Deck Tech:

This is a Dimir control list based around some of the new cards from MH3 that care about drawing 3 cards in a turn.

3 is a magic number:

There are 3 new cards that all care about having drawn 3 cards in a turn. Sneaky Snacker is in my opinion the most powerful of these as it gives us a recursive threat w/ evasion. Each time we play a draw spell we get it right back into play. Kami of Jealous Thirst is the other creature that cares abt the 3 cards drawn and gives us free life drain each time we do so. It also is a 1/3 with deathtouch which is an annoying body to attack into. Finally, Deem Inferior is a super flexible removal spell that synergizes well with our counter magic.

Counting to 3:

Those payoff cards are incredible but only if we can actually draw our 3 cards in a turn. Brainstorm is insanely broken with this, letting us hit the mark for a single mana and even during our opponents turn. Lorien Revealed is our other option and can be cycled early on if we need to hit our land drops but can turn into a huge value-card and enabler later on. Right now this feels a little short on actual ways to draw 3 cards in a turn and ive considered running this as grixis and adding cards like Faithless Looting and maybe even Thunderous Wrath (pls lmk if there are any obvious red cards im missing).

Control is Key:

At the end of the day, this is still a Dimir control deck so we have a lot of the usual suspects. Cast Down is premier removal in a format with almost 0 legendaries. Counterspell is the best counter magic in the format imo and a copy of Negate helps vs the decks w little to no creatures. Duress is another option for those pesky non-creature threats as well as giving us a peek into our opponents hand so we can react more efficiently. Finally, Chainer's Edict is a great value card to knock out some creatures and Suffocating Fumes clears any annoying tokens out of the way first.

As always please let me know any ideas, thoughts, or suggestions and if you like this deck check out some of my others --> jonjonhholt


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96% Competitive

Revision 2 See all

(9 months ago)

+4 Sneaky Snacker main
Date added 9 months
Last updated 9 months

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.53
Folders All Pauper
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