
Modern hollandboys

SCORE: 160 | 329 COMMENTS | 48031 VIEWS | IN 89 FOLDERS Top 8: 07/12

Jyzuru says... #1

maybe you could throw an Attended Knight in the maybeboard, or in your deck. She's an alright 3 drop. a 2/2 first strike that brings a soldier token into play when you summon it.

July 12, 2012 5:24 p.m.

hollandboys says... #2

Thanks Jyzuru. I thought about Attended Knight before and it's nice to get out another token so I'll put on the sideboard. I also need to formulate a sideboard for this deck so if you have any ideas I'd be happy to hear them.

July 12, 2012 5:32 p.m.

Jyzuru says... #3

This is similar to how I want to remodel my white deck but some stuff I would have in there you don't are a few Gather the Townsfolk so you could turn one Champion of the Parish, turn two Gather the Townsfolk and swing with the Champion for 3. can never have enought tokens when Ordic, Master Tactician is out. Maybe a Hero of Bladehold while she's still in. 4 drop, 2/2 or 3/3 with battlecry and she drops two 1/1 soldiers attacking each time she attacks

July 12, 2012 7:06 p.m.

hollandboys says... #4

Thanks a lot for the advice. The Hero of Bladehold is a great idea, if I can find one I will add it. Also added in three Gather the Townsfolk and took out Mikaeus, the Lunarch because he doesn't really fit

July 12, 2012 10:52 p.m.

Demarge says... #5

If this is for FNM I would suggest cutting all of the card:Captain's Call for Hero of Bladehold . Also Intrepid Hero would be more of a sideboard card since there are decks that he will be useless against. As for the sideboard I would suggest running some Celestial Purge and some lifegain somewhere in the deck is highly advised.

Another suggestion since this is being planned on going to FNM would be to go with either a w/u or w/g land base for Moorland Haunt or Gavony Township , both have some slight advantages if you choose to go with them in addition to these powerful lands. w/u will let you run Geist of Saint Traft who greatly benefits from anthems. w/g will let you have access to card:Avacyn's Pilgrim who can get you ramping into some great advanced board states.

July 14, 2012 10:12 p.m.

hollandboys says... #6

Thanks Demarge. I made it w/g so that I could add Parallel Lives . Also added Gavony Township and card:Avacyn's Pilgrim. I have had trouble getting enough mana so the pilgrim will definitely help with that.

July 15, 2012 5:12 p.m.

pheonix_222 says... #7

Having token generating cards as a sub-theme is a great idea, That being said Parallel Lives and Intangible Virtue seem misplaced. In a deck that's main focus is token swarm those cards are great, but you don't have enough token producing cards to really take advantage of them.

It's a shame Honor of the Pure didn't see a reprint, but Intangible Virtue is a sad replacement for this deck. Parallel Lives and Intangible Virtue could be dead draws a lot of the time unless you plan on including more token generators like Lingering Souls and Midnight Haunting .

Champion of Lambholt is a cool card, but she doesn't play nice with Odric, Master Tactician . You want your opponent to be able to block most of the time so your can use Odric, Master Tactician 's ability to stack combat favorably and hopefully wipe their board. You might not care that much and it's probably not that big of a deal, but with a pumped up Champion of Lambholt on the field Odric, Master Tactician just becomes, for the most part a 3/4 first strike.

I am an advocate for card:Avacyn's Pilgrim, however having any less than 4 is kind of silly unless you have more mana dorks, it's kind of like Ponder , it's either all or broke because you always want at least one in your opening hand.

I'd reconsider Mikaeus, the Lunarch , in a standard format without Honor of the Pure he is the next best thing, his ability is really powerful, even if you only cast X for 1 and kill him next turn with his ability he still essentially plays the same role as an anthem.

Craterhoof Behemoth is a strong finisher, but only if you can reliably cast it. If you don't get to 8 mana every game turn 6-7 he doesn't fit.

Fiend Hunter is very useful in the current standard game and I think running 2 MB isn't a bad idea,

Captain of the Watch doesn't fit, 5 mana is a lot and you don't have enough soldiers to really make it worth it.

August 2, 2012 11:14 p.m.

hollandboys says... #8

Thanks a lot for the help man, that must have taken a while to type.

I think I just need to decide whether this deck will be based on tokens or not. It started out as a soldier deck and has been geared more and more towards tokens since then. I now have 3 Increasing Devotion , and with Parallel Lives and Champion of the Parish that is pretty deadly. To tell you the truth I am leaning more towards adding more tokens in, and will probably add Midnight Haunting and maybe Lingering Souls (just would be disappointed that I wouldn't be a able to use it's flashback).

As for Champion of Lambholt , I have never had a situation where it has hindered me. I have usually found that by the time I have Odric, Master Tactician set up and ready to attack I am swinging for more than 20 damage so choose to have the opponent not block the damage anyway.

I understand what you are saying with card:Avacyn's Pilgrim, and I will probably remove those and sideboard the Fiend Hunter s in order to add 1 more Increasing Devotion and 3 Midnight Haunting . That way I will have a lot more tokens, and will make more use out of Parallel Lives and Intangible Virtue . I generally don't need the extra mana with all the low drops anyway.

