

Creature (1)

Went 5-0 at FNM 1-30-15

G1- Played vs. Jeskai combo, Won 2-0, Without taking any damage due to Winning turn 5 both matches

G2- Played vs. Temur Ascendancy Combo, Won 2-0Won Both matches in 6 due to my opponent playing Koursers

G3- Played vs. No clue, Won 2-0 in 6 minutesNo contest won turn 4 each match due to conceding, Though he did play a Rablemaster himself that I Collateral Damaged with one of my tokens as tribute

G4- Played vs. B/U control Won 2-0Beat him before he could do anything both games, nothing else I can say.

G5- Played against G/B constellation Won 2-0Only match I played where they got a board state out and creatures and elimination spells, but in the end it was futile, Hammerhand and Frenzied Goblin was to strong for him to beat after wasting everything else on Akroan Crusader

Cheap and Easy deck, Going to add onto it in the next few weeks hopefully adding Fetch lands because less lands to draw in this deck = better win ratios.

Check back in next week to see how I did. I will be writing down what I start games out with, and what my opponents play, Because To be honest I only made this deck that day about 2 hours before FNM started.


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Didn't go to FNM this week due to food poisoning. But! I do know the format due to friends who went this week, and they said Mono-Red Aggro is contagious, and 2 other people at my LGS started playing it, not to mention the fact that a mono-red aggro going 5-0 is not going to go unnoticed. Not having any trouble last week, I just switched up my sideboard for mirror match ups, I added such cards as Searing Blood and Circle of Flame and removed Arc Lightning. leave a comment on what you like and what you dislike, also any questions are welcomed I Check Tappedout everyday and I will respond to your questions.

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  • Achieved #21 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 4 Rares

9 - 6 Uncommons

30 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.29
Tokens Soldier 1/1 R
Folders FRF KTK, MLG 420 bong rip decks, Future Playtest, New decks, Decksssss, ideas, MTGO Testables, Decks, Standard, Budget
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