opportunity given to your opponents
Your best hypothetical target for this card would be Frost Walker, but as it would have to be sacrificed upon being targeted, that won't happen. Your second best target would be Master of Waves, which would swing in for 2 damage. Also, remember that enchanting a creature with this offers a 2-for-1 situation almost all of the time, (except possibly Shorecrasher Elemental. I don't recall if flipping a card ever implies that the card would leave the zone, thus removing the aura)
Also, remember that the meta is fairly removal-heavy, and the removal is only going to get stronger with the re-addition of Ultimate Price into the meta. This card will rip through mono-colored decks all the same. I Wouldnt be suprised to see this card be thrown into a few mainboards, especially in the numerous Seige-Rino based Azban midrange/"control" decks
Addition of Treasure Cruise / Dig Through Time as these card offer 1) Card Draw with Cruise, or the ability to Dig for the card that best fits the situation (Thassa, Master of Babes, Obelesk, etc.) 2) Take advantage of card in your graveyard which would otherwise be useless to you 3) allow for the recasting of Torrent Elemental, which i believe is a fantastic add to this version of the mono-blue deck due to its awesome triggered ability
A possible sideboard Addition would be Disdainful Stroke, as it stops a lot of big plays that azban decks and control decks are running regardless of how many of your creatures have been removed. It hits the mighty and dreadful Siege Rhino (which is not able to be chumped with elementals due to trample), Whip of Erebos, End Hostilities, Crux of Fate, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, Polukranos, World Eater, and so many other standard staples that would either be hard to deal with or otherwise game ending. There is a reason whole playsets have made there way into top 8 control decks in recent standard events.
March 13, 2015 10:35 a.m.
AwesomeName says... #8
Thanks xTCBxNightmare. First off, I totally agree with what you are saying about Aqueous Form. I have been looking for a card to replace it.
Second, I used to have in Treasure Cruises and Dig Through Times, and know how totally awesome they are, but I took them out. I will test them out again, but I replaced them with Bident of Thassa for several reasons. I know that they are way better in almost every scenario, but I just liked Bident of Thassa more in this deck. Bident of Thassa provides devotion, which is great. It also combos very well with Thassa, God of the Sea, Cloudform, and Torrent Elemental, and usually I was drawing much more than Treasure Cruise. I also just really never had much of a graveyard to delve away. Regardless of what I just said, I will test Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time out again.
I have been working on a sideboard and it already has Disdainful Stroke in it, but I have not put the sideboard up here yet so you had no way of knowing.
March 13, 2015 5:13 p.m.
xTCBxNightmare says... #9
My whole second part off he suggestion was based on Bident of Thassa, but then I realized 2 were already mainboard
Regardless, I would keep at least two digs for control decks and removal heavy decks. You never need it until you do. Card draw is the strongest thing in magic.
March 13, 2015 6:45 p.m.
w00tthehuk182 says... #11
I know that Mindreaver is a bad creature, but i think it's worth it to consider it as a 2x for the devotion.
March 14, 2015 3:32 p.m.
llamaglama01 says... #12
I would add in Triton Shorestalker and/or Hypnotic Siren to let the deck get speedier devotion.
March 14, 2015 3:50 p.m.
AwesomeName says... #13
w00tthehuk182 and llamaglama01, this is an elemental tribal deck, not just mono blue devotion, so I will not be adding those cards because they are not elementals and not are game-changing enough, unlike my non-elemental creatures Master of Waves and Thassa, God of the Sea. Thanks for commenting anyway.
March 15, 2015 8:10 p.m.
AwesomeName says... #17
I see one online for $120. I don't know if it is real though. Here is the link
March 16, 2015 12:20 p.m.
Hey, yet another blue devotion deck!! I play one too, and let me give you some advice.
A) You need counterspells. Really badly. Thassa's Rebuff can be one, there are plenty of others in the format, but you get overrun by control without counters. In a format dominated by a ton of control, this doesn't stand a chance.
B) I know how tempting Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is, but just two of them should be in here. Otherwise, you get (legendary) lands that produce colorless mana, not good for this kind of deck. And lots of dead draws.
C) You got too much unblockable. "Wait, how is that possible Famous?" Well, you have 8 cards that revolve around that. Take some out to make room for other utility spells (drawing, countering). Thassa, God of the Sea is legendary, so maybe take two of her out and the torrents out.
D) Actually, I should probably mention that a bit more. TOO MANY LEGENDARIES. Ok, moving on now.
E) To resume, I think that you have too many wincons. That may sound weird, but it leaves very little space for support.
I playtested this a bunch, and while it pretty much destroyed midrange, it struggles a ton against control because of the lack of, well, control.
Hope I helped!
March 18, 2015 4:15 p.m.
how do you feel bout Ensoul Artifact + Ornithopter or Darksteel Citadel?
March 19, 2015 3:51 p.m.
AwesomeName says... #20
FAMOUSWATERMELON: Thanks for the advice. I will update the deck as soon as I can.
YungAux: I don't think I will be adding those cards, just because they take up a lot of cards in my deck, I don't want any more colorless lands, Ornithopter does not provide devotion, and Ornithopter is not an elemental.
March 19, 2015 5:54 p.m.
I figured this would come up. I love the idea behind this deck too, especially with DTK entering blue devote will have much more play-ability, have you thought about Stratus Dancer instead of Vaporkin? Stratus Dancer isn't an elemental but provides the same benefit on top of being a mega-morph counter-spell. I feel like for the style this deck is going for Vaporkin is a better trade off, but again card utility is important, especially against control.
March 23, 2015 4:12 p.m.
AwesomeName says... #22
richlive911, I will look further into Stratus Dancer, but I am not so sure. I really want to stick to the elemental theme so that my deck is different, but I can make exceptions. I just want to mention that Vaporkin is being tested right now and does not yet have a permanent spot in the deck. I may still test out Stratus Dancer if I have time.
March 23, 2015 4:36 p.m.
Sith_Acolyte says... #23
mirror mockery on Master of Waves seems odd sure you might make a lot more tokens but seems like opponent would obviously block surely destroying Master and the copy gets exiled potentially killing all your tokens unless you had some Hall, Obelisk, or another Master or of course you were making it unblockable by Thassa. Torrent Elemental is a great card and fits well here but seems like an unnecessary wincon that could be taken out for more utility. taking those out could make a lot more space for counters which are especially useful with so much removal and control in standard atm
March 23, 2015 7:23 p.m.
Sith_Acolyte says... #24
consider Clever Impersonator as well he can copy a master which would be best or a Obelisk or Shorecrasher if desired but also great to copy opponent once copied an ugin that wiped my field and used my new ugins +1 to kill his original and won with it. copying a whip of Erebos is always classy or a Hornet Queen...
March 23, 2015 7:32 p.m.
AwesomeName says... #25
Ok Sith_Acolyte, I will add Clever Impersonator to my maybeboard.
sensitivejester says... #1
Mirror Mockery on MOW?
March 10, 2015 5:09 a.m.