What is your plan against smallpox decks? It seems like your only hope is to sideboard in thalia and hope she chokes their mana enough.
February 12, 2015 3:32 p.m.
dragon_slayer says... #6
A good point, adbirk. However, graveyard hate like Tormod's Crypt can get rid of their win conditions.
February 12, 2015 3:45 p.m.
forsaken_seraph says... #7
Looks really strong and play tests very well. I'd actually love to put it together myself, just not looking forward to the ~$600 price tag.
March 22, 2015 2:36 a.m.
dragon_slayer says... #8
Thanks for the compliments forsaken_seraph!
Actuall, this deck is much cheaper than many other legacy decks due to the absence of ABUR duel lands.
March 22, 2015 6:47 a.m.
forsaken_seraph says... #9
6-1 (12-4 in all games) in some Legacy friendlies at FNM. Had some issues (and lost the match 2-1) against a really well played High Tide and cut it close against MBC (but won 2-1). I did need to substitute Paradise Mantle for Mox Opal due to some...financial constraints, but I never really noticed ever hurting for mana, so it's at least operational for now. I saw a little bit of everything on Friday, and then a few other archetypes this afternoon, and I can say with confidence that this deck should be able to hold up against most of what Legacy has to offer. Thanks dragon_slayer!
March 29, 2015 1:19 a.m.
dragon_slayer says... #10
That's great, forsaken_seraph! I'm very glad that you did well!
Some questions now...
I know that it wasn't that important because you weren't playing with Mox Opals (how did paradise mantle work out for you? I don't have the Mox Opals either...) and you may not have noticed, but how was your early game metalcraft? Was it consistent?
How was the sideboard? We're there any cards that were useless or any cards that you wish you had in the sideboard? It is the most questionable part of the deck in my opinion.
Any other suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks again!
March 29, 2015 7:06 a.m.
forsaken_seraph says... #11
I had turn 1 or 2 Metalcraft in every game. Between the Mantle, Vial, and artifact lands, it'll take a pretty bad draw to not get early Metalcraft. Paradise Mantle didn't play much of a role until I ran into MBC, where the guy main-boarded Rancid Earth, Smallpox, and Wasteland. It was a nice zero drop to get Metalcraft on turn 1, but then again, I don't think this deck really needs turn 1 Metalcraft (Puresteel Paladin wouldn't be out until turn 2 anyway). I may actually play around with Cursed Scroll in place of Mantle to have some staying power against control decks.
Sideboard is always a tough call because our local metas are probably different. Given what I play against, I would probably throw in Grand Abolisher and some sort of enchantment removal (more copies of Council's Judgment maybe?). I run into enough burn decks that Pariah, Worship, or something equivalent might actually be worth it. Crucible of Worlds also crossed my mind, but that just might be some recency bias having played a nasty MBC deck that featured a ton of land destruction.
High Tide was the toughest matchup for this deck out of the games I played. Vial helps, but the guy did a really good job controlling what equipment I was able to get on the board, even with Stoneforge Mystic.He boarded in a couple copies of Energy Field which made getting the fast kill even more difficult. Once that matchup goes on for a while, it really is in High Tide's favor.
March 29, 2015 12:35 p.m.
dragon_slayer says... #12
Hm, I never even thought about Grand Abolisher. It costs 2 mana which works well with the rest of the deck, so it might be a good idea to try it out.
forsaken_seraph, I have a few more questions, if you don't mind...
How much work did Kor Duelist do for you? Was the double strike ever relevant?
Is the singleton Dispatch necessary, or could it be replaced? (Maybe by another Council's Judgment in th main?)
Phyrexian Revoker vs. Pithing Needle: the Revoker can wear equipment, but the needle only costs 1 mana.
Was Argentum Armor useful at all, or was it just too expensive?
Some cards I have been considering: Apostle's Blessing and Enlightened Tutor.
Thanks again for all your feedback!
March 29, 2015 9:06 p.m.
forsaken_seraph says... #13
I love deck crafting...
1) Kor Duelist honestly never lived long enough in any match up to even be equipped. I can't really gauge its effectiveness, but if nothing else, most opponents recognized that it was a threat with a giant target on its back.
