First off, there are a couple of reasons why I play U/W control, and not U/B control:
I've been playing U/W and mostly control since I first started playing magic (Yes, I was that guy that just threw counter spells at my friends until they gave up. I'm sorry.)
White has some cards that I personally think are really great. Examples are Nyx-Fleece Ram (I know people usually sideboard him, but he hasn't failed me once),
Banishing Light
, which I consider to be just a little bit better than Hero's Downfall, because -"Target Nonland Permanent" instead of "Target Creature or Planeswalker"-"Exile" instead of "Destroy"-What deck runs Enchantment removal mainboard?Because I'm running
Banishing Light
I also feel like End Hostilities is a better fit for this deck than Perilous Vault (Removing my enchantment and thus bringing back to life an opponent's Elspeth is not my idea of a great play)
White has Elspeth. I know U/B manages with 2
Pearl Lake Ancient
s, but in the games I've played without Elspeth, I found myself thinking that I'd be doing better if I did have Elspeth in the deck. I'd be fine with just the 2 PLAs, but a single Elspeth helps me in a lot of matchups.
I actually explained the reasons behind every white card in the maindeck now, so let's move on to the blue cards.
Pearl Lake Ancient
. It's strong, and it... doesn't really die. Plus Flash can kill some evil Siege Rhinos when
Pearl Lake Ancient
hits the board.
Disdainful Stroke. A dead card in some matchups, a gamechanger in many others. It just counters almost all the spells certain decks have.
. It counters creatures. I don't think there's a single deck that can win a game without having to play even one creature.
. Your average counter spell. Luckily it's a little bit better than Cancel.
Dig Through Time. Really great way to get to the cards you want, whether it is an Elspeth, Sun's Champion or an End Hostilities, there's a very big chance you'll find something useful.
Jace's Ingenuity
. I hated this card. Then I saw the word "Instant". Now I love this card.
. Sometimes you just need cheap draw, to leave mana open for removal/counter spells. It's definitely not the best card in the deck, but it does what it's supposed to do.
Still under construction. I specifically need help with the sideboard, so if anyone has any ideas be sure to post them. Right now it consists of this:
Negate. Counters noncreature spells. Bring this in against decks where Disdainful Stroke is useless. It'll have some use in the occasional RDW and U/W heroic matchups.
Brimaz, King of Oreskos
. Hadn't thought of this if I hadn't read about it being so good in the sideboard for this deck. "You're not running removal anymore? Alright c:" is basically what it comes down to.
Valorous Stance
. A new card, and especially good against Abzan midrange.
Monastery Siege. I feel that if burn decks become a thing, this card needs to become a thing as well. Even if you're not playing against burn, it's still a great card to bring in for the loot mechanic.