Mono-Blue Devotion Is Back!

Standard* EssTea

SCORE: 267 | 197 COMMENTS | 30897 VIEWS | IN 98 FOLDERS

juicytoot says... #1

Cloudform doesnt work with Master of Waves, if thats why you included it. Otherwise, looks just like my current deck which 3-2 the last FNM.

January 31, 2015 3:36 p.m.

EssTea says... #2

Hey juicytoot, I know it's not an elemental but it contributes to devotion while possibly making a incredibly hard to deal with flyer!

I just looked on your profile and I can't find the blue devotion deck your talking of... How does it compare to mine? How did the FNM go? Any advice? :)

January 31, 2015 3:41 p.m.

juicytoot says... #3

I havent posted my deck on here, I kind of just built it out of cards I had lying around yesterday to play. They compare mostly in creature choice, the biggest difference being that I use four copies of Reality Shift instead of Set Adrift and I use Hall of Triumph instead of Cloudform. It was a pretty solid deck last night, being able to rush out and destroy control players, while being lasting enough to race other aggro. My only losses were to Drown in Sorrows that I couldnt counter. The biggest advantage is the ability to side into Negate though. Countless times Anger of the Gods and Drown in Sorrow were casted, only to be countered. Alot of the time concession was immediate. The best advice I can give to improve upon this is any number of Hall of Triumph in the mainboard and Negate/Dissolve in the sideboard.

January 31, 2015 3:58 p.m.

EssTea says... #4

Yeah well I'll try the Cloudform build first next week and consider Hall of Triumph after seeing how it goes. I'm building my sideboard tonight I'll tag you when it's done so you can have a look. And yes, Negate and/or Dissolve will certainly be a part of it!

Thanks for the comment!

January 31, 2015 4:02 p.m.

dcamplive says... #5

Interesting addition would be Dictate of Kruphix, gives card advantage to both players but speeds up the game. Also I would love to see Dakra Mystic played in standard. Last thing I've seen in other mono-blue is trying to play Mindreaver for the devotion and making it work.

January 31, 2015 9:26 p.m.

EssTea says... #6

Hey dcamplive, thanks for the comment!
Dictate of Kruphix would make games crazy as ****! The problem is not that it isn't playable, it's that it's taking spots from the deck (mostly the removal ones)! Going all out no removal is kind of scary in this format (plus this deck already has the bare minimum). Then, taking creature spots to put the dictate would weaken the aggro part of the deck.

I don't think Dakra Mystic will ever see standard play and it's a bit logical...

I've read some forums and Mindreaver came up a couple times. He's good for the devotion part, but his heroic trigger is kind of BS and his body very weak and without any evasion.

January 31, 2015 10:23 p.m.

Sir5L says... #7

I like this a lot I as well have a monoblue I just crafted out of what I had laying around plus some friendly trades card swaps. Plays more to the tempo/control flavor because I had the same issue where unanswered field wipes grind me down to a screeching halt.. Overall I like the deck though not for my local meta but I can see it working in my hometown meta. +1

January 31, 2015 11:05 p.m.

EssTea says... #8

Hey Sir5L, thanks for the +1 and comment!

I don't know anyone who maindecks Drown in Sorrow and Anger of the Gods. They're usually in the sideboard and the trick is to sideboard counter spells to stop them! The cards to play around right now are Crux of Fate and End Hostilities which are going to be extremely popular (sultai/abzan/UB control). They're turn 5, so it's best not to overextend and to stop acquiring board control at their 4th mana. Post sideboard is the same thing, we bring in counter spells and keep them for wraths. Don't counter the card draw, don't counter single removal, keep your counter spells for their wraths and their win cons! Thassa, God of the Sea should be completely sided out or reduced considerably since it will be very hard to devote it.

February 1, 2015 1:22 a.m.

Sir5L says... #9

I definitely bring a lot of counter magic to the table rather be controlling than made a fool of xP you should check mine out and tell me what you think. . its called mud puddle.. I'll be taking it out to FNM soon as the FRF cards get in but with proxies and in my play testing group it does pretty well especially for the budget :)

February 1, 2015 4:36 a.m.

ceji3 says... #10

i love Cloudform with Frost Walker. Oh, it seems ive gotten a 4/1 flying hexproof that cant be targeted by abilities. Don't be afraid to flip this as Cloudform on it already doesn't count as targeting it.

February 1, 2015 11:43 a.m.

awesomemaxi69 says... #11

Your build is almost the exact same as mine and you are right in ignoring the other comments as their suggestions aren't viable. The only difference in my deck is that i don't run any removal as the deck is 100% proactive and in it's place is more permanents that draw cards like another bident and a military intelligence and some monastery siege's. I am also trying out Jace, the living guildpact as a bounce spell that also adds devotion and can also provide semi card draw. I mean if jace doesn't even work in this deck then what hope is left for him

February 1, 2015 11:46 a.m.

doomsdale says... #12

I've been running a similar deck for a while (since the release of M15),

Some recommendations I'd make based off of playing the mono blue devotion build over the past few sets and placing within the top 3 at FNM (At least 12-20 people every FNM) every time. I don't mean that in a bragging way, just context to show that these cards do work.

  1. Dictate of Kruphix- I'd run dictate of kruphix over cloud form, it has flash so it has major versatility (surprise thassa activation), it's an enchantment so it provides devotion even after crux of fate, it digs you to master of waves as fast as possible, and it allows you to represent a counter spell while being able to gain devotion. Overall I find it to be stronger than cloud form.

