agphantom219 says... #2
Try a one or 2 of Kemba, Kha Regent. Could cause shenanigans later in game with puresteal swapping end of turn
June 14, 2015 11:57 a.m.
dragon_slayer says... #3
Although Kemba, Kha Regent is an interesting card, I don't think it would be very good in this deck. When I hit 3 mana, I usually want to play a sword or leave mana up for a removal spell. Also, the converted mana cost of 3 doesn't fit in with the AEther Vial plan.
Thanks for the suggestion!
June 14, 2015 12:34 p.m.
If you take out everything in this deck that costs 10$ or more, the deck is only about $170. LOL
September 1, 2015 1:30 p.m.
what about Godsend, instead of Argentum Armor? They basically do the same things, but godsend is more playable :)
+1, I really love equipments <3
September 2, 2015 8:25 a.m.
dragon_slayer says... #7
The problem with Godsend is that your opponent can choose which creature to block with, making the effect have a low impact. (If your opponent has to block with their best creature, you're probably winning anyway.) With Argentum Armor, you only need to attack to trigger the ability, and it can get rid of any type of permanent, not just creatures. Plus, if you can cheat it out with Stoneforge Mystic and equip it for free with Puresteel Paladin, the cost is even less.
Thanks for the +1, I'm glad you like the deck!
September 2, 2015 5:45 p.m.
titanreaver says... #8
Have you considered Kor Skyfisher I know she doesn't actually get any benefit fro being equipped, but she can protect your dudes when using AEther Vial, and can give you another draw with Puresteel Paladin. Just a thought looks pretty sweet though.
October 21, 2015 6:59 p.m.
Hi there! I'm starting to make a deck very similar to this, as to me it looks extremely fun while still being quite powerful. I'm just wondering if Darksteel Citadel makes it harder to cast your spells? Do you find that you have enough white mana? Also, what do you think for sideboard options: Grand Abolisher, Judge's Familiar, Kor Firewalker, Rest in Peace and Spirit of the Labyrinth?
Thanks a lot!
October 23, 2015 11:42 a.m.
dragon_slayer says... #10
titanreaver, Kor Skyfisher just doesn't do anything very well in this deck. I already have enough protection with Mother of Runes, and although getting an extra draw is cool, it really isn't worth it. Also it is just a dead card if you have nothing to bounce.
Duckling, that's great that you are experimenting with the same ideas as me! Unfortunately, sometimes you get stuck with a Darksteel Citadel in play and a double white card in your hand, but Mox Opal helps with that. Most of the sideboard cards you suggested I have definitely considered, most notably Grand Abolisher (and to a lesser extent, Spirit of the Labyrinth, which could actually be very strong in the current metagame). I don't think Kor Firewalker is as strong right now because burn isn't played that much, and I think Grafdigger's Cage and Tormod's Crypt outclass Rest in Peace in this deck because they are artifacts. Judge's Familiar seems interesting, but I am not that sure how good it is. Anyways, good luck with your deck!
October 28, 2015 7:41 p.m.
titanreaver says... #11
Why does it matter that Rest in Peace isn't an artifact? Because it doesn't help get metalcraft? Because it makes the Cranial Plating one point smaller? So what?
Rest in Peace is far and above the best graveyard hate card ever printed. You don't tutor for artifacts you tutor for equipments, so the other cards can't be fetched anyway. There is infinitely more hate on artifacts than there is for enchantments, and Rest in Peace shuts down everything. Most graveyard decks can play around Tormod's Crypt with a but of skill, and definitely with a bit of sideboard tech. However try playing around Rest in Peace. Grafdigger's Cage can't stop lands, and all it does is slow down dredge.
Lastly Kor Skyfisher can also protect your equipments, which Mother of Runes can not. She has a 2/3 body with flying so even that is pretty good. She can trade with Delver of Secrets Flip, and she can get in when your other dudes can't. You can use her to bounce a land if you want which means she can cost 1. Just her and a Jitte can destroy folks. So I don't think she is ever dead, just sometimes she is less good. I am not saying that she is required I am just saying she does a lot of things very well, now if you don't want those things or don't think you need them then sure she is junk, just figured I would defend her.
October 28, 2015 10:19 p.m.
dragon_slayer says... #12
You make a good point. Perhaps I should try out some number of Rest in Peace over Tormod's Crypt and see how they work out. I could also consider Relic of Progenitus because it is also an artifact, but Rest in Peace could definitely be much better. I am definitely keeping Grafdigger's Cage because it does shut down dredge, and well as reanimator and any flashback effects.
I still think Kor Skyfisher is too mediocre though.
October 29, 2015 8:36 a.m.
titanreaver says... #13
So I started looking at my old list, and I probably agree at this point Kor Skyfisher would not do nearly as much for you as it did for me, so I understand that. Relic is a great card against decks that need very specific cards in the yard, plus it can exile the whole thing if necessary. So if you feel like you need more effects I personally feel like those are the two best cards.
forsaken_seraph says... #1
Early metalcraft hasn't been an issue in about 300 games played.
June 10, 2015 7:19 p.m.