
  • 5/20/17 Gameday 4-2-1

Round 1 Vs Seth Manfield's Marvel (win in 2)Main deck Negate won this round. Game 1 I Negate the Aetherworks Marvel and its a cake walk. After that my opponent stumbled and couldnt keep up with my card advantage and planeswalkers.

Round 2 Vs G/B energy (win in 2)Opponent was unable to stick any creatures. Cast Out proved its power in the current meta as it shut down Rhonas the Indomitable with ease. Once i began to resolve Torrentials the advantage was far too great. Fumigate made quick work of Ishkanah, Grafwidow and its tokens.

Round 3 Vs U/R control (Win in 2- Time)No Dynavolt Tower, just spell heavy with Torrential Gearhulks TiTi's and lots of counters. Was a bit of a grind and ultimately went to time, but I won game 1 by resolving Lilliana,the last hope on T3 that couldnt be dealt with.

Round 4 Vs U/R control ( Lost in 3)This i ended up losing in 3. More counterspells than i could count. It was a race to resolve Torrential that i couldn't win dude to the sheer amount of counterspells. Was a close game 3 that was decided by my opponeents ability to resolve 3 essence scatters and 2 void shatters to counter 2 of my lilly's and 3 Gear hulks. I was not a fan =P

Round 5 Vs B/W Zombies ( Win in 3) I basically get to gold fish against this deck as it has little ways to interact. Ceromonious rejection came in to battle Transgress the Mind and it paid off. ( i have since cut ceremonious rejection )

Round 6 Vs Drew into top 8 ( Draw )

Round 7 ( top 8) ( Lost in 3 )Was matched up with the same Seth Manfield Marvel deck from Round 1. I felt good in the matchup. I won game 1 with Last hope and gearhulks had the negates for Marvels, but they never came. Games 2 and 3 I got worked pretty hard due to mana variance and keeping a 2 Aether Hub hand ( never again =(....

Ultimately i feel this deck is very strong. I will need to rework the Sb as there were some holes that were left open. So far im not sure how i will tinker for FNM. Disposses is on the radar for sure.

  • PPTQ Alburquerque 05/21/2017

Game 1 VS WB midrange (Lost in 2)Game 1 was easy enough as i was able to remove his board early with Immolating Glare and Fatal Push and then gearhulk and shambling vents cleaned up. Game 2 i saw transgress the mind early and back to back removing from my hand Glimmer of Genius and lilliana, the last hope while pushing out nasty threats like aetherborn rogue and Gideon, Ally of Zendikar it was close but i couldn't dig deep enough for Fumigate thanks to the trasngress on my glimmer and was finally overwhelmed. Game 3 was in my hands as i was able to answer everything he had. t6 came with a Pull from Tomorrow for 4 and gave me the gas needed to keep the pressure on. I was focused on getting my Lilly last hope to 7 loyalty to finish out the game as he was down to no cards in hand. I sadly didnt see the time and the round went to turns. I ended up punting on turn 1 in time because i didnt count a 3rd shambling vent and all three got through to finish me off with exacties. I wasnt pleased with this this result as I just handed him the win when i clearly had it in my sights. Live and learn, right?

Round 2 VS Marevlous EnergyGame 1, I was able to counterspell Glimmer of Genius and Aetherworks Marvel early and that was enough to win. After that though...... I SB'd as if he took out the combo game 2. That was a mistake as he got to 7 mana he had two shrines in play and just began hardcasting Ulamog's one after another and it was lights out. So when you ask " Why the flip does he had Gideon's Intervention in the Sb" that is why. Play intervention, name Ulamog and then proceed with letting them do whatever it is they like.

Scrubbed out because i wasnt well enough prepared.

  • Update to decklist

Liliana, Death's Majesty has been replaced with Gideon, Ally of Zendikar in the main deck. Her -3 is really strong with Torrential Gearhulk however, it was a bit clunky and I ultimately decided, Gidsters being argueably the best 4 drop, was a must have in the main deck.

I have tweeked the land slightly . Its difficult finding the right balance of ETB tapped lands. +1 Censor +1 Disallow -2 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet from main deck. Initially i chose Kalitas over Gidsters in main. That turned out to be less effective for game 1's than i anticipated as most game ones, decks had plenty of removal for him. Games 2 & 3 they tend to take out some lower end removal and just focus on killing Torrential giving Kalitas a better position in games 2 & 3.

Murder has been added to the main in place of Never / Return giving me another instant removal that isnt Fatal Push so i can hit bigger threats in the long run and target it with Torrential Gearhulk.

I will be bringing this to PPTQ on 06/10/2017 and am anticipating doing well.

  • Update 6/13/2017 MARVEL IS BANNED!!!!!

This was one of the hardest days i've had. To summarize, its resulted in 4 matches against Aetherworks Marvel. Every one the 4 matches went to 3 games and i only won 1 round of the 4 against marvel. So i went to round 5 with a bye round. Got some chick fil a and decided that i wouldnt continue to play in a format with marvel. Went back to the shop and finished game 6 with a win against New Perspectives. Finished 23rd out of 34. But now with Marvel banned i feel that more than ever this deck is positioned well. I think The meta will Look and see that Esper vehicles had a decent showing and i suspect that we will see Zombies, Mardu ( possibly ESPER vehicle), BG and Temur Energy as the new top 4. I am working on tuning the deck to a meta without marvel in it. Very much looking forward to the Next PPTQ on 6/24/17.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 5 Mythic Rares

27 - 4 Rares

19 - 5 Uncommons

3 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.94
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Clue, Emblem Gideon of the Trials, Emblem Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, Emblem Liliana, the Last Hope, Energy Reserve, Knight Ally 2/2 W, Zombie 2/2 B
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