  2. Vortex Elemental- This card is stupid, early game it stops anything without flying from swinging in, and late game with nykthos you can easily remove two of their biggest threats from the board. Also, and this is a minor but cool synergy thing, he does receive a buff from master of waves.

  3. Aetherspouts- The card destroys any agro/tokens decks, as well as allowing you to stabilize if you get hosed during the early game.

  4. Jace the Living Guildpact- Amazing card, hits the board and you either dig for master of waves, or bounce the threat (excluding siege rhino). Good card against control, forces them to pick the target of downfall. Essentially creating the choice of them either being hit in the face with a master of the waves and tokens, or allowing Jace to ult. Either choice is great for you, so value of the pressure this card puts on the opponent can't be understated. Jace also gets around crux of fate which is nice as well.

  5. Omen Speaker- This card is amazing. A 1/3 body for 2 that scrys for two. Can block most things, doesn't die to magma jet, survives drown in sorrow, and allows you to set up either your early game draws, or to dig for master of the waves or thassa late game.

I like your deck a lot because it has more emphasis on aggro which I think is cool, however I think you should consider checking out some of the cards I suggested. If you have any questions or comments, or different opinions just message me or just go to my deck link and post there, I'd like to see how your build has worked out so far, and what you think of my more defensive build.

February 1, 2015 12:04 p.m.

EssTea says... #13

@ ceji3
Cloudform is indeed very exciting to play! The best cards to hit are Master of Waves and Thassa, God of the Sea, then there's still Frost Walker. If it doesn't it, it's still a 2/2 flying hexproof that is serving both the aggro and devotion strategy!

@ awesomemaxi69
Just looked at your build and I must admit you've got some balls going no removal! Good luck in trying to make Jace happen haha, you're right, this deck is his last chance to see standard play! I can see him doing work if he devotes a Thassa and then the opponent has to deal with the two... His +1 can be used to hit something with Cloudform... I'd rather play cheap tempo removal instead and try to race game 1, maybe put him game 2..Dunno... Why you so weak Jace?!

February 1, 2015 12:14 p.m.

EssTea says... #14

@ doomsdale
Your comment is full of very interesting cards for the deck! I'd like to say a big thank you as I'll consider all of them right now!

February 1, 2015 12:19 p.m.

EssTea says... #15

I don't have much time right now, but I will certainly take a look at your deck (probably tomorrow) and we can start a constructive discussion on your choice of cards over mine!

February 1, 2015 12:25 p.m.

TalusOfTheSea says... #16

Love it, +1.

February 1, 2015 12:39 p.m.

EssTea says... #17

Thanks TalusOfTheSea !

February 1, 2015 2 p.m.

The12thDoctor says... #18

No Dig Through Time or Treasure Cruise?

Also why not just play Void Snare over Set Adrift

February 1, 2015 8:38 p.m.

EssTea says... #19

Hey The12thDoctor

If I were to choose between the two I'd take Treasure Cruise since it's more tempo oriented. The problem is the spot it would be taking from the deck while not ontributing to devotion. Bident of Thassa does the job for card draw since the deck runs 16 evasive creatures.

The reason to play Set Adrift over Void Snare is that it doesn't give the opponent card advantage. It also can combo with Reality Shift if you want to make the opponent manifest a planeswalker.

February 1, 2015 11:14 p.m.

juicytoot says... #20

Through even more testing this week, im loving Monastery Siege in this deck. My local meta is very BU control oriented, and it ruined targeted removal. Definately needs to see numbers in sideboard.

February 2, 2015 12:41 a.m.

Summy says... #21

Really like the build, if you're going the aggro route id like to see Jeskai Infiltrator in here. Seems like a underrated card that have alot of potential in this deck, haven't tried it myself though.

February 2, 2015 5:11 a.m.

EssTea says... #22

@ juicytoot
There actually is already 2 Monastery Siege in the sideboard and it is indeed just for the control matchup! Are you saying I should put more? My meta has about 3-4 control players for 12 players, but only one plays U/B (the others play abzan control and the new sultai version). The deck is EXCELLENT against control game 1 and stays excellent game 2, thanks to Negate and Monastery Siege. Their sidedecking is very hard to do, they want to bring in as much aggro hate as possible, but they need to keep some vaults for Thassa and enchantments/artifact (UB).

At the 3CMC spot, Jeskai Infiltrator just can't infiltrate the deck (ba dum tsss). At this point in a game, any midrange deck is soon to drop something to block the deck or put a lot of pressure, something like a Siege Rhino, (I heard it's a good card..... lol). The 2 manifests from Jeskai Infiltrator won't do much since they don't have evasion... Could be good against control but not that much tbh...

February 2, 2015 8:35 a.m.

juicytoot says... #23

Didnt notice sideboard, im just dumb :P I think two is the perfect amount to run.

February 2, 2015 10:26 a.m.

aplechaty says... #24

OK pardon my ignorance, but what is the point of Polluted Delta? Why not just put 4 more islands in the deck?

February 2, 2015 12:11 p.m.

EssTea says... #25

Thins the deck, after fetching you have one less land in your deck. The deck only needs to go up to 4 lands max to work... The other purpose of the 4 Polluted Delta is for Set Adrift.
I'm still debating whether I'll just put 4 islands instead. At some point in the deck's build I had other delve cards, but now with only Set Adrift maybe they're not even necessary.

February 2, 2015 12:23 p.m.

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