Ain't Nothin' but a Hound Dog

Commander / EDH EmergencyDogRelease


lemmingllama says... #1

Have you considered either Strata Scythe or Sword of Vengeance ? Both are fairly solid equipment.

October 12, 2014 9:44 p.m.

When the deck was first designed I used Strata Scythe and Sword of Vengeance both. The scythe was cut rather quickly after I moved to Isamaru, Hound of Konda as the commander. An equipment that only offers me a P/T boost, even a fairly massive one, isn't really as valuable as you'd expect for the way this deck plays.

That said, the Sword is something I've gone back and forth with. I really like it, I'm just not sure what I'd remove for it. I've been considering the value in Darksteel Plate lately due to my meta using exile-based removal a lot more often than destroy-based removal, and it hasn't done a whole lot when the latter does show up. I think I might try replacing Plate with Sword and see how it plays. A power boost and trample for roughly the same cost is probably better than Indestructible and nothing else.

Thank you for the suggestion! I really appreciate you taking the time to look at my deck and comment.

October 13, 2014 5:56 a.m.

ZombieCat says... #3

To help out with unblockable:

Riding Red Hare

Surprise your friends!

October 25, 2014 10:08 p.m.

Hm. While Riding Red Hare definitely is surprising, I'm not sure it's the kind of thing I'm looking for. I could use something like Prowler's Helm or Hot Soup should I need an unblockable dog. I worry about one-use combat tricks, particularly since Isamaru often winds up protected or shrouded, though I will admit that it could create an opening for a finishing strike if my opponent just has some completely wacky defensive array.

I'll reconsider giving Isamaru more ways to be unblockable. Honestly, I added Nim Deathmantle to test it out but I'm often finding myself playing with all my mana used up every turn so the Mantle's revive effect hasn't had much opportunity to shine. Maybe I'll replace it. It does give me intimidate, though!

At any rate, thank you for taking the time to look at my deck and comment! I appreciate the input; every suggestion makes me think harder about the deck to continue tuning it up.

October 26, 2014 12:50 p.m.

Saljen says... #5

If your commander dies once, he immidately becomes too expensive for what you get. Paying 3 for a vanilla 2/2 is terrible, paying 5 for it is just bad. Kemba, Kha Regent is MUCH better at winning via commander damage and provides blockers at the same time.

November 8, 2014 7:37 p.m.

I'm well aware of the strengths Kemba, Kha Regent has over Isamaru, Hound of Konda. Like it says in my description, this deck used to be a Kemba EDH deck before I changed commanders. The thing is, I just didn't like Kemba very much, and in the vast majority of my games all the Cat tokens would do is sit there being untapped and taking up space on my table. Maybe once in a while I would sacrifice one to equip a Demonmail Hauberk, but otherwise they really didn't provide much benefit. This was before Sublime Archangel, and the addition of that card certainly makes the tokens extremely valuable. But even still, I've had significantly more fun using Isamaru, and even in the game where I payed 9 CMC for my vanilla 2/2, it was a lot more fun than I ever had when the deck was Kemba (I also won that game, for the record).

Would Kemba be objectively better than Isamaru? Yes, definitely. There's no question that you're spot on correct in that assessment. Would Kemba be more fun to use than Isamaru? Not for me. And while I certainly do get a lot of joy in winning my games, when given a choice between something better or something that I think is more fun, I'll always use the option that's more fun for me until such time that the fun option proves completely valueless (don't get me wrong, I'm not completely going to sacrifice function; if a card is worthless, it has no business being in my deck regardless of how much fun I think it might be). Besides, I've won more games than I've lost with this deck, and I really don't think the games I lost would have been saved by a fistful of cats or two more toughness.

Anyway, I appreciate you taking the time to look at my deck and suggest a way to make it better. All input is really helpful, even if I don't wind up using it! So, thanks.

November 9, 2014 9:21 p.m.

deckbuilder98 says... #7

Uhh... I don't want to point out the obvious here, but if you have a Linvala, why exactly are you using Isamaru? Linvala is techy (kinda), kills with commander damage, and is generally better than Isamaru in many ways... MANY. And even if you don't actually own the Linvala, you have plenty of cooler looking commanders in here, like Avacyn, Rune-Tail, and Elesh Norn. I really can't see how you came to this one...

November 9, 2014 9:49 p.m.

I do own the Linvala, Keeper of Silence that's in the deck. I own all the cards in the list, in fact. As I said in the comment above yours, I settled on Isamaru, Hound of Konda because it's a fun card to focus on, and his low base cost means that it's easy to get him back if he gets removed. Really, that's all it is. This is an Isamaru deck because Isamaru is a fun card and I wanted to use Isamaru. Is Linvala better? Probably. So is Kemba. But I'm not using either of them because I don't think they'd be as fun.

As for Avacyn, Angel of Hope and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, their mana costs are way too high to be an all-in commander consistently. And Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant stops being a creature as soon as you play him, so it would be impossible to go all-in with him. If I built the deck using any of them as commanders, I'd have to completely redesign the deck. That would defeat the whole point. I already have a deck with a "cooler" commander: Joy to the World feat. Zedruu the Greathearted. That deck is tricky and flashy and does all kinds of bizarre things. This deck, on the other hand, is just about punching people with a dog over and over because it amuses me. And you'd be surprised how effective it is!

Honestly, I don't much understand the point of your comment. Nothing in there really explains why Isamaru was a bad choice, you're just telling me that I own better creatures. That's definitely true! I will be sure to make a note of it.

Regardless, thanks for taking the time to look at my deck. I appreciate you giving it a chance, even if you don't agree with how I've built it.

November 10, 2014 1:28 a.m.

This deck, on the other hand, is just about punching people with a dog over and over because it amuses me. +1 simply because of that comment. And the deck is cool.

November 10, 2014 3:10 p.m.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the +1! And for taking the time to look at the deck, of course.

November 10, 2014 9:35 p.m.

aekrusty says... #11

Nice deck +1. Could you review and upvote my St Traft Azorius Duel? Thanks

August 16, 2016 4:33 p.m.

Ocelot44 says... #12

Since this is equipment themed, try Godsend. It's called Godsend for a reason (Well, two reasons, but that's not the point)

September 19, 2016 1:41 p.m.

I actually would really like to add Godsend to this deck! I just don't own one. If I did happen to get my paws on one, what would you recommend removing for it?

September 19, 2016 7:38 p.m.

Ocelot44 says... #14

Take out Diviner's Wand. There are easier ways to give Isamaru flying and to draw cards, and for cheaper mana. Godsend replaces it well because it has the same CMC and equip cost

September 19, 2016 10:50 p.m.

Hm... Yes, I think I agree. Thank you for taking the time to help! I really appreciate it. If I happen to get a Godsend in my travels, that's likely what I'll replace with it.

September 20, 2016 3:16 a.m.

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