
My mono black control deck I've been playing and developing for many years. Some cards have been in the deck since day 1, others have been added later. Some cards are staples, others aren't. This is my alternative for the most commonly played mono black Pauper control deck. Basically it's a goodstuff control deck with a little bit of everything. Back when I made this, I had no idea about what creatures others were playing in Pauper decks. I didn't even know how to play control back then. The more experience I had, the more fun and the better this deck got.

Some changes I made before 2024: I replaced Sultai Scavenger with Gurmag Angler. Before it was 4 Foreboding Fruit and 0 Sign in Blood, now it's 2-4. I saw the Crypt Rats - Unexpected Fangs combo and I think it's very cool. Dross Golem was in the deck once but that's an aggro card. I almostcut Gingerbrute but adding Monarch to the deck made it have a new use, so I ended up keeping it. Also added more draw spells because the deck only works if it can maintain card advantage, obviously.

Last changes in summer, 2024 : the deck always had Divest in mainboard. First 4 then 3. Lately I didn't like having it too much, too often it ended up being useless so I decided to have even more removal and draw instead. Added 2 other Defiles and 1 Offering. At the latest event with this deck I had the 2nd place from 8 so it looks like the update made the deck better.


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95% Competitive

Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.44
Tokens Food, Map, Monarch Emblem, Treasure
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