Narset, The Last Avatar

Commander / EDH* Komamura


MelonGator says... #1

No Lightning Helix ? also Enlightened Tutor into Brainstorm the your commander's ability would be really nice. Also i think you should put more enchantments in like Leyline of Sanctity and Future Sight

August 31, 2014 10:56 a.m.

Komamura says... #2

Ya i already have Brainstorm and Enlightened Tutor , but i do need to add Future Sight . Idk how viable Lightning Helix is in edh... i like it though.

August 31, 2014 11:01 a.m.

MelonGator says... #3

oh sorry you must have updated it as i was posting.

August 31, 2014 11:24 a.m.

Komamura says... #4

no worries, thanks for the help.

August 31, 2014 11:30 a.m.

kizer5 says... #5

sounds like a Zur the Enchanter or my brothers Uril, the Miststalker deck

just have an untargetable unkillable voltran commander. I love the idea, but I hate playing against them. Hexproof

August 31, 2014 1:28 p.m.

WARPOPE says... #6

Great Decklist! Narset, Enlightened Master is incredible please take a moment to check out my deck *spoiler*WARPACT of The Chain Veil (POST-ROTATION). +1

August 31, 2014 11 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #7

Have you considered using the spells that give you additional combat steps or extra turns to basically chain her ability over and over to generate near infinite turns and win? This would mean that, as long as there aren't any counterspells, you win once you get to attack the first time with her.

Here's a sample decklist of that: MagicalHacker - Narset, Enlightened Master

September 1, 2014 6:46 a.m.

Komamura says... #8

I did originally intend on adding cards like Time Stretch , and Aurelia, the Warleader but when it came down to it i dont feel like they were the most effective. If i do get any creature when i use my generals ability it is a complete waste, although there are some that synergize well with my game plan. As for the extra turn strategy, I did look at your deck list and it did look solid, but that isnt really my style.

I am taking appart a Niv Mizzet deck in order to make this so extra turns is kinda down the same alley. I just try to build decks that are somewhat strong ( not the best ) and i like to personnalize them and make them unique so i feel accomplished when its all said and done.

But thank you everyone for the +1's and i will return the favor.

More suggestions are welcomed!

September 1, 2014 10:01 a.m.

Weirdhat says... #9

Infiltrate for the instant speed unblockable? :D

September 5, 2014 12:11 p.m.

Komamura says... #10

Interesting, for it only being 1 mana that seems ok. But at the same time it might be alittle too lack luster. Since Narset, Enlightened Master only has to attack, being able to actually deal damage isnt too important. For instance... if you use Infiltrate and deal damage to an opponent that would mean you have your general out and then you only deal 3 damage ( early on ). If you play a card like Darksteel Plate you can attack... without dying, and board wipe making the other players nonexistent.

I do like the suggestion though. If anyone has any more i would, at the very least, think about it and reply back.

September 5, 2014 12:19 p.m.

Weirdhat says... #11

I thought she not being blocked was the better part than dealing damage. you never know when someone has a creature that gets around indestructable.

September 5, 2014 12:34 p.m.

Weirdhat says... #12

Eel Umbra works in a similar way.

September 5, 2014 12:35 p.m.

Weirdhat says... #13

also have you thought about Vedalken Orrery ?

September 5, 2014 12:36 p.m.

Komamura says... #14

Since i already have Leyline of Anticipation , i think it might be redundant.

September 5, 2014 12:39 p.m.

Weirdhat says... #15

Decree of Annihilation is a pretty kool card to

September 5, 2014 12:43 p.m.

Weirdhat says... #16

it is redundant, but that isn't exactly bad in a deck of 99 singletons.

September 5, 2014 12:44 p.m.

Teal_Fox says... #17

I'm liking the deck a lot, but I think Lightning Greaves /Swiftfoot Boots would do your deck a lot of good. And although Double Strike does nothing, multiple combat steps a la Fury of the Horde , Illusionist's Gambit , Relentless Assault , Savage Beating , Seize the Day , Waves of Aggression , World at War and finally Aggravated Assault , although I'm not too keen on that one since it'll require to keep mana on the field in some shape or form. And lord help your opponents if you manage to combine this absurdity with a Tamiyo, the Moon Sage ult and Scroll Rack , as it'll essentially be game after that. Two last cards I would consider would be Austere Command since it can hit your opponent's fatties without harming your general and Dolmen Gate so that you can swing without a care in the world.

September 12, 2014 10:57 p.m.

Komamura says... #18

Hmmm very interesting. I do like Dolmen Gate and Austere Command .

I already have World at War and if im not mistaken Illusionist's Gambit is just a fog basically. It says you can only cast it on an opponents turn. I dont know if i want Lightning Greaves do to its shroud. I dont have another creature to move it to and it already has hexproof. Swiftfoot Boots would be better but i would just be paying 4 mana for haste. Tamiyo is alittle bit slow in this deck i think because all i have to do is play my general and destroy all lands. after that it would be alittle lack luster.

I will def think about adding the extra combat cards in. Its just a matter of what i would want to take out.

Thanks for the help though, its nice to think about it in a variety of ways.

September 12, 2014 11:25 p.m.

Komamura says... #19

Thanks for the up-votes guys. Any suggestions are more than welcome!

September 13, 2014 6:48 p.m.

-Fulcrum says... #20

FINALLY, another Korra fan!

I personally don't think you run enough artifacts for Puresteel Paladin . I feel he could be replaced with something more relevant, perhaps Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir ?

September 25, 2014 1:24 a.m.

Komamura says... #21

20 artifacts isn't enough? I use this guy to equip my shiny killing utensils to Narset, Enlightened Master after my lands are no where to be found.

But you are right when it came to Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir being a good card. This is a good suggestion. The only problem is that i dont have hardly any creatures and more likely then not my enemies wont have lands.

September 25, 2014 1:30 a.m.

-Fulcrum says... #22

20 artifacts would be enough, but there's only 16 here.

September 25, 2014 1:41 a.m.

Komamura says... #23

artifact lands ;)

September 25, 2014 1:41 a.m.

Komamura says... #24

September 25, 2014 1:43 a.m.

JonVilla says... #25

With all the lands you destroy im thinking about Crucible of Worlds and Pull from Eternity in case you need to collect something you exiled with NarsId add more draw spells though.Mind Unbound maybe?

September 25, 2014 4:39 a.m.

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