
Modern* DeepbloodEclipse


Mairon_Bauglir says... #1

Very nice concept, though my only critique would be if you're going for the knight tribal with Knight Exemplar, then i would get rid of the humans, good cards but have you considered the following for replacement knights? Benalish Cavalry, Spectral Rider, and my favorite because he is ridiculously powerful for 2 mana, Knight of the Holy Nimbus. Also, Coat of Arms and Door of Destinies are good cards for tribal style. Cool deck btw, hope that helped a bit.

November 16, 2016 3 p.m.

TheVectornaut says... #2

I'd also look at Student of Warfare. He has both knight and human synergy potential and fills in your rather light 1-drop slot.

November 16, 2016 3:12 p.m.

I did infact take a look at the Knights with Flanking, I was kinda iffy about adding them, since all in all I put more emphasis on flying, so my opponents can't really block my creatures anyway in most cases. I do have a few coat of arms and door of destinies, but the problem with them is their cost, they are quite pricey in terms of CMC, 4 mana to get DoD out and then need to summon more knights to actually make it useful, I prefer it in my elf tribal. Coat of arms has a nice instant effect, problem is, at my local FNM spot, the actual 2 players that always win have vampire decks filled with Vampire Knights and Ashenmoor Liege(Brothers or something), I don't want to give them an even bigger advantage then they already have.

As for Student of Warfare, I really like the card, I considered it at some point, but the leveling up kinda put me off, but I might reconsider it, just need to get some and test the deck out with them included.

November 16, 2016 3:52 p.m.

dahhahm says... #4

I'd try to replace asha's favor and nimbus wings, they seem pretty weak. Maybe Griffin Guide if you're dead set on a buff enchantment.

November 22, 2016 2:05 a.m.

Asha's Favor is there for Vigilance, the flying and first strike are added bonuses, I might replace Asha's Favor with Triclopean Sight tho, or maybe even Daybreak Coronet, I really want that Vigilance to massively benefit from those Odric triggers. Hmm, I do like Griffin Guide tho, but the Nimbus Wings are there so I can get early flier buffs.

November 22, 2016 10:47 a.m.

Firebones675 says... #6

Metallic Mimic and Adaptive Automaton might be worth considering.

April 2, 2017 4:37 p.m.

Those are both pretty nifty cards, but I can't figure out what to take out for them. Got any ideas?

April 2, 2017 4:47 p.m.

Firebones675 says... #8

I'm personally not a huge fan of Triclopean Sight.

April 2, 2017 4:58 p.m.

Why not? It's quite useful in 2 ways, 1. I flash it out and can ambush block and enemy attacker, and 2. Once the creature has Vigilance, Concerted Effort will pass it on to my other creatures.

April 2, 2017 5:02 p.m.

Firebones675 says... #10

For starters you have an aggressive deck. You want to be attacking early and often. This means you should be able to race your opponent fairly easily. You shouldn't need to worry too much about eating your opponents creatures because the utility creatures like mana dorks likely won't be attacking and the bigger creatures will just plow through your knights. After several attacks your opponents should need to be keeping creatures back to block anyway. Like if your opponent is attacking with a small creature, you can probably just ignore it and take the damage since you will be unloading damage much faster.

I feel like if you want removal, the paths in your sideboard are significantly better. since they can take out a blocking creature and allow you to attack better.

As for the concerted effort buff, that means you need to have both cards out and since they are both 2 ofs it won't happen as often as I would like. Even when it does all that it means it it discourages your opponent from attacking which as i mentioned is not something you need to be too concerned about and encourages your opponent to leave back blockers making it harder to attack. If you still want the vig buff though, Riders of Gavony is probably a better choice as you can still play it when you have no other creatures in play. whereas if your opponent nukes the board and kills your creatures, sight will just be sitting in your hand.

Auras in general also suffer from the problem of getting 2-for-1'ed super easily. If you go to cast the sight, all they need to do is play a removal spell. Now you lose 2 cards and they only had to use 1. If you were planning on using it to ambush a creature a removal spell also saves theirs whereas something like path doesnt give them that out.

April 2, 2017 5:34 p.m.

That's actually a pretty good point. Except the part where they'll plow through my creatures with their obviously much bigger ones, that's why white specializes in ganging up really well, most if not all my knights seems to have first strike, so I can gang up on a single 6/6 or more with multiple knights that have first strike and they will kill the attacking creature even if they don't have indestructibility.

I'll probably take a look at metallic mimic, It's much cheaper monetarily and also in terms of mana then Adaptive Automaton. Rider's of Gavony also seems to be really useful against other tribal decks, I'll procure a set of them as well. Only issue with the Artifact creatures is that they don't benefit from color buffs like Honor of the Pure.

April 2, 2017 6:10 p.m. Edited.

OOBS says... #12

Have you considered Brave the Elements over something like Triclopean Sight? Brave does a great job of letting you win out of nowhere by making it so creatures of x color can't block, or play good defense by fizzling spells that want to target your creatures or by letting your creatures block without risk of dying. It works pretty well, and I'd consider giving it a go. Good luck on your brew!

April 7, 2017 2:38 p.m.

I do realize Brave the Elements usefulness, but sadly, if the protection happens to be white, which it is very often, because most people in my LGS like to use the ever so adorable Path to Exile and/or Lingering Souls and many other retardedly frustrating white cards, I'd just end up sending all my auras into the grave. I am actually currently running 4 Brave the Elements in my sideboard instead of Wrath of God since I don't have a playset of Wrath yet. I do however use Brave the Elements in Mainboard in just about every other white deck I have.

April 7, 2017 3:35 p.m.

TheVectornaut says... #14

One way to protect your creatures from targeted removal while also making Triclopean Sight more useful could be Greater Auramancy. Once it's out, you can only enchant a given creature one time, but it will make a board of enchanted knights very hard to deal with.

April 8, 2017 6:36 a.m.

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