My take on the modern Death and Taxes deck, with a few minor deck choices in sideboard for my local meta. Every list is different slightly, mine is pretty standard and the sideboard is the only thing with a few changes.
This deck plays like your typical midrange deck, trying to get a board advantage, while denying your resources, such as land, hand, and killing their creatures or simply running over them. The deck is pretty solid overall, without having one "impossible" match up, it is rewarding to those who stick with the deck and figure out all the tricks. The Deck is also very synergistic, but can get bricky when you draw some of the pieces that do not work as good with each other. For Example, Path to Exile and Ghost Quarter have amazing synergy with Leonin Arbiter, and Tidehollow Sculler and Flickerwisp work well with Wasteland Strangler.
Some of the cards this deck is almost always happy to see are Thought-Knot Seer, card:Eldrazi isplacer, and Dark Confidant. These cards make a HUGE impact on Board Control, and Card Advantage. This is one amazing things about this deck. If you can get one of the synergies listed above in combination with these cards to keep the board locked, cards rolling and face punching. These high risk removal targets are best used when some of the weaker hatebears like Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and Leonin Arbiter
I hope this deck is to your liking and shows you how you can play an adaptive and innovate deck to better suit the Meta at your local game store. If you liked this deck, or have any helpful suggestions, leave them below in the comments and please upvote this deck! Thank you!