I manage a bar at night so I never get to go to FNM. I just get dressed for prom and then sit on the couch.
November 18, 2014 2:39 a.m.
Just an idea, really just an insane thought, not at all serious. But.... What if you added Heroes' Bane? It will work even better with Titanic Growth. Kin-Tree Invocation would be insane!
But a more serious suggestion, Nylea, God of the Hunt. Your Creatures if they are not flying, are now trampling.
November 20, 2014 3:30 a.m.
I've had quite strong showings from aqueous form in the evasion department. Possibly Nylea but well see. Thank you for taking the time to give this a once over did you happen to PLAYTEST it? Thankyou for you suggestions.
November 20, 2014 4:38 a.m.
Yes I did play test it actually! I played it against my BANK OF SULTAI deck and No! My Monsters are Staying!(would love some help) deck. I got a win up on you in both games. But then again, I may not be 100% with the strategy of your deck and things could've gone different
First game against BANK OF SULTAI I copied your 6/6 Kin-Tree Invocation token with Clever Impersonator then bounced your 6/6 token back (destroying it), and continued attacking with it, countering/bouncing/destroying all your walls, ensouled creatures & spells.
My deck ran very well in this round. From turn 8 onwards I had 10+ cards in my hand (from Dictate of Kruphix + Kruphix, God of Horizons ) and could easily pick and choose what I wanted to do to you.
Second game against No! My Monsters are Staying!(would love some help). It was very close! (i was down to 2 life points), but I was able to trample over the top of you.
I Stubborn Denialed and Negated a few of your ensouls, Kin-trees & Aqueous Forms earlier in the game.
But once you were able to stick your Ensoul Artifacts and also Aqueous Form to your 7/7 Kin-Tree Invocation Token. I found it very hard to fight the 7/7 token. You swung 2 turns, 2nd turn you played Titanic Growth to push me down to 2 life.
I was lucky enough to have Dragon Throne of Tarkir to give +6/+6 and trample to all of my Creatures to swing for the win.
I think I need to adjust my No! My Monsters are Staying!(would love some help) deck to help with creature removal, cause that was scary!
+1 from me too if I hadnt already
November 20, 2014 5:29 a.m.
I do think you need another option incase your Aqueous Forms don't work/come out. Or if the 2 creatures you play them from is bounced/destroyed. The vast range of removal out their, I do think its likely to happen. Plus, What do you do if you come across control? My BANK OF SULTAI deck seemed to control the board easily against your deck.
November 20, 2014 5:34 a.m.
This deck looks built for Assault Formation.
I made a deck built around toughness: Tough Enough
April 25, 2015 3:16 a.m.
I agree, not playing Assault Formation is a big mistake
April 25, 2015 12:05 p.m.
CrovaxTheCursed says... #11
I don't think Assault Formation is worth the include. There only 7 dudes (8 if you count Tasigur) that really benefit from it at all, so it seems like a wasted spot that could be used for counter spells to protect your creatures. Sure, you could get some extra damage with Triton Tactics shenanigans, but again I don't think Ass Formation is worth the include.
Nice job as always, hateindigital. +1
April 25, 2015 2:35 p.m.
CrovaxTheCursed thanks man this just updated wrong last night before i posted it featured it missing cards with an improper description including cards no longer in the deck... Embarrassing if you could give this another look make sure I'm not missing anything? I did have Assault Formation in here before the addition of Tasigur Mandrils and Angler who keep me from waiting for the enchantment to drop or kin tree to come along.
April 25, 2015 3:31 p.m.
You only have 4 creatures who DON'T benefit from Assault Formation and it turns Triton Tactics and Shape the Sands into huge combat tricks. Don't play it if you don't want to but you really should.
April 26, 2015 7:05 a.m.
CrovaxTheCursed says... #14
Ah yes, I like this updated list much better actually. Have you found that 18 lands is enough? I like that you really only need two mana to make it work, but with the three colors and all the instants I didn't know if you ran into issues with mana. I really like the Ashiok in the side, but I might replace Vortex Elemental with either Foul-Tongue Invocation (for Silumgar) or Encase in Ice (for RG Monsters) instead. Still very nice!
WARPOPE says... #1
I've thought about it but 5cmc is alot to come by in this build is hard to come by. Thank you for the suggestion and support!
November 12, 2014 12:45 a.m.