Thanks again for the comment bud, I really appreciate the help as I am pretty new at the game.

August 3, 2012 4:32 p.m.

+1 good deck if you wanna take a look at my human deck deck:mortal-vengance or my exalted deck deck:exalted-boost and +1 if you like them

August 10, 2012 8:40 a.m.

PTsmitty says... #17

Your deck looks pretty good. I have a few suggestions, and sorry if they are repeats because I did not feel like reading all of your other posts, lol. I am not sure why Abundant Growth is in your deck. If you are worried about mana fixing I would just take them out and add more land. Sure you draw a card for it, but I personally would think it would slow you down a turn. I was also thinking Thraben Doomsayer does not really help this deck. Yes he is a human who can produce a token, but one token a turn will not break the bank late in the game. If your opponent finds a way destroy all your tokens his ability will probably not help you rebound quick enough. I think having two more of Silverblade Paladin gives you a better win condition. I was also thinking this deck could use some removal just in case your token generating is slower a game. I would find a way to make Oblivion Ring a main board card. It is such a useful card. I would also suggest Erase for your sideboard if Rancor is played a lot at your local card shop. Riders of Gavony could be another good sideboard card for zombie or vampire decks. I hope these suggestions help. +1

August 11, 2012 10:03 a.m.

hollandboys says... #18

Thanks PTsmitty. The Abundant Growth s are in there for flashback on Lingering Souls . I am much too cheap to buy Isolated Chapel and Abundant Growth is my only card draw mechanic without Mentor of the Meek . I agree with you on Thraben Doomsayer , the only time he is useful is with Champion of the Parish and Parallel Lives both up, and I still feel like it slows me down. I will take it out for something until I can find one or two more Silverblade Paladin . Or maybe another Odric, Master Tactician ? He is usually my win condition. I've been trying to get Oblivion Ring but probably will add Fiend Hunter instead because he will boost my champions as well. Erase will definitely go on my sideboard because if anyone is smart they will use Rancor . I'll think about adding in Riders of Gavony but it might be a little too late game and I have Elite Inquisitor on the sideboard for zombies and vampires. Thanks again for the suggestions and the +1

August 11, 2012 10:27 a.m.

PTsmitty says... #19

Now the Abundant Growth makes sense. If that is the case, I would get more Lingering Souls for the deck, but I am sure you knew that already, lol. FYI if you use Fiend Hunter , look up the explanation behind using Cloudshift or any other exiling card as you cast Fiend Hunter . It gets confusing when learning about it, but it basically exiles a creature from the game permanently. It will also build up your Champion of the Parish which is always nice. Adding another Odric, Master Tactician might not be that bad of an idea. Maybe one Odric and one Silverblade Paladin when it is all said and done? The only thing that worries me about Ordic is if you attack all out and someone kills him or even unsummons him. Then all your creatures are fair game for blocking. Just a thought because I wanted to add him as well and someone brought that up.

August 11, 2012 10:48 a.m.

hollandboys says... #20

Ya I have been looking for Lingering Souls but they are really hard to find, especially for uncommons. I've seen the Fiend Hunter and Cloudshift explanation before and I'll think about using that. I'll try it out and see if it slows me down too much. I had another Odric, Master Tactician in for a while so I have one handy and may throw him back in. I have never run into anyone killing or unsummoning him but I guess that would be a problem. I could have the same problem with Champion of Lambholt come to think of it. I will keep looking for another Silverblade Paladin because it is a very good card, especially bonded with one of my champions.

August 11, 2012 11:03 a.m.

Emrakool says... #21

I'm running more of a tribal humans version of this called deck:you-cant-block-this and while I only run one copy, Mikaeus, the Lunarch has been helpful for cranking out counters on my Champion every turn. With Gavony Township I get 2 counters on my Champions and lose none on Mikaeus.

I would definitely consider running one more Township to draw it more consistently. As far as utility goes it's probably the best ISD block land for dumping mana into when you've got nowhere else to spend it. Plus it helps the game go faster. :)

August 21, 2012 8:44 a.m.

hollandboys says... #22

Thanks for the suggestions. I will probably add in at least one more Gavony Township . I had 4 in at one point but found that with the multiple number of creatures that required two of a certain mana that the colourless was holding me back. I have changed the deck around and there are less creatures like that so I will add it back in. The Abundant Growth s will also help with that.

As for Mikaeus, the Lunarch , I originally had him in this deck and found him a little bit too slow. There were many creatures I preferred so I took him out. I might add him back in but truthfully I am more inclined to adding in one more Champion of Lambholt or Silverblade Paladin

August 21, 2012 12:30 p.m.

Lustrigia says... #23

Take out 4 Forest and add 4 Temple Garden .

September 9, 2012 5:42 p.m.

Lustrigia says... #24

Or better yet, Chromatic Lantern to get full potential out of Lingering Souls .

September 9, 2012 5:44 p.m.

hollandboys says... #25

I have been looking at Chromatic Lantern instead of Abundant Growth . Ugh you are right but the shock lands are so damn expensive. Maybe I will take out one abundant growth for a chromatic lantern? Don't really like the higher mana cost

September 9, 2012 5:53 p.m.

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