2) Dispatch could probably be replaced with something a little more universal. I agree with that. We already have 4 Swords to Plowshares alongside the Jitte and Sword of Fire and Ice to specifically deal with problem creatures.
3) I like the Needle only because its less susceptible to removal.
4) I actually liked Argentum Armor. I was able to use it to get rid of some problem permanents like Engineered Plague, Stasis, and pesky Rishadan Port on Friday. I love it in the main deck because you can tutor it out and deal with a lot of threats that you would otherwise have to leave to your sideboard. I think it can really change the complexion of game 1.
5) What mileage were you thinking you could get from Enlightened Tutor? Stoneforge Mystic already fetches any of the artifacts we would actually want to fetch. Maybe a main deck Cataclysm or some other silver bullet?
March 29, 2015 9:31 p.m.
dragon_slayer says... #14
Well, I sure am glad you like deck crafting...
If Kor Duelist is a lightning rod of sorts it might actually be a good thing, because removal will be used on it instead of Stoneforge Mystic or Puresteel Paladin, which are more important to have on the field. But it also could be replaced by something else...
I will try out a mainboard Council's Judgment in place of the Dispatch and Pithing Needle in place of Phyrexian Revoker in the SB.
This might be a lot to ask, but what was your sideboarding plan in the matches that you played?
March 29, 2015 10:11 p.m.
forsaken_seraph says... #15
With Paradise Mantle being really only there as Puresteel Paladin fuel, I usually removed 2 of them, Dispatch, and 1 Mother of Runes and replaced them with:
-Cage+Crypt+Priest versus reanimator
-Canonist+Revoker+Thalia versus control
-Bridge+Cataclysm+Revoker+Cannonist versus burn (I kept all 4 Mother of Runes in this matchup, taking out the Duelist instead)
-Bridge+Cataclysm+Revoker+Cannonist against affinity
I played against Trixx and Tinker too, but they aren't Legacy legal...
March 29, 2015 10:36 p.m.
dragon_slayer says... #16
Why did you sideboard Ensnaring Bridge, Cataclysm, and Phyrexian Revoker against burn?
March 30, 2015 3:36 p.m.
forsaken_seraph says... #17
Bridge was extremely useful keeping fast threats like Ball Lightning at bay.Cataclysm served as great mid-game land denial. Once I was able to get a creature out with decent equipment, a Cataclysm let me close the game more often than not. Revoker helps against things like Grim Lavamancer and Cursed Scroll.
March 30, 2015 6:51 p.m.
dragon_slayer says... #18
Oh I believe we are talking about different versions of burn.
March 30, 2015 8:53 p.m.
dragon_slayer says... #22
ugin-dude: Instead of just stating that my deck is slow, you could give a suggestion to help make it better.
April 26, 2015 8:40 a.m.
forsaken_seraph says... #23
The more I've played and tinkered with this build, the more I like going with 4 Duelists and 2 Mother of Runes instead of the other way around. Getting double-strike with any of our ridiculously powerful equipment is just too strong for a one drop. Still love this deck :)
June 1, 2015 9:45 p.m.
dragon_slayer says... #24
I do agree that Kor Duelist with any equipment is busted, but I still prefer the playset of Mother of Runes. With all the Abrupt Decays and Swords to Plowshares running around, she is just too important to protect our creatures. I could see cutting some number of Leonin Shikaris for more duelists.
I'm glad you still love the deck!
June 2, 2015 4:01 p.m.
Aidenfoucault says... #25
I might agree with cutting a Leonin Shikari. They're not to good in multiples. But I don't think it should be for a Kor Duelist, as it isn't good in multiples either. Getting metalcraft early is obviously important, so might be good to add another artifact to make sure this consistently happens.
smackjack says... #1
I dont think you should run either Argentum Armor or Elbrus, the Binding Blade Flip. Both are too situational. Don't be fooled by how good the effect of Argentum Armor is, you need 2 of your creatures to be able to play and equip it. This makes it a 3 card combo, that is easily disrupted with a single Lightning Bolt or Swords to Plowshares.
February 1, 2015 9:20 a.m.