Made some adjustments:
-Removed a Murderous Cut for an Empty the Pits. This deck needs help closing out games and emptying on your opponent's end step is a fine way to do just that.
-switched out a Sagu Mauler for a Soul of Innistrad. They're both awesome cards and I couldn't really decide which one i prefered. A second copy of both goes into the sideboard for matchups where one is clearly superior.
-Removed all Necropolis Fiend. Everything about this card sais that it should be awesome in this deck, but any time I played it it just felt meh. You're only able to cast it turn 4-5 wich isn't really earlier than usual for a body like that. It's removal ability eats into your yard too much to use regularly, and it dieing before you can untap with it means you just wasted a ton of recources on nothing.
-Put in 2x Nemesis of Mortals. I originally removed them for the fiends,so now they're back. I hear playing 5/5s on turn 3 is pretty good.
-Put in an Archetype of Imagination. Probably the oddest change. I still think flyers are the answer to the format's durdlefest, and this is awesome in that regard. There's enough ramp to hardcast it by turn 4 if you get a nut draw, it grounds your opponents hornet queens, and lifts your zombie army over most, if not all blockers. The downside is that it's crazy expensive, and you might just immediatly lose the game if your opponent can remove it at instant speed. (having your entire army come crashing to the ground after you declared a swing with everything isn't fun).
Still, with a whip out and this in the yard, you can effectively reduce its cost to 4, and get it back the second your opponent tapped one land too much for pretty much an instawin.