
Instant (2)


I have been working with this deck for a couple of weeks now and it still needs some tweaking in order to win more consistently. Help and/or tips are much appreciated!! Any criticism helps!!

The goal is to drop powerfull creatures As fast as Possible, ideally a turn one, Warden of the First Tree to pump at any time possable from there on, followed by Fleecemane Lion and/or Rakshasa Deathdealer on Turn two , into a turn three Anafenza, the Foremost or even Athreos, God of Passage if he decides to show his face in play, after that I got some Brutal Hordechief that will dictate the apposers defense and gain me some life in offense and Siege Rhino Trample all day!!

Creature's of Choice

Warden of the First Tree : A good one-drop that can pump as the game goes on. The Goal is to atleast get to 3/3 with lifelink and trample. anything after that seems very slow to get to.

Fleecemane Lion: Solid two-drop that can become almost impossible to remove in the late game.

Rakshasa Deathdealer : Good two drop, It can Regenerate and also pump itself. It escapes Bile Blight and Abzan Charm if needed and other removal spells.

Brutal Hordechief : 4 drop just lke the Siege Rhino gonna be able to choose how the opponent works the defense while Gaining life attacking (Pending essentialness in this build)

Anafenza, the Foremost: The Abzan Clan leader a solid three-drop with 4/4 who can pump other attacking creatures. Definitely good in this deck. This card is also good against delver and reanimator decks.

Siege Rhino: As soon as he enters the field your Enemy must act Fast! with Trample and also gain three life and your Enemy lose's three its a win/win.

Athreos, God of Passage: He's Indestructible and when they start bashing my guys they better pay up 3 life for each creature dead or its a rinse and repeat with them (Pending essentialness in this build)

The removal for this deck is cheap and can Cast Immediately.

Hero's Downfall: Takes out anything, even Plainswalkers

Abzan Charm : Can pump for more damage, remove threat or even draw cards when you are in need

Valorous Stance : Tempo removal. Gets rid of Siege Rhino, Wingmate Roc, Courser of Kruphix and others, It also protects from Hero's Downfall, End Hostilities, Crux of Fate and other things that might be harmful

Bile Blight: Very good against all types of decks!

The Whip!


only ones I have atm are Banshing light, End Hostilitys, Erase. i end up using those against whips and token decks i practice with an appoint that uses both styles. atm im kinda blind as to what else I would need



Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

0 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.39
Tokens Emblem Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Vampire 2/2 B
Folders Upvoted, Abzan, badass, Standard
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