Overall Record 2-2
Did not perform as well as I had hoped but I think this can be attributed directly to having two match-ups against counter company. The match seems completely unwinnable to me. As my current deck stands I have no way of interacting with what that deck wants to do. I will need to start adding removal spells to my sideboard as a way of dealing with the combo creatures. Thinking of adding some amount of fatal pushes, dismembers, or path to exiles.
Round 1 vs Eldrazi Tron 2-0
Game 1 on the play my opponent never was able to get more then one tron land and I was able to easily swing out with a large board for the win.
Game 2 on the draw my opponent has natural tron and has a board of thought-knot seer and two reality smashers. My board has four creatures on it and my opponent attacks with everything. I coco and hit two shaman of the packs for a total of 12 damage and blocked so that I would barely be alive and was able to hit for lethal on my following turn. That was one of the best cocos I had as there was no other cards that would have gotten me out of that situation.
Round 2 vs Counter Company 0-2
Round 1 on the draw, I have a reasonable starting hand with a couple dorks, a lord, and a coco. Nothing really mattered as he had the combo on his third turn and was able to shoot me with a walking ballista for infinite damage.
Round 2 on the play, had to mulligan down to four. So not only am I already at a disadvantage in the matchup but Im also down 3 cards. Surprisingly the game lasted longer then anticipated but he was able to eventually find the combo by turn 6 or 7.
Round 3 vs Esper Control 2-1
Round 1 on the play, had a great hand and opponent could not slow me down enough and was able to Ezuri for lethal by turn 5.
Round 2 on the draw, got destroyed by supreme verdict as I had no way of protecting my creatures. Had my board wiped and then coco countered and decided to go to the next game.
Round 3 on the play, this was a crazy long game. I started amassing a board and he played timely reinforcements to get his life total above 20 and get blockers in the way. Had a lord out and was able to take his soldiers out and continue to whiddle is life total down. He then played an elspeth and was creating 3 1/1 soldiers every turn and on top of that he snapped back the timely reinforcements from earlier to get even more soldiers and life. Kept attacking consistently with my dorks that were pumped up by a lord to remove the soldiers. He was very close to stabilizing the board but hit the only real top deck that would win me the game and that was shaman of the pack to get the last points of damage through. Definitely and awesome game and did not think that elves would be able to win such a grindy game against control. It helped that he never saw a supreme verdict the entire game because a wrath + elspeth would have surely spelled defeat.
Round 4 vs Counter Company 0-2
Game 1 on the draw, he had the combo on turn 3 with nothing I could do.
Game 2 on the play, he had the combo again on turn 3.
The last two games took maybe 10 minutes. Kind of frustrating when it seems like there is nothing you can do to influence the game.