Red Dragon

Commander / EDH* VladMarkov


After first playtests —Jan. 13, 2020


After first playtests this weekend I've decided to get rid of Verix Bladewing, Kargan Dragonlord, Imperial Hellkite and Coat of Arms. Instead I aknowledge, that the better solution are: Mana Geyser, Drakuseth, Maw of Flames, Quicksilver Amulet and Chain Reaction.

The one of the cutest thing I noticed is how the War's Toll interact with Mana Geyser. In one game I managed to get 28 red mana (TWENTY EIGHT) on turn 6 (thank you ramp decks).

And paradoxically, I remain unconvinced about the mana rocks. Really. I've played several games and I didn't feel, like I was losing without them. Moreover - once I managed to win having 6 lands in total - one in a starting hand (don't ask, please), 3 lands drawn and 2 found by Journeyer's Kite. Ain't that cool?

VladMarkov says... #1

More comments and few more suggestions would be nice for the year's end :)

December 31, 2019 11:01 a.m.

toastySmorc says... #2

Definitely very short on mana sources for such a heavily costed deck. Definitely run more rocks and up your land count to at least 35 to reliably ramp up and cast your spells. Also take note to include some kind of draw engine or recovery after a boardwipe, and these can replace cards like Sarkhan, Dragonsoul and Coat of Arms , and other win-more cards.

Cards to cut: Sarkhan, Dragonsoul , all of your instants, Coat of Arms , Dragonstorm , Impact Tremors , 3-4 of your dragons (whichever you want- preferably the top end ones).

Cards to add: Blasphemous Act , Chain Reaction , Chaos Warp , Quicksilver Amulet , LANDS AND MANA ROCKS.

January 2, 2020 10:06 p.m.

VladMarkov says... #3

Hey toastySmorc,

thanks for your ideas, but... - instead of putting mana rocks, I've decided to use mana cost decreasing artifacts. Look - Ruby Medallion does the same work as for example Commander's Sphere and can be used multiple time in a turn - effectively giving me one mana. It's only shortcoming is, that it doesn't work on artifacts. The same is true for Urza's Incubator . - more lands is definitely more tempting, and I will check this. There is not a problem to test 33 lands, and if needed remove 2-3 dragons and put more mountains. - Impact Tremors well used can be lethal weapon - Imagine if only I can play one dragon with my commander and Panharmonicon on board. Or more - if I attack with few dragons while having Utvara Hellkite on the battlefield. And all of this for 2 CMC - Quicksilver Amulet is definitely worth thinking of, I will test it probably :)

Thanks for your feedback.

January 3, 2020 1:52 a.m.

toastySmorc says... #4

The situations you described with Impact Tremors is kind of 'Magical Christmas land' where you have to have a lot of things set up to do an extra 2-3 damage. Honestly not worth a card in my opinion. Also, if you're making that many dragons, the extra couple of damage won't matter-ie: that's why I call it a win more. In your situation specifically with the Utvara Hellkite, it's because the Hellkite has a powerful effect, not the Impact Tremors.

As for mana rocks, consistency is the name of the game. If you don't draw Ruby Medallion, then you're stiffed in the ramp department. You're playing a big mana deck, so you can always have more ramp. Redundancy is important to ensure that you always draw that kind of effect- you can't always take for granted the fact that you'll always draw Ruby Medallion. Or you can run some red tutors but honestly only Gamble comes to mind. Also a quick note that you'll rarely use Ruby Medallion's discount more than once with that kind of curve.

January 3, 2020 5:16 p.m.

VladMarkov says... #5

With what you are writing is hard to disagree, but I will defend Ruby Medallion (and other discounting artifacts) - If you are writing, that "If you don't draw Ruby Medallion, then you're stiffed in the ramp department" - the same is true for Sol Ring - you don't draw it, you don't have a ramp :) And once in a while I will got the chance to "use" Ruby Medallion more than once in a turn. Yes - it's like a Christmas miracle, but, there's a Murphy law (if you're familiar with them) - "Don't believe in miracles - rely on them" :)

I will also defend a little Impact Tremors. It's 2 mana drop, that does a thing. Of course, I could have any other 2 mana drop (Sol Ring is even one mana), but I think Impact Tremors is more consistent with my deck, than a Sol Ring. And both - Sol Ring or Urza's Incubator are as well destructible.

Overall - I agree, that maybe Sol Ring (and other rocks) could be better than discounting cards, and I can exchange Impact Tremors for other card, but it will turn out in tests. This part of the deck I want to try out, and see (maybe for future decks) if it's some kind of alternative :)

Thanks a lot for your insights :)

January 4, 2020 4:31 a.m.

toastySmorc says... #6

Oh yea Sol Ring should be in there straight up. It's just a busted card. Autoinclude in any commander deck. I'm not saying Ruby Medallion is bad by the way. I'm just saying you could honestly use more ramp/mana reduction to ensure you always draw into some fast mana.

January 4, 2020 5:32 a.m.

VladMarkov says... #7

I didn't want to put only one mana rock, and I really want to try Medallion and other discounts. Actually I even gave up on Lighting Bolt and few other single removals, because I would have only one or two spots which couldn't have had much sense. And some might say, that Bolt is a must-have in every mono red deck ;-)

Should I remove anything for rocks, more likely it would be Draconic Roar and/or Spit Flame.

We will see :-D

January 4, 2020 7:19 a.m.

toastySmorc says... #8

Yea no what Im saying is for you to put in more rocks. With that kind of curve we're looking at 6-7 minimum. Gilded Lotus , Thran Dynamo etc.

I agree with those cuts. They're simply not worth a card in edh. I'd also take out Battle Hymn because if you have enough creatures to make a lot of mana with that, you'd already be winning, because all your creatures are already big enough that 5-6 of them would be gg if not dealt with.

January 4, 2020 4:29 p.m.

shwanerz88 says... #9

Cool list I've been wanting to make a mono red deck for a while. Irencrag Feat & Seething Song are great ways to get some of your big threats out early. I would also recommend Chandra, Awakened Inferno and Drakuseth, Maw of Flames as some additional big threats. Jaya, Venerated Firemage also definitely shines in a mono red build. Hope some of these suggestions helped

January 8, 2020 7 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #10

Mana Geyser is another good ramp spell. I also agree that you need more rocks.

January 8, 2020 7:28 a.m.

VladMarkov says... #11

bushido_man96, that I will try for sure :)

As for the other mana rocks - never say never, but I like it a little bit unsuspected, so first I will play more with discount artifacts. Mana rocks I know and exchanging cards for them is a piece of cake :)

And that may be some new way, perhaps. We will see :D

January 8, 2020 7:37 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #12

Mana discounts aren't bad at all. The problem is you don't run enough. You need some rocks to balance that out. The other issue is your mana reducers cost up to 4 and 5 CMC to cast, which compounds your mana problem. You need some efficient ramp spells to help smooth out the curve.

January 8, 2020 8:16 a.m.

VladMarkov says... #13

I just need few test runs to admit that you are right :-)

And I will admit that on Saturday, as on Friday there are the first tests possible.

Right now I am already thinking what cards I can exchange for mana rocks.

January 8, 2020 8:20 a.m.