Black Green Dredge

Standard ZidaneWildangel


Nice set-up you have there. How many wins have you gotten with this deck?

May 24, 2014 5:23 a.m.

@Crimson_Marauder So far... 13 wins 0 losses

May 26, 2014 8:43 p.m.

RikukiR says... #3

I would drop all the Master of the Feast for 1 more Courser of Kruphix and perhaps 2 Silence the Believers . I'll admit, the card doesn't seem terribly attractive but this format is all about removal. Master of the Feast only allows your opponents the opportunity to draw into better removal that can get most of your guys, like an Elspeth, Sun's Champion . I see that you're trying to go enchantment heavy but Master is not synergistic with your deck, because you're not aggro, you're midrange. You don't need a turn 3 5/5 with a drawback. The consistency of Coursers is also too important to the game. It "draws" you a card if your top is a land, and means that if you're land screwed, you're always one card closer to the game-changing land.Also, with multiple coursers, your shocks become free untapped duals.

June 3, 2014 7:48 p.m.

naejin says... #4

I can't endorse Nyx Weaver enough for the Green/Black decks. It's an absolute all-star in my opinion for these types of decks.
1) It triggers all your constellations.
2) Put creatures in your graveyard to feed for reanimation or Pharika, God of Affliction activations. (which each 1/1 enchantment snakes can trigger constellation)
3) Since the card has built-in graveyard retrieval, the self mill essentially acts as additional card draw as it simultaneously digs into further into your library.
4) Can act as a pseudo-Snapcaster Mage (albeit much slower form), by allowing you to cast some spells more than you normally could. Singles could potentially now be cast up to 5 times, and playsets up to 8 times.
5) 2/3 Reach is decent blocking stats for early game.

NOTE: one warning about Nyx Weaver is that scrying becomes a bit confusing & counter-intuitive, and sometimes may feel a bit useless. But it can still sometimes be important to think it through.

I could be wrong, but I think Constellation decks to usually be a bit more mid game than early aggressive, as the benefits don't usually occur till you cast your CMC 4 & 5 creatures.

With this in mind, Master of the Feast seems like a very dangerous card to be playing with. Once it's in play, you need to dispatch your opponent quickly (probably 2 or 3 turns after casting), or else then the card advantage your opponent receives may be too much. For this reason, most people use Master of the Feast in highly aggressive aggro deck shells to mitigate the card advantage given to the opponent.

With this many enchantments, I think you may regret removing Kruphix's Insight . I could also see some number of Herald of Torment in the sideboard to readd some Kruphix's Insight back.

June 3, 2014 7:59 p.m.

Hm... this is a bit for me to think about... an update should be posted tommorow...Master of the Feast is going out for sure... but Herald of Torment is kinda important... flying over them so I can actually kill them, if I take out Herald of Torment it'll be a lot harder to end the game. Nyx Weaver will find its way back in but I dunno about Kruphix's Insight . As for Silence the Believers and Courser of Kruphix I'll have to get my hands on 'em but RikukiR does bring up valid points. naejin if we can think of something else other than Herald of Torment for Nyx Weaver that'd be fine... but Herald of Torment tends to be the way I win games.

June 3, 2014 8:35 p.m.

naejin says... #6

I'm pretty confident that you shouldn't need Herald of Torment to win as your card advantage should yield great creature advantage. I could see it coming in against heavy flyer decks or a way to kill Elspeth, Sun's Champion . In addition, Doomwake Giant should be able to help clear the board of any small to moderate sized creatures.

I do agree that you should have a full playset of Courser of Kruphix when you can acquire it. A full playset of Doomwake Giant might want to be considered as well (Conley Wood's JOU PT deck had 4 Doomwake Giant ). I think Boon Satyr is likely the most suited to be moved into the sideboard.

Another interesting tech card to consider in Green Constellation decks is Mana Bloom , as can go crazy with Eidolon of Blossoms . I'm sure it will sound blashemous, but maybe try and replace Sylvan Caryatid . Sylvan Caryatid is one of the most powerful ramp spells at the moment, but might be interesting to test out Mana Bloom .

I would probably cut Vraska the Unseen , or at least move 1 copy away (maybe sideboard). She's a powerful card, but doesn't really have any particular synergy with the rest of the deck. Maybe for just 1 copy of Kruphix's Insight ?

Speaking of SIDEBOARD:
-I don't think you need Gnarled Scarhide as it's usually for more aggressive decks.
-You may want to reconsider Erebos, God of the Dead to either zero or one copy. I don't think this deck is trying to race, so any small amount of life gain for your opponent should probably be mostly inconsequential. Also your deck doesn't really have any life gain to reliably use the active ability of Erebos, God of the Dead .
-Thoughtseize in the sideboard is always good to consider. Althought not necessary since you have Brain Maggot , there are times when Brain Maggot is better (against a lot of single target burn/removal/counterspell), and times when Thoughtseize is better (against a deck with a lot of sweepers) (also generally worse against burn). And on occassion, you may want all 8 copies of hand disruption.
-Gray Merchant of Asphodel (AKA Gary) are probably good to sideboard in against Burn, but with the loss of black devotion from Master of the feast & herald of torment, his relevance becomes weaker. You could keep some number of Gary's, or instead swap in some Pharika's Cure (responds much more efficiently against burn), or consider a Bow of Nylea .
-Reaper of the Wilds is a strong card, but again doesn't really synergize with the rest of the Enchantment theme, so could be swapped for something else.

June 3, 2014 9:17 p.m.

Keleko says... #7

How about replacing Erebos, God of the Dead with Nylea, God of the Hunt ?

June 3, 2014 9:46 p.m.

Keleko says... #8

It looks good enough to play it. Did you get to try it at FNM? I wasn't able to go this weekend.

I'm still focusing on using Strength from the Fallen . This is my current version.

June 7, 2014 2:54 p.m.

Keleko says... #10

No Commune with the Gods ? Also, I recommend one more Pharika, God of Affliction . It really works well with Strength from the Fallen . I'm surprised Eidolon of Blossoms isn't main board because the draw power is so useful.

June 21, 2014 8:51 p.m.

If you can help me find stuff to take out that'd be perfect, Keleko.

June 22, 2014 5:07 p.m.

Keleko says... #12

I haven't been that thrilled with Nyx Weaver , so maybe -1 Nyx Weaver and +1 Pharika, God of Affliction . I'd use Commune with the Gods over Kruphix's Insight . See how that works as a start.

June 22, 2014 8:36 p.m